Gary shook his head.
'It's a blood machine, a light that can pick up the smallest drop of blood on a killer's hands. Most murderers think that you can wash off the blood of a victim, but you can't. Oh, you can scrub and scrub, but the blood of a murdered person works its way into the skin and no amount of cleaning can make it completely disappear.'
Patrick paused to let Gary absorb what he had just said.
'Now you say you didn't kill that girl. Well, I'm open-minded.' Patrick picked up the tan flashlight and pointed it at Gary. 'Why don't you stick out your hands and we can settle this right now.'
Gary wrapped both hands around the Coke can and drew it into his chest.
'What's the matter, Gary? You aren't worried about what the blood machine might show, are you?'
'N ... no.'
'Then open your hands and hold them palm up.'
Gary put the can down. He opened his hands and stared at them. There was nothing on them. Very slowly, Gary extended his hands toward Patrick. Patrick pressed the button on the flashlight and directed the ultraviolet beam at Gary's palms. Large iridescent orange splotches appeared on both hands. Gary stared at the orange splotches in horror.
Chapter TEN.
Dennis Downes and Becky O'Shay conferenced in the small room on the other side of the two-way mirror.
Through the glass, Becky could see Gary Harmon. The suspect huddled on his chair, casting frequent frightened looks at Bob Patrick.
'I called Don Bosco from County Mental Health and he's going through his records to see if he has anything on Gary,' Downes said.
'Good idea,' Becky agreed. 'I definitely think you're on to something. Take the magazines.' Becky pointed at the pile of sex books the police had found in Gary's house. 'We can assume Harmon saved these particular issues for a reason and I've noticed something they have in common. The centerfolds are all blondes like our victim and Karen Nix.'
'Good going, Becky. I didn't spot that.'
'Were the victim in the gully and the victim in Blaine blond?'
'One was and the girl he peeped on at the college was blond.'
'All right!' Becky exclaimed.
'What about the absence of blood on his clothing and in the house?' Downes asked.
'I don't think we should spin our wheels worrying about that. Let the criminalists run their tests. If they don't come up, with anything, we can worry about it then. Harmon may have done something as simple as getting rid of his bloody clothes.'
'You're right. If he confesses, we'll find out what happened to the blood.'
Downes stood up. 'It's about time I started questioning Gary again. Do you think I should Mirandize him?'
'You haven't done that yet?'
'I didn't want to spook him. Besides, he's not in custody. I made it clear that he's free to leave whenever he wants to.'
'Technically, you may be right, Dennis, but I'd do it now. Harmon's been here for several hours. Some judges would consider him to be in custody.'
'Okay. I'm gonna start taping the conversation.
You'll be able to hear everything we say in here once I switch on the intercom.'
'Good. You know, it might not be a bad idea to have Don Bosco sit in here with me. The observations of a trained psychologist could be useful at trial.'
Downes left to get a tape recorder. Becky was really excited. She rarely got a chance to be in on an investigation from the beginning and this was no ordinary invest1gation. Her date with Peter Hale was forgotten. Dating Richard Hale's son might have been useful, but Peter wasn't going anywhere. She might not need him to get a job, anyway. O'Shay's plans did not include a long stay in Whitaker. She would gain experience here, then try to land a job with the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office in Portland or the more prestigious United States Attorney's Office. After a few years, she planned to parlay that experience into a job in a big firm where she could make some real money. If she could claim credit for breaking a case involving a serial killer she might not have long to wait before she was on her way.
ties asked 'What happened with the black light?' Dow Patrick. They were in the hall outside the interrogation room.
'Gary freaked. He started moaning and wringing his hands as soon as I turned on the fight.'
'Did he admit to anything?'
'No, but he's pretty scared. If he's going to crack, it'll be now.'
Gary stood up when Dennis Downes preceded Bob Patrick into the room.
'Can I go home now? I don't want to stay here,' he pleaded, casting a worried glance at Bob Patrick.
'I have just a few more questions I want to ask you.'
'Can I go then?'
'Oh, sure. And don't think I don't appreciate all you're doing to help the police. I wouldn't keep you here if I didn't think you could help the people of this city solve this terrible case.'
Downes held up the tape recorder. While Gary looked at it, Downes flashed a quick look at Bob Patrick.
'To make sure I get what you say down right,' Downes said, 'I'd like to use a tape recorder. My memory ain't what it used to be and this gadget saves me from having to write everything down. Do you mind if .
I tape-record our conversation 'No.
'Great. Before we get started, I'm going to read you your Miranda rights.'
'What are you doing that for?' Patrick asked angrily.
'This punk's just gonna hide behind a lawyer's skirts like every other guilty asshole.'
Downes jumped to his feet.
'I've had enough out of you, Officer Patrick. Gary has nothing to hide. If he does want a lawyer that's his right. Now, I expect you to apologize to Mr. Harmon.'
'You've got to be kidding?'
'Apologize, then get out.'
Gary watched Bob Patrick flush with anger, then he heard him mumble an apology and storm out, slamming the door behind him. He felt so relieved that he sagged on his chair.
'Good riddance,' Downes said.
'I don't like him.'
Downes leaned forward and told Gary, in a confidential tone, 'I don't either. The guy has no respect for a good citizen like you. Hell, you'd never hide behind a lawyer, would you?'
'No,' Gary answered, shaking his head vigorously.
They smiled at each other. Downes turned on the tape recorder.
'Well, Gary, to business. First, though, I'm going to give you those Miranda warnings we talked about.'
1. Downes proceeded to tell Gary that he had a right to remain silent and could have a lawyer present during questioning. Gary said he understood his rights, but wanted to talk to Downes, anyway.
'I want to help catch the guy who killed that girl,' Gary said.'That's great.'
Downes had Gary talk about the incident at the Stallion again, so it would be on the tape. Then he drew his chair a little closer.
'Gary, I want to go back to something you told me that I think is really important. Remember you said you were on the way to the Ponderosa after you left Steve's house when you saw a man and woman at the entrance to Wishingwell Park?'
Gary nodded.
'I want you to think about that couple again.'
Gary thought real hard. Then, he shook his head.
'I just remember they was hugging, Sergeant Downes.'