They stumbled on, the Mexican boys following apprehensively. Another hour passed before the fires were really close. No horses neighed, as they approached the fires. Gus began to feel fearful. He decided Call was right?it was probably Mexicans sitting around the fires, not Texans.
“We could just squat and wait for morning,” he whispered. “Then we can see who it is?if it’s Indians, we’d still have a chance to get away.”
“Shut up, they can hear you,” Call said.
“I was whispering,” Gus told him.
“Well, you whisper loud enough to wake the dead,” Call said.
“Hold on?who’s there?” a voice said, and at once relief swept over the Rangers, for the voice that challenged them was none other than Long Bill Coleman’s.
“Billy, it’s us?don’t shoot!” Bigfoot called.
There was silence for a moment, as Long Bill absorbed what he had heard.
“Boys, is that you?” he asked.
“It’s us, Bill,” Gus said, so relieved he couldn’t wait to speak.
“Why, that sounds like Gus McCrae,” Bill Coleman said.
“It’s us, Bill?it’s us,” Gus said, again.
Long Bill Coleman peered into the darkness as hard as he could, but he couldn’t see a thing. Despite the fact that the voices had sounded as if they were the voices of Bigfoot Wallace and Gus McCrae, he remained apprehensive. It was an odd time of night for folks to be showing up. He had heard somewhere that Indians could do perfect imitations of white men’s voices, much as they could imitate birdcalls and coyote howls.
He wanted to believe that the voices he was hearing were the voices of his friends?it was just that all the stories of Comanches imitating white men’s voices weighed in his mind.
“If it’s you, who’s with you, then?” he called out, wondering if he was inviting a scalping. He cocked his gun, just to be on the safe side.
“Gus and Call and two prisoners,” Bigfoot said. “Don’t you know us?” Just at that moment Long Bill caught a glimpse of Bigfoot, and realized he had been too suspicious. “Nerves, I’m jumpy,” Long Bill said. “Come on in, boys.” “It’s just us, Bill,” Gus said, to reassure the man that no ambush was imminent. “It’s just us. We’re back.”
THE ARRIVAL OF THE three Rangers, in leg irons, trailed by two shivering Mexican boys, aroused the whole camp. The blacksmith soon had the chains knocked off. There were some who favored chaining Jose and Juan, but Bigfoot wouldn’t hear of it. The sight of so many Texans, all armed to the teeth, set both boys to quaking as if their last hour had come, and it would have come had some of the harsher spirits had their way. None were quite thirsty enough for Mexican blood to buck Bigfoot, though.
“Those boys don’t want to fight,” Bigfoot said. “They’re too starved to fight, and so are we. What’s to eat?”
Caleb Cobb looked rueful.
“I’d like to lay out a banquet for you and the corporals, Mr. Wallace,” Caleb said. “I’m sure you deserve one, for making your way back to us under hazardous conditions.”
“Hazardous is right, a damn bear nearly killed us all,” Gus piped up.
“If one of you had had the foresight to shoot the bear, then we could lay out a banquet,” Caleb said. “As it is, we can’t. We ran out of food yesterday. We don’t have a goddamn thing to eat.”
“Nothing?” Gus asked, surprised.
“Not unless you can eat firewood,” LTong Bill said. “We’re all hungry.”
Quartermaster Brognoli sat by one of the fires. His condition had not improved. He still looked glassy eyed, and his head still shook.
“Hell, we would have done better to stay prisoners,” Bigfoot said. “At least the Mexicans fed us corn. We even had soup when we were still in that little town.”
“We’re close to the mountains?there’ll be deer, I expect,” Caleb said. “With a little luck we’ll all have meat tomorrow.”
Call noticed at once that the company didn’t seem as large as it had been when they left it, less than a week earlier. He missed a number of faces, though, in many cases, the faces were not those to which he could put a name. There just didn’t seem to be as many men as there had been when they left. Jimmy Tweed was still there, tall and gangly, and Johnny Carthage, and Shadrach and Matilda, huddled around a fire to themselves. But the troop seemed diminished, and Bigfoot said as much to Caleb Cobb.
“Yes, several fools headed off on their own,” Caleb admitted. “I expect they’re all dead by now, from one cause or another. I didn’t have enough ammunition to shoot them all, so I let them go. We’re down to forty men.”
“Forty-three, now that you men are back,” he added, a moment later.
“Forty-three, that’s all?” Bigfoot asked. “You had nearly two hundred when we left Austin.”
“The damn Missouri boys left first?I expect they’ll all starve,” Long Bill Coleman said. “Then a bunch went back to try and strike a river.’ I wouldn’t be surprised if they starve, too.”
“I don’t care who starves and who don’t,” Bigfoot said. “The Mexicans are bringing a thousand men against us. Salazar told me that. Even if they’re mostly boys, like Juan and Jose, we’ll have to shoot mighty good to whip a thousand men.”
Caleb Cobb looked undisturbed.
“I expect the figure’s high,” he said. “I’ll worry about a thousand Mexicans when I see them.”
“The man who took us prisoner said a general was coming,” Call said?Salazar had dropped the remark while they were on the march.
“Well, there’s generals and generals,” Caleb said. “Maybe their general will be a drunk, like old Phil Lloyd.”
“Caleb, there’s too many of them,” Bigfoot said. “They’re raising the whole country against us. If you don’t have enough bullets to shoot a few deserters, how are we going to whip a thousand men?”
“You damn scouts are too pessimistic,” Caleb said. “Let’s go to sleep. Maybe we can wipe out a battalion and steal their ammunition.”
He walked off and settled himself by his own campfire, leaving the men apprehensive. Seeing the leg irons on the three Rangers had put the camp in a dour mood.
“We ought to turn back,” Johnny Carthage said. “I can barely walk as it is. If they catch me and put me in leg irons I’ll be lucky to keep up.”
“This is like it was the first time we went out,” Call said. “Nobody knows what to do. We’re worse off than we were with Major Chevallie. We’ve got no food and no bullets, either. We can’t whip the Mexicans and we can’t get home, either. We’ll starve if we turn back, and they’ll catch us all, if we don’t.”
Gus had no rejoinder. The fact that there was no food in camp had left him in soggy spirits. All during the long, cold walk, through the snow and drizzle, he consoled himself with the prospect of hardy eating once they got back to their companions. Maybe someone would have killed a buffalo?he had visions of fat buffalo ribs, dripping over a fire.
But there were no buffalo ribs?there was not even corn mush. He* had eaten nothing since the prairie chickens?he felt he might become too weak to move, if he didn’t get food soon.
“At least the Mexicans fed us,” he said, echoing Bigfoot’s remark. “I’d rather be taken prisoner than starve to death.”
Caleb Cobb’s indifference to their plight annoyed Call. The man had led them so far out on the plain that they couldn’t get back? and yet the company was so weakened and so badly supplied that they couldn’t expect to defeat a Mexican army, either. He wondered if he would live long enough to serve under a military leader who really knew what he was doing. So far, he had not found one who could survive the country itself, much less one who could beat the country and the enemy. Buffalo Hump, with only nine men, had nearly destroyed Major Chevallie’s command, and now Caleb Cobb’s force of two hundred men had dwindled to forty before it even got to its destination.
There was nothing to do but keep the campfires going and wait for morning. They made a fire not far from where Shadrach lay with Matilda. The old man was coughing constantly. Matilda came over briefly, to welcome them back. She looked dispirited, though.
“This bad weather’s bad for Shad,” she said. “I’m afraid if it don’t dry up he’ll die. I do my best to keep him warm, but he’s getting worse, despite me.”