— VICTARION, Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, master of the
— AERON, called DAMPHAIR, a priest of the Drowned God,
— his household on Pyke:
— DAGMER called CLEFTJAW, master-at-arms, captain of the
— MAESTER WENDAMYR, healer and counselor,
— HELYA, keeper of the castle,
— people of Lordsport:
— SIGRIN, a shipwright,
— his lords bannermen,
— LORD BOTLEY, of Lordsport,
— LORD WYNCH, of Iron Holt,
— LORD HARLAW, of Harlaw,
— STONEHOUSE, of Old Wyk,
— DRUMM, of Old Wyk,
— GOODBROTHER, of Old Wyk,
— GOODBROTHER, of Great Wyk,
— LORD MERLYN, of Great Wyk,
— SPARR, of Great Wyk,
— LORD BLACKTYDE, of Blacktyde,
— LORD SALTCLIFFE, of Saltcliffe,
— LORD SUNDERLY, of Saltcliffe.
The Lannisters of Casterly Rock remain the principal support of King Joffrey’s claim to the Iron Throne. Their sigil is a golden lion upon a crimson field. The Lannister words are
TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, and Hand of the King, commanding the Lannister host at Harrenhal,
— his wife, {LADY JOANNA}, a cousin, died in childbed,
— their children:
— SER JAIME, called the Kingslayer, Warden of the East and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, a twin to Queen Cersei,
— QUEEN CERSEI, widow of King Robert, twin to Jaime, Queen Regent and Protector of the Realm,
— TYRION, called the IMP, a dwarf,
— his siblings:
— SER KEVAN, his eldest brother,
— Ser Kevan’s wife, DORNA, of House Swyft,
— Lady Dorna’s father, SER HARYS SWYFT,
— their children:
— SER LANCEL, formerly a squire to King Robert, knighted after his death,
— WILLEM, twin to Martyn, a squire, taken captive at the Whispering Wood,
— MARTYN, twin to Willem, a squire,
— JANEI, a girl of two,
— GENNA, his sister, wed to Ser Emmon Frey,
— Genna’s son, SER CLEOS FREY, taken captive at the Whispering Wood,
— Genna’s son, TION FREY, a squire, taken captive at the Whispering Wood,
—{SER TYGETT}, his second brother, died of a pox,
— Tygett’s widow, DARLESSA, of House Marbrand,
— Tygett’s son, TYREK, squire to the king,
—{GERION}, his youngest brother, lost at sea,
— Gerion’s bastard daughter, JOY, eleven,
— his cousin, SER STAFFORD LANNISTER, brother to the late Lady Joanna,
— Ser Stafford’s daughters, CERENNA and MYRIELLE,
— Ser Stafford’s son, SER DAVEN,
— his lord bannermen, captains, and commanders:
— SER ADDAM MARBRAND, heir to Ashemark, commander of Lord Tywin’s outriders and scouts,
— SER GREGOR CLEGANE, the Mountain That Rides,
— SER AMORY LORCH, a captain of foragers,
— LEWYS LYDDEN, Lord of the Deep Den,
— GAWEN WESTERLING, Lord of the Crag, taken captive in the Whispering Wood and held at Seagard,
— SER FORLEY PRESTER, of the Golden Tooth,
— VARGO HOAT, of the Free City of Qohor, captain of the sellsword company called the Brave Companions,
— MAESTER CREYLEN, his counselor.
DORNE was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to swear fealty to the Iron Throne. Blood, custom, and history all set the Dornishmen apart from the other kingdoms. When the war of succession broke out, the Prince of Dorne kept his silence and took no part. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. Their words are
DORAN NYMEROS MARTELL, Lord of Sunspear, Prince of Dorne,
— his wife, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos,
— their children:
— PRINCESS ARIANNE, their eldest daughter, heir to Sunspear,
— PRINCE QUENTYN, their eldest son,
— PRINCE TRYSTANE, their younger son,
— his siblings:
— his sister, {PRINCESS ELIA}, wed to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, slain during the Sack of King’s Landing,
— Elia’s daughter, {PRINCESS RHAENYS}, a young girl murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,
— Elia’s son, {PRINCE AEGON}, a babe, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,
— his brother, PRINCE OBERYN, the Red Viper,