'Technically difficult or impossible,' Chow said.

'I can't agree to this,' Showalter said.

'You won't have to,' Traynor said.  Next to him, Horn shifted

in his chair.  'You're being relieved of your position as Director

SenTrax Halo Group.'


Gonzales came in the side door, and Diana turned from the

stove and said, 'Good morning.  Like some coffee?'

'Sure,' he said.  'You know, I slept on the dock, but I feel


She said, 'Jerry will be out in a moment.  Aleph and HeyMex

your memex right?are on the deck, waiting.  Want some coffee?'

Gonzales took his coffee outside to the deck and joined the

others basking in the sunshine.  All sat in Adirondack chairs,

rude and comfortable frames of smooth-sanded, polished pine.

Below the redwood platform, a thick forest of cedar, alder, pine,

and ironwood sloped toward the lake.  In the middle distance, a

light haze had formed over the water; beyond the lake, a jagged

line of high mountains poked their tops into white clouds.

The Aleph-figure said, 'We must talk about what took place

some time ago.  Diana and Jerry agree; the three of us have a

history, and you two should know it.'

A voice called from the other side of the cabin, then Lizzie

came around the corner, stopped in the shade and looked at them

all basking in the sunshine and said, 'Tough job, eh?  But

somebody's got to do it.'

'Hello, Lizzie,' the Aleph-figure said, 'I was about to ask

Diana to tell the story of how she and Jerry and I first came

together.  You know everyone except Jerry Chapman.'

'Oh, this is a good time,' Lizzie said.  'Hi, Jerry,' she


'Hello,' Jerry said.

Lizzie looked at Diana and said, 'We've always known there

was a story, but Aleph never wanted to tell it.'  She sat back in

her chair, rested her hand on Gonzales's wrist, and said to him,

'You all right?'  He nodded.

The Aleph-figure said, 'Diana, you are the key to this story,

so you should tell it.'

'Very well,' she said.  She took a deep breath and raised her

head.  She said, 'It all happened some years ago, at Athena

Station.  My research there was in computer-augmented eyesight. At

that time I was blindI had been attacked, very badly injured, a

few years before, and since then I had been driven by the idea

that my vision could be restored through machine interface.

'I first met Jerry when he came to visit my work-group.  He

had come to Athena to help the local SenTrax group with the

primary information system, Aleph.  It was experiencing delays and

difficulties, all unexplained  nothing serious yet, but troubling

because so much was dependent on Alephthe functioning of Athena

Station, construction of the Orbital Energy Grid.

'In fact, he was not welcome at all.  I was the problem he

was looking for, and at first I thought he had guessed that or

knew something. Because in working with Aleph I had caused changes

in it that neither of us anticipated or even know were possible.'

She paused, looking at Jerry to see if he wanted to add anything;

he motioned to her to go on.

'Ah yes, another thing you must know.  The circumstances were

peculiar at best, but I became infatuated with Jerry from when we

first met.  I liked his voice, I think  when you're blind, voices

are so important

'Anyway, I showed him a fairly clumsy computer-assisted

vision program we had running.  It used my neural interface

socketing but depended on lots of external hardwarecameras,

neural net integrators, that sort of thing.  That's when I got my

first look at him, and I thought, fine, he'll do, and I believed I

could tell from the way he talked to me and looked at me that he

felt the same.'

'Love at first sight,' Gonzales said.  'Or sound.  For both

of you.'  He heard the irony in his own voice and wasn't sure he

meant it.

'Exactly,' she said.  'Involuntary, inappropriate, unwanted

love.'  She stopped for a moment, then said, 'Or infatuation, as I

said  or whatever you wish to call it.  The words for these

things don't mean much to me anymore.

'It's quite a picture, in retrospect.  I was conducting

apparently damaging experiments with the computer that kept the

space station and orbital power grid projects running, and Jerry

represented just what I had fearedan investigation.  Meanwhile

the two of us were in the grip of some primal instinct that

neither one of us had acknowledged.

'He persisted, wanted details about our work.  I stalled,

told him to go away, we couldn't be bothered.  He went to his

people and told them he needed full, unimpeded access to what we

were doing, and they backed him.  So he came back, and I fobbed

him off for as long as I could

'Then one night I was working late at the lab, and he called,

letting me know that he wouldn't be put off any longer, and

something more-or-less snapped:  I couldn't keep it all going

anymore.  The connection with Aleph had gotten strange and

unnerving, and I realized I had lost control, and I needed to talk

to someone.

'We got together that night, and we became lovers.'  She

looked around, as if trying to decide how much she could tell

them.  'For the next two weeks we lived inside each other's skin.

I told him everything, including the real news I had, which was

that Aleph had changed, had developed a sense of selfhood,

purpose, will.  It had lied to cover up what was going on between


'Had lied?' Lizzie asked. 'Did you understand what that

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