Caleb Cobb was enjoying a long cigar when Call raced up: he seemed more interested in Betsy than in the news.

“I come close to choosing that little mare for myself,” he said. “I expect it’s lucky for you that I didn’t. I think Mr. Bigfoot Wallace made a good point when he said it’s horseflesh that usually makes the difference in Indian fighting.”

“Colonel, there’s hundreds of buffalo down in that canyon,” Call said. “There might be more Indians, too.”

“All right, we’re off to the rescue,” Caleb said. “We’ll take about ten men. Me and Jeb will come too. It’s a fine morning for a fracas.”

Call had forgotten to mention the dead man. He had had only a moment to look at him, before the Comanches attacked. When he told the Colonel about it, the Colonel shrugged.“Likely just a traveler who took the long route,” he said. “Traveling alone in this part of the country is generally foolhardy.” “I wouldn’t do it for seventy dollars,” Long Bill observed. Shadrach had been napping when Call arrived. The change in the old mountain man surprised everyone: from being independent, stern, and a little frightening, even when he was in a good temper, he had become aged. Though Call had always known that Shadrach was old, he had not thought of him that way until they crossed the Brazos; now, though, it was impossible to think of him any other way. He had once wandered off alone for days; now, when he left camp to hunt, he was always back in a few hours. He sometimes dozed, even when on horseback. Unless directly addressed, he spoke only to Matilda.

The news that they were near the Palo Duro Canyon seemed to take years off Shadrach, though?at once he was mounted, his long rifle out of its scabbard.

“I’ve heard of it all my life, now I aim to see it,” Shadrach said. Then he turned to Matilda.

“If it’s safe, then I’ll come and get you, Matty,” he said, before loping off.

Sam took a hasty look at Call’s arrow wound, broke off the arrow shaft and cut the arrow free. Call was impatient?he didn’t regard the wound as serious: he wanted to be off. But Sam made him wait while he dressed the wound correctly, and the Colonel, though mounted, waited with no show of impatience.

“I want Corporal Call to be well doctored,” he said. “We can’t afford to have him sick.”

Call led them to the dead man, whom Shadrach recognized. “It’s Roy Char?he was a mining man,” Shadrach said. “I don’t know what there could be to mine, out in this country,” Caleb said.

“Roy was after that old gold,” Shadrach said.

“What old gold?” Caleb asked. “If there’s a bunch of old gold around here we ought to find it and forget about New Mexico.”

“Some big Spaniard came marching through here in the old times,” Shadrach said. “They say he found a town that was made of gold. I guess Roy figured some of it might still be around here, somewhere.”

“Oh, Senor Coronado, you mean,” Caleb said. “He didn’t find no city of gold?all he found was a lot of poor Indians. Your friend Mr. Char lost his life for nothing. The gold ain’t here.”

The canyon was there, though. They buried Roy Char hastily, and rode along the rim of the canyon until they found Gus and Bigfoot, hiding in a small declivity behind some thorny bushes. Both had their rifles at the ready.

“What took you all day?” Gus asked?he was badly annoyed by the fact that he had had to cower behind a bush for an hour, while he waited for Call to bring up the troop.

“I got an arrow in my arm, but it wasn’t as bad as what happened to a man we just buried,” Call said.

“You could be burying us?and you would have if we hadn’t been quick to hide,” Bigfoot told them. “There’s fifty or sixty Indians down below us?I wish you’d brought the whole troop.”

“Well, we can fetch the troop,” Caleb said. “I doubt those Indians can ride up this cliff and scalp us all.”

“No, but it’s their canyon,” Bigfoot reminded him. “They might know a trail.”

Caleb walked out on a little promontory, and looked down. He saw a good number of Indians, butchering buffalo. Six buffalo were down, at least.

“If they know a trail I hope they show it to us,” Caleb said, coming back. “We’d ride down and harvest a few of them buffalo ourselves.”

“There could be a thousand Indians around here,” Bigfoot said. “I ain’t putting myself in no place where I have to climb to get away from Indians. They might be better climbers than I am.”

“You’re right, but I hate to pass up the meat,” Caleb said.

Nonetheless, they did pass it up. The troop was brought forward and proceeded west, along the edge of the canyon. They were never out of sight of buffalo?or Indians. Quartermaster Brognoli, who believed in numbers?so many boots, so many rifles, so many sacks of flour?counted over three hundred tribesmen in the canyon, most of them engaged in cutting up buffalo. Call and Gus both kept looking into the canyon?the distance was so vast that it drew the eye. Both strained their eyes to see if they could spot Buffalo Hump, but they didn’t see him.

“He’s there, though,” Gus said. “I feel him.”

“You can’t feel an Indian who’s miles away,” Call said.

“I can,” Gus affirmed, without explanation.

“He could be five hundred miles from here?:there are thousands of Indians,” Call reminded him.

“I can feel him,” Gus insisted. “I get hot under the ribs when he’s around. Don’t you ever get hot under the ribs?”

“Not unless I’ve eaten putrid beef,” Call said. Twice on the trip he had eaten putrid beef, and his system had revolted.

The night was moonless, which worried Caleb Cobb somewhat and worried Bigfoot more. The horses were kept within a corral of ropes, and guard was changed every hour. Caleb called the men together in the evening, and made a little speech.

“We’ve come too far to go back,” he said. “We’re bound for Santa Fe. But the Indians know we’re here, and they’re clever horse thieves. We have to watch close. We won’t get across this long prairie if we lose our horses?the red boys will tag after us and pick us off like chickens.”

Despite the speech and the intensified guard, the remuda was twenty horses short when dawn came. None of the guards had nodded or closed an eye, either. Caleb Cobb was fit to be tied.

“How could they get off with twenty horses and not one of us hear them?” he asked. Brognoli kept walking around the horse herd, counting and recounting. For awhile he was sure the count was wrong?it wasn’t easy to count horses when they were bunched together. He counted and recounted until Caleb lost his temper and ordered him to stop.

“The damn horses are gone!” he said. “They’re forty miles away by now, most likely. You can’t count them because they’re gone!”

“I expect it was Kicking Wolf,” Bigfoot said. “He could steal horses out of a store.”

“If I could catch the rascal I’d tie him to a horse’s tail and let the horse kick him to death,” Caleb said. “Since his name is Kicking Wolf it would be appropriate if the son of a bitch got kicked to death.”

With the night’s theft, the horse situation became critical. Three men were totally without mounts, and no man had more than one horse. To make matters worse, Tom, Matilda’s big grey, was one of the horses that had been stolen. She was now afoot. Matilda cried all morning. She had a fondness for Tom. The sight of Matilda crying unnerved the whole camp. Since taking up with Shadrachr

Matilda had raged less?everyone noted her mildness. But watching such a large woman cry was a trial to the spirit. It fretted Shadrach so that he grew restless and rode out of camp, over Matilda’s protests.

“Now he’ll go off and get killed,” Matilda said.

“Well, if you hush up that crying, maybe he’ll come back,” Long Bill said. He was one of the men who was afoot, and as a result, was in a sour mood. The prospect of walking to Santa Fe, across such a huge plain, did not appeal to him?but the thought of walking back to Austin didn’t appeal to him, either. He had seen what had just happened to the mining man, Roy Char. He was determined to stay with the troop, even if it meant blisters on his feet.

Call and Gus had both been on guard, in the darkest part of the night. Call felt shamed by the thought that he had not been keen enough to prevent the theft.

“Why, I wasn’t sleepy a bit,” Gus said. “It couldn’t have happened on our watch. I can hear a rat move, when I’m that wide awake.”

“You might could hear a rat, but you didn’t hear the Indians and you didn’t hear the horses leaving, either,” Call told him.

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