overwhelmed with sadness”:
22 “Ran like fools”:
23 Bungalow at Krasnoe Selo: Alexander, 166.
24 “I am happier than I can say”: N to MF, 35.
25 “Never forget that everyone’s eyes”: MF to N, 33. “I will always try”: N to MF, 36.
26 “We got stewed,” etc.: Kaun, 133.
27 “Where is Kschessinska?”: Kschessinska, 28. “Be the glory and adornment of our ballet”:
28 “Ah, you must have been flirting”:
29 “Villages and clusters of palm trees”: N’s Diary, 33. “Nothing worth talking about”:
30 “Red uniforms everywhere”:
31 The assassination attempt: N’s Diary, 37–8; MF to N, 51; Alexander, 167; Kschessinska, 35. “I received the Swedish minister”: N’s Diary, 45.
32 Vladivostock: Tupper, 83, 85.
33 Kschessinska again: Kschessinska, 37–42.
34 “Though he did not openly mention it”:
35 “I have been nominated a member”: N’s Diary, 46. Exercise with the Hussars:
36 “Uncle Bertie, of course”: N to MF, 59. “May is delightful”:
37 “She was very friendly”: N to MF, 60. Kschessinska’s career: Kschessinska, 47.
38 The end of the affair:
39 “I was not alone in my grief and trouble”:
1 “My dream is some day to marry Alix H.”: Pares, 33.
2 “Mama made a few allusions”: Radziwill, 38.
3 Princess Helene and Princess Margaret: N to MF, 61.
4 “Oh, Lord, how I want to go to Ilinskoe”: Pares, 33.
5 Nicholas insists on Alix: Buxhoeveden, 33.
6 Alexander Ill’s health: Mosolov, 44.
7 “They murder my name here”: Buxhoeveden, 4. “A sweet, merry little person”:
8 Prussia and Hesse-Darmstadt:
9 Darmstadt: Buxhoeveden, 1; Almedingen, 7.
10 English mementoes: Buxhoeveden, 2. Mrs. Orchard:
11 Alix withdraws:
12 A student:
13 Alix’s visit to Russia, 1889: Buxhoeveden, 23–4. Ilinskoe:
14 Alix’s feeling about Nicholas:
15 Banjo: Buxhoeveden, 22. Italy:
16 Nicholas’s arrival in Coburg: N’s Diary, 48. “What a day”:
17 Two sittings at dinner: N’s Diary, 50. Queen Victoria’s Dragoons:
18 “A marvelous, unforgettable day”:
19 Military drill: N’s Diary, 52. “My superb Alix came to me”:
20 “Your dear Alix”: MF to N, 65, 66.
21 “She has changed so much”: N’s Diary, 54.
22 “We were together a long time”:
23 “Into the arms of my betrothed”: N to MF, 71. Walton-on-Thames:
24 Engagement gifts: Buxhoeveden, 38. Faberge’s
25 “Galloping like a fool”: N’s Diary, 63. “I can’t complain”: N to MF, 71.
26 “I simply had to get up”: N to MF, 73.
27 “I dreamed that I was loved”: N’s Diary, 76–7. “What is past is past”:
28 “Granny loves me so”: N to MF, 74. Aldershot: N’s Diary, 71.
29 “A son was born to Georgie and May”: N’s Diary, quoted by Catherine Radziwill,
30 “Instead of plunging the infant”: N’s Diary, 75. “What a nice, healthy child”: N to MF, 73. “Georgie came for lunch”: N’s Diary, 76.
31 “Love is caught”:
32 German fleet:
1 Nephritis: Witte, 46; Mosolov, 44; Vorres, 63.
2 “My duty to remain here”: N’s Diary, 90.
3 “There is some ice cream in the next room”: Vorres, 64.
4 “My God, what a joy to meet her”: N’s Diary, 101. Welcome in the Crimea:
5 “Sweet child, pray to God”: N’s Diary, 103. “Be firm and make the doctors come to you”: