I tuck my Will inside my vest, where it will surely be found when I breathes me last.
Chapter 15
My Problem went away. I am much relieved and my high spirits return.
The thing still bothers me, though. Why did it happen? Why did it go away? Am I cured? Will it happen again? I resolve to do further study. I keep my Will tucked in my vest.
The Professor's words for today are
'Any questions?' asks Tilly, not expecting a reply. He closes his books, the lesson being over for the day.
'Mr. Tilden,' I speaks up, all toady and respectfullike. The lads shoot me looks of pure hatred for holding up their escape back to freedom and the light. 'A while back you told us all about those smutty pederasts and sodomites and buggers for our own protection and we
I hesitates and then presses on. I've
'...so that our educations will be complete, like, and we'll profit by it by not going down the way of sin and such.'
But the Professor will have none of it.
'Oh, Jack,' says he, looking at me all sorrowful, 'and I thought you were a good boy.' He shakes his head sadly.
I want to say that I've been a very good boy, more than he knows, but he plows on. 'You of all people. I hoped that you might be a serious scholar some day. Or a man of letters, or even a man of the cloth.' He looks heavenward and heaves a sigh of regret for my lost promise.
'Oh, Mr. Tilden,' I say all earnest and wide-eyed, 'I ask only to be given guidance down the right path, me a poor ignorant boy what don't know no better and port visits coming up where all the temptations will be laid out before my innocent eyes.'
'All I will say to you young dogs is...' The circle of leering young dogs leans in closer. 'The right path is the one that leads away from the Sins of the Flesh and toward the Pure Light of Reason and Righteousness!' Tilly is really red now.
'If you could be a bit clearer on the 'Sins of the Flesh,' Sir,' says Davy, 'the mechanics of it, like.'
'Wot? You want me to give you
'No. I'll have no part in it,' he says, setting his mouth in a prim line. 'No, you'll have to go to the tarts for your lessons in lechery just like all the bad boys before you who are now roasting in Hell, and you'll get the pox just like them and your noses will fall off and you'll come to the doctor and me, saying how sorry you are and how you'll never do it again and please, Sir, can I have some salts of white mercury, but it'll be too late for that and we'll say it serves you right, you little hounds!'
Tilly gets up all sputtering and spitting and chases us out.
'Keep your minds on your studies and your parts in your pockets or they'll fall off, too!' he says as we tumble out of the room. The anatomy of the female is not his favorite field of study, to be sure.
Is that it, though? Have I got the pox already? If so, how did I get it? I feel my nose to see if it's ready to fall off, but it seems right secure.
The pox? Is that what's wrong?
Chapter 16
The Bo'sun's pipe cuts all cruel through our sleep at a little past two bells into the predawn of the morning watch. I lurch up out of the pile of us and grab my drum hanging on the carriage of the number-eight gun and sullenly start in to beating it, still half in my sleep, and head for the quarterdeck. I'm standing there yawning, thinking it's another bleedin' drill.
But it ain't. We've got a pirate!
Amid all the running around and bellowin' of orders I see a ship off to our starboard, much smaller than us, with two masts and big swooping sails rigged fore and aft. It's a corsair and we've managed in the dark to get between him and the shore. The burning hulk of the ship the pirate's just plundered is glowing in the lessening dark. It glows for a while and then winks out. Poor sods, dead or drownded now.
I suspect the pirate was so caught up in the robbin' and the killin' that he didn't notice us sneaking up in the darkness, the
'It won't wash, Sinbad, my lad,' says the Captain with grim satisfaction. 'Let's have all she'll give us, Mr. Greenshaw.'
'Aye, Sir,' says the Master, who then bellows through his speaking trumpet, 'All topmen aloft to make sail!' Some of the men, the really prime seamen, leave their Quarters stations and leap aloft. I see Liam and Snag among the gang racing up the mizzen rigging, Henderson and Saunders up the after mast. The topmen hurry out onto the booms and loose the furled sails from their lanyards, and the sails belly out in the wind and are pulled taut and hard by the men on the lines on deck. More orders from the Master, and the royals and the topgallants whip out and the
It's coming to full dawn now, and the pirate has put on all sail in his attempt to shake us. The corsair with its masts raked back looks fast, but we are gaining on it. We can see the men on board scrambling about furiously. They have a line of loaded guns and are aiming them. There's a puff of smoke and then a boom rolls across the water, but their shot goes wide and the ball skips harmlessly across the water.
'Mr. Lawrence,' calls out the Captain, 'give him a shot from the starboard chaser, if you please.' I don't have to drum for this order, only the times when the Captain says, 'On my order.'
The Second Mate is stationed forward and aims the long gun on the right side of the fo'c'sle. He puts his eye on the sight and looks down the length of the barrel, a smoking punk in his right hand. Suddenly he brings the ember down to the touch hole and the gun roars and slams backward. A miss.
'Let's have another, Mr. Lawrence,' says the Captain, as if he's asking for another biscuit with his tea. Mr. Lawrence's crew reloads at full speed. It's Tink that brings up the bag of powder, which is thrown down the barrel and tamped. The ball is tipped in and then the wad is rammed home to hold the ball in. The Second Mate again aims and fires. This time it hits the pirate and the gun crew sets up a cheer, but the ball only smashes in a cabin wall.
We are getting closer. About fifty yards now. Closer. The pirate fires again and the cannonball whistles over the Captain's head and makes a neat round hole in the mizzen staysail. This is serious now and no longer fun. People are