The Florents of Brightwater Keep are Tyrell bannermen, despite a superior claim to Highgarden by virtue of a blood tie to House Gardener, the old Kings of the Reach. At the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, Lord Alester Florent followed the Tyrells in declaring for King Renly, but his brother Ser Axell chose King Stannis, whom he had served for years as castellan of Dragonstone. Their niece Selyse was and is King Stannis’s queen. When Renly died at Storm’s End, the Florents went over to Stannis with all their strength, the first of Renly’s bannermen to do so. The sigil of House Florent shows a fox head in a circle of flowers.

ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater,

— his wife, LADY MELARA, of House Crane,

— their children:

— ALEKYNE, heir to Brightwater,

— MELESSA, wed to Lord Randyll Tarly,

— RHEA, wed to Lord Leyton Hightower,

— his siblings:

— SER AXELL, castellan of Dragonstone,

—{SER RYAM}, died in a fall from a horse,

— Ser Ryam’s daughter, QUEEN SELYSE, wed to King Stannis Baratheon,

— Ser Ryam’s son, {SER IMRY}, commanding Stannis Baratheon’s fleet on the Blackwater, lost with the Fury,

— Ser Ryam’s second son, SER ERREN, held captive at Highgarden,


— Ser Colin’s daughter, DELENA, wed to SER HOSMAN NORCROSS,

— Delena’s son, EDRIC STORM, a bastard of King Robert I Baratheon, twelve years of age,

— Delena’s son, ALESTER NORCROSS, eight,

— Delena’s son, RENLY NORCROSS, a boy of two,

— Ser Colin’s son, MAESTER OMER, in service at Old Oak,

— Ser Colin’s son, MERRELL, a squire on the Arbor,

— his sister, RYLENE, wed to Ser Rycherd Crane.


Powerful, wealthy, and numerous, the Freys are bannermen to House Tully, but they have not always been diligent in their duty. When Robert Baratheon met Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident, the Freys did not arrive until the battle was done, and thereafter Lord Hoster Tully always called Lord Walder “the Late Lord Frey.” It is also said of Walder Frey that he is the only lord in the Seven Kingdoms who could field an army out of his breeches.

At the onset of the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark won Lord Walder’s allegiance by pledging to wed one of his daughters or granddaughters. Two of Lord Walder’s grandsons were sent to Winterfell to be fostered.

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

— by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:

—{SER STEVRON}, their eldest son, died after the Battle of Oxcross,

— m. {Corenna Swann, died of a wasting illness},

— Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN, heir to the Twins,

— Ryman’s son, EDWYN, wed to Janyce Hunter,

— Edwyn’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of eight,

— Ryman’s son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,

— Ryman’s son, PETYR, called PETYR PIMPLE,

— m. Mylenda Caron,

— Petyr’s daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,

— m. {Jeyne Lydden, died in a fall from a horse},

— Stevron’s son, AEGON, a halfwit called JINGLEBELL,

— Stevron’s daughter, {MAEGELLE, died in childbed}, m. Ser Dafyn Vance,

— Maegelle’s daughter, MARIANNE, a maiden,

— Maegelle’s son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,

— Maegelle’s son, PATREK VANCE,

— m. (Marsella Waynwood, died in childbed},

— Stevron’s son, WALTON, m. Deana Hardyng,

— Walton’s son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,

— Walton’s daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,

— Walton’s son, BRYAN, a squire,

— SER EMMON, m. Genna of House Lannister,

— Emmon’s son, SER CLEOS, m. Jeyne Darry,

— Cleos’s son, TYWIN, a squire of eleven,

— Cleos’s son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark, nine,

— Emmon’s son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,

— Emmon’s son, TION, a captive at Riverrun,

— Emmon’s son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, fourteen, a squire at Casterly Rock,

— SER AENYS, m. {Tyana Wylde, died in childbed},

— Aenys’s son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,

— Aenys’s son, RHAEGAR, m. Jeyne Beesbury,

— Rhaegar’s son, ROBERT, a boy of thirteen,

— Rhaegar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of ten, called WHITE WALDA,

— Rhaegar’s son, JONOS, a boy of eight,

— PERRIANE, m. Ser Leslyn Haigh,

— Perriane’s son, SER HARYS HAIGH,

— Harys’s son, WALDER HAIGH, a boy of four,

— Perriane’s son, SER DONNEL HAIGH,

— Perriane’s son, ALYN HAIGH, a squire,

— by his second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:

— SER JARED, their eldest son, m. {Alys Frey},

— Jared’s son, SER TYTOS, m. Zhoe Blanetree,

— Tytos’s daughter, ZIA, a maid of fourteen,

— Tytos’s son, ZACHERY, a boy of twelve, training at the Sept of Oldtown,

— Jared’s daughter, KYRA, m. Ser Garse Goodbrook,

— Kyra’s son, WALDER GOODBROOK, a boy of nine,

— Kyra’s daughter, JEYNE GOODBROOK, six,

— SEPTON LUCEON, in service at the Great Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing,

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