I turned back towards my wife. She had thrown the coverings aside, and lay on her back, her legs spread, her right hand resting between them.
'How masterful you are, husband,' she said.
Her voice was low. I unbuckled my tunic and leaned towards her. She put her right arm around my neck and drew me down, and giggled again.
A little later she said:
'We make a better pair than you thought, don't we?'
She proved this to me repeatedly in the weeks that followed. I began to think that I had got a better bargain in Longina than I had thought to have. Perhaps the young Appius Claudius had woken her up. (I soon resolved that problem, by the way, arranging to have him attached to the staff of the Procurator of Judaea. Since the appointment seemed to come direct from Caesar, he did not dare demur. It was unfortunate, and in no way my fault, that he got a fever and died before the end of the year. To her credit, Longina did not protest when I told her that her lover was being despatched into what was effectively exile. I have reason to suspect that they continued to correspond, however, but by the time I came to that conclusion I had other more important matters to consider.)
Longina was not well-educated. Indeed she was scarcely educated at all. She wrote in the same tumbling and ungrammatical manner that she talked. But she was no fool; her wits were quick, and she had a liveliness that one would not have looked for in Cassius' daughter.
My father-in-law viewed the progress of our marriage with an ironic detachment. That was a mood, or air, which he cultivated. Cassius was in reality a man of the most intense passion, proud, jealous and implacable. He had made the marriage in cynical fashion: Caesar had conquered; I was a favourite of the dictator; therefore the alliance was desirable. He looked on me still in those weeks after my return from Spain with an appraising eye. In my company he usually spoke well of Caesar.
As for my wife, she was eager to make the acquaintance of the dictator. She urged me to invite him to our house: 'For dinner, supper, anything.'
'Caesar demands intelligent conversation,' I said.
'And we can't provide it? Well, ask that old bore Cicero if you like.'
'Caesar can scarcely go out to dinner without finding Cicero in the party. People look on the old man as a sort of insurance policy. Actually, though Caesar respects him, he more and more finds his tendency to dominate the conversation irritating. Besides, Cicero suspects I penned the Anti-Cato. He has been cool to me recently.'
My objections, which I did not in any case understand myself, were overruled. Caesar was invited, and accepted. At the last minute, my wife added my cousin Marcus Brutus to the party — an invitation which did not please me.
'Is it true,' my wife asked Caesar, 'that you have invited the Queen of Egypt to Rome?'
We all knew he had, and that Calpurnia was furious.
Caesar smiled: 'I hope you will make her acquaintance when she arrives.'
'Oh I don't expect she'll want to meet ladies,' Longina said. 'Not if what I've heard is true.' 'And what have you heard?'
My wife screwed up her nose so that she looked like a little girl.
'Well, that she put her brother to death and that he was also her husband. Is that true?' 'Absolutely.'
'And when he was her husband, did they… you know?' 'Did they what?'
'Well, you know, you must know, go to bed together, fuck?'
'That is something only the Queen could tell you.'
'I don't suppose she would though.'
'I am sure you will not be too shy to ask her.'
I had seen it so often before. Perhaps that was why I had attempted to divert Longina from her intended course. Now Caesar exercised his old accustomed charm. His manner was at the same time intimate and perfunctory. He gave the girl the impression that his whole attention was concentrated on her; and yet he remained aware of his performance, aware of his wider audience whom he invited to admire it.
It was like a play unfolding of which one already knows the conclusion; the chief interest for the audience is therefore to judge the skill with which the dramatist has handled his material. Sometimes, now, especially in these summer evenings, when the mist rising from the valley turns my mood to melancholy (as if there were not already sufficient reasons more substantial than my imaginings to induce such a mood, even a darker one, even despair), then it seems to me that the whole gaudy course of a man's life is indeed no more than such a play, a charade which we enact for the amusement of the indifferent gods. And so I watched the to-and-fro of the conversational dance, saw my wife's lips curve in invitation as she leaned towards him displaying, as if by nature, the rich roundness of a breast, heard her laugh gurgle forth like a stream long dammed-up now breaking free; and all the time, Caesar, the Master, drew her towards him as if there was no more question that she would come than there is that the sun will sink into the western sea.
'What sort of man are you, son-in-law?' Cassius said.
The question was rhetorical.
'If Caesar or any man debauched my wife…'
'Come, Cassius,' I replied, 'there is no need for this pretence. You know very well what you would do. The same as me: nothing, in the case of Caesar. That sort of virtue is out-of-date. Besides, I have shared women with Caesar before, and on some of them he had a prior claim.'
'You deceive yourself, son-in-law, only when you lay claim to any equality with Caesar.'
'Very well, Cassius. I yield to you on that point, and I acknowledge also that you may have a father's interest in not seeing your daughter disgraced. But then I tell you, she is not disgraced. Longina made the running herself. She is no flower that Caesar has picked.'
'And does that not anger you?'
'Cassius,' I said, 'I thought you were a philosopher.'
But if I could not tell the truth to Cassius, I could not hide it from my cousin Casca.
That was strange, for Casca was not a man whom I could expect to understand noble indignation. I suppose it was because he knew me better than any other man. He knew, for instance, that at any time up to the hour of my return from Spain (when I had surprised young Appius Claudius, himself incidentally an admiration of Casca's) I would have been happy to trade Longina to Caesar in return for the many favours he had done me. But Casca also saw, even while he mocked me, that something more than my vanity was wounded. He saw that I had really believed that, simply because I had found in myself an unexpected tenderness for my wife, she experienced the same feeling for me.
And now Casca said:
'So the Senate proposes to grant divine honours to Caesar. It would be appropriate if you were to speak in favour of the motion.'
'In favour?'
'Naturally, my dear. To lose your wife to a man, however distinguished, may be thought disgraceful; to be cuckolded by a god is no shame.'
'I can see only one objection, cousin,' I replied. 'While we may indeed grant divine honours to Caesar…'
'Say 'shall', not 'may'.'
'Very well: shall. While we shall do so, nobody will believe that Caesar is in reality a god.'
'Oh,' Casca said, 'when you introduce the word 'reality', you lose me, and I lose interest. Who is to say what constitutes 'reality' in this fool's world? Are my debts reality? On which subject, by the way, I am distressed that Caesar has betrayed those who trusted him, and declined to cancel debts as we were told he would; not, of course, that I believed that assurance. Certainly my creditors think them real; as for me, I dismiss them from my mind. And as for passion, which some call reality, you are aware — how could you fail to be? — of my passion for Diosippus, when the moon is waxing, and Nicander when it is on the wane, but you also know that if it was in my interest I would have either of the brats crucified — which I mention only as the nastiest death I can envisage. So where is the reality of my passion? I would weep for either lad, naturally, and my tears would be copious and impressive, but they would not prevent me from acting in my own interest.'
'So your self-interest is reality.'