Smith shook his head. “And lose out on all the potential benefits? Like curing cancer? Or wiping out pollution?” He shrugged. “It's like any other advanced technology, Randi. Nothing more. How we use it — for good or ill — is up to us.”
“Now there's the scientist in you talking,” she said drily.
“It's what I am,” Smith said quietly. “Most of the time, anyway.”
“Right,” Randi replied with a wry grin. She relented. “Okay, Dr. Smith, you promised me dinner. Are you going to honor your promise?”
He sketched a bow and offered her his arm. “Never let it be said that I'm not a man of my word, Ms. Russell. Dinner is on me.”
Together, Jon and Randi turned and walked back toward his waiting car. Above them, the last clouds were drifting away, leaving behind a clear blue sky.