
.' In

Roger Ebert's Movie Home Companion,

pp. 399400. Kansas City: Universal Press Syndicate, 1990.

Anne Robertson

Schwartz, David. Program notes for Anne Robertson. In

Independent America: New Film 19781988,

pp. 5556. Includes a statement by Robertson.

Anne Severson (Alice Anne Parker)

Severson, Anne. 'Don't Get Too Near the Big Chakra.'

Spare Rib,

no. 20 (February 1974): 79. Reprinted in

Spare Rib Reader,

ed. Marsha Rowe. New York: Penguin Books, 1982.

. Authored and co-authored a series of essays on dreams and other topics in


(P.O. Box 681, Clinton, WA 98236): 'Turning Bad Dreams into Good Ones' (Spring 1985), 'Beneath the American Dream: A Conversation with Menos' (Summer 1986), 'The Three Breath Exercise' (Winter 198687), 'The Morning After: Discarnate Dream Analysis' (Spring 1987), 'On the Evolution of Consciousness'' (Summer 1987), 'Visits from the Higher Self' (Winter 198788), 'Interpreting Your Dreams' (Autumn 1987), 'The Morning After: Trees of Growth, Houses of Self' (Autumn 1987).


Understand Your Dreams: 1001 Basic Dream Images and How to Interpret Them

. New York: H. J. Kramer, 1991.

Michael Snow

Cornwell, Regina.

Snow Seen: The Films and Photographs of Michael Snow

. Toronto: Peter Martin, 1980.

De Lauretis, Teresa. 'Snow on the Oedipal Stage.' In

Alice Doesn't: Feminism

Page 446

Semiotics Cinema,

by De Lauretis, pp. 7083. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982.

Dompierre, Louis.

Walking Woman Works: Michael Snow 196167

. Catalogue for a traveling show. Kingston, Ontario: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1983. Includes extensive photo documentation of the Walking Woman, a detailed Walking Woman chronology, and essays by Snow, Peter Morris.

Elder, R. Bruce.

Image and Identity

. Chaps, 8, 10, 12, 14.

Field, Simon, Guy L'Eclair, Michael O'Prag, eds.

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