“Thank you Michael,” said Powers as it struck him that neither the President, Beaumont nor Walker had made the same remark. He thought that perhaps they were too embarrassed by their stupid actions.

“Two things, Michael,” resumed Powers. “One, congratulations, you are confirmed as the new Chief of Naval Operations and secondly, I just sent Rear Admiral Walker to command the Second Fleet.”

“Sorry Sir, did you just say that I have been confirmed as the new Chief and Rear Admiral Walker is in command of the Second Fleet?” He paused for a moment and then added, “I don’t know which is more shocking, my promotion or the thought of Walker leading the second fleet.”

“I know the thought of what he could do to it is worrying and that’s why I’m calling. I was very angry when I gave him the post. I remember reading that they were on Arctic manoeuvres and I couldn’t think of anything he would hate more. So we need to cover it. Please put your best second-in-command with him, somebody who’s ready for their own command and tell him to lead the fleet. Walker will just want to keep a low profile. Give your guy the authority to over-rule him if he believes it’s necessary. In other words, Walker is a figure-head only.”

“Understood, no problem. I know just the man for the job. He hates Walker and will relish the opportunity. And Sir, thank you for the promotion.”

“Not at all Michael. The job should always have been yours, I don’t know how the hell that idiot ever got it.”

Walker continued down the corridor with his box in his arms thinking of what he needed to do. He had to call his wife and let her know he wouldn’t be home that night, nor the next few months. He was supposed to have been going to his club that night for a game of poker with the boys. He’d have to cancel that as well. It then struck him. He suddenly realised that he would have to miss the committee meetings. He couldn’t possibly use the equipment on a naval ship, it was full of electronics, or could he? He would have to call The Chairman and check. It wasn’t going to be an easy call. The Chairman did not tolerate members missing meetings. In fact, members didn’t miss meetings, ever.

Chapter 34

Max Marshall was the owner of Global Media having built the business over the previous 40 years from nothing. It was now one of the largest media organisations in the world, with interests on every continent and every media, including newspapers, radio, TV, film, publishing and the internet.

He had been made aware of the story on Donald Kennedy just after the revelation of his arrest. He had received a phone call from his Washington Bureau who had received a file detailing astonishing claims against Donald Kennedy. At first, they took the file as an elaborate hoax and highly defamatory. None of the content was printable. However, when news of his arrest was announced, they began to investigate the story more seriously. It all seemed to check out. Understanding the enormity of the news, they contacted Max. He was very nervous, it was not every day you launched an attack on the world’s richest man. A mistake could ruin the company.

He made some calls to government officials, further checking the allegations, in case they knew something he didn’t. Everything checked out. It seemed that Global Media was holding the key to the world’s biggest story. He was asked by the UK government whether he could hold the story until they made some further checks. It was a Sunday, things would take a little longer but they promised to get back to him by close of play.

He thought long and hard about what to do. If he launched the story straight away, only to find it was all rubbish, Donald Kennedy would have him for everything, his legal guys were legendary. If he waited and had final confirmation from the government, they couldn’t touch him, the government would be to blame. It also meant they could spend the day preparing for the biggest breaking story in the history of the company. The decision was made. Print runs were halted, the first 5 pages were cleared on every paper they published. Each one of their main presenters was contacted and told to report into work on the Monday. Their schedules were re-arranged, holidays cancelled or interrupted.

Max’s phone rang. It was 7 p.m. in London and it was the call he had been waiting for. He grabbed the phone.

“Hello?” he answered excitedly.

“Hello Mr Marshall.” It was definitely not the call he had been expecting.

Chapter 35

Tom only realised the time when he heard the commotion outside his room. He had been so busy on the phone that two hours had flown by. He walked out, said hi to the group and explained they were borrowing one of the conference rooms and led the way.

“I’m sorry to ask you to come at such short notice,” began Tom. “I know we all start school tomorrow but I thought there were some things you guys needed to know.”

Tom spent the next twenty minutes bringing them all up to speed on that day’s developments including the latest news of his father’s alleged links to the assassinations. Finally, he stopped talking and waited for a barrage of questions. None came. All sat still, waiting for the punch line. No-one could believe that Tom’s father was responsible for the explosion, let alone the assassinations. That, of course, was why they had been selected, that and for their contacts.

Eventually, somebody spoke.

“So what are we going to do?” asked Daniel, the son of the Head of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service. Tom had known Daniel for some time and liked his straight talking, no-nonsense approach.

“We’re going to find out what’s happening and who’s behind all this. I hope with your help?” Tom looked around the table and was pleased to see everyone nodding.

“How about introductions, I don’t think I’ve met everybody here?” suggested Zach.

“Of course. My apologies. Probably best we just shoot round the table,” replied Tom indicating to his left.

“I’m Thabo, son of the President of Botswana.”

“I’m Daniel, son of the Head of the Israeli Mossad.”

“I’m Zach, son of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the US.”

“I’m Jin, granddaughter of the President of the People’s Republic of China.”

“I’m Sofie, my mother is President of the European Commission and I’m from the Netherlands.”

“I’m Elena, my father is the Secretary General of the United Nations and I’m from Peru.”

“I’m Lela, Tom’s sister.”

“And I’m Tristan, the son of the Prime Minister of the UK.”

“Excellent, I’m sure we’ll all get to know each other much better but there is one more person I want to bring into this group. He’s not at this school but I called him earlier and told him everything I’ve told you guys and I think he may be quite helpful.”

“Who is it?” asked Tristan.

“Rolf. His family has some rather interesting connections in a slightly different world from the one we all live in,” said Tom awkwardly.

Thabo laughed.

“That’s one way of describing it, I suppose,” he said.

Everybody looked at him for more.

“His dad is the biggest crook in Africa and maybe further afield too,” he added.

“Underworld kingpin is probably more apt,” replied a blushing Tom.

“If he’s OK with Tom, he’s OK with me,” said Tristan.

The rest of the group agreed and Rolf joined the meeting by video conference.

Tom kicked the meeting off by explaining what he thought needed to be done. Two hours later, they all left the room, sworn to secrecy and with a list of questions to get answers to.

Tom checked his watch. He had one more call to make before he went to bed.

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