Breer, Robert. 'Robert Breer on His Work,'

Film Culture,

no. 42 (1966): 112113.

. 'Robert Breer: On Two Films.'

Film Culture,

no. 2223 (19631964): 163164.

. 'A Statement.'

Film Culture,

no. 26 (1962): 57.

. 'A Statement.'

Film Culture,

no. 29 (1963): 73.

. 'What Happened.'

Film Culture,

no. 26 (1962): 58.

Burch, Noel. '

Image by Images, Cats, Jamestown Baloos, A Man and His Dog Out for Air.' Film Quarterly

12, no. 3 (1959): 5557.

Cote, Guy L. 'Interview with Robert Breer.'

Film Culture,

no. 27 (19621963): 1820.

Film Culture,

no. 5657 (Spring 1973): 2372. A special section in honor of Breer's receiving the Eleventh Independent Film Award, includes the award announcement; P. Adams Sitney, 'Robert BreerFrom 'The Visionary Film-makers,' ' pp. 2438; Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney, 'An Interview with Robert Breer Conducted by Jonas Mekas and P. Adams Sitney on May 13, 1971in New York City,' pp. 3955; 'An Interview with Robert Breer Conducted by Charles Levine at Breer's Home, Palisades, N.Y. Approximate Date July 1970,' pp. 5569; 'Letter from Robert Breer to Jonas Mekas 5/25/70,' pp. 6970; and Robert Breer, ''Robert BreerFilmography' (annotated), pp. 7072.

Page 440

Fischer, Lucy· 'Independent Film: Talking with Robert Breer.'

University Film Study Center Newsletter

7, no. 1 (October 1976): 57.

Hoberman, J. 'Robert Breer's Animated World.'

American Film

5, no. 10 (September 1980): 46, 48, 68.

Kluver, Billy, Julie Martin, and Barbara Rose, eds.

Pavilion by Experiments in Art and Technology

. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1972, pp. 511, other references.

Mekas, Jonas.

Movie Journal

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