I figure I'll make it up to Tilly for skipping out on his show by making myself useful setting up for the midshipmen class, and I break my rule about never going into the midshipmen without Tilly.
As I enter, a boot shoots out and catches me on me rump and knocks me down. I hit the floor and turn over in horror to see Bliffil standin' over me, a cup in his hand and a broad smile on his face. No one else is in the room; they're all out lookin' at the kite flyin', and I knows I made a big mistake comin' in here alone but it's too late.
'Snot the Sideboy, well, well,' he says all jovial. 'Come in, snot, you're just in time for a little sport.'
His next kick catches me in me side and I feels somethin' let go and the breath is knocked out of me and I can't take me breath back I can't I can't and he kicks me again and again and somethin' crumbles in me other side, and
'Ain't this some sport, runt?'
He hauls back his boot again and he puts it in me belly and I retches and he kicks me in the face and I gets enough breath back to scream and I screams and then he kicks me on me forehead and there's blood flowin' over me eyes and out of me nose and out of me mouth and I screams and screams and—
'The boy misspoke me, Sir! He was insolent!' says Bliffil.
'I'm sure the boy has learned whatever lesson you are teaching him,' says the Captain, his voice low and even. 'And the next time, Mr. Bliffil, you will bring the boy up on charges if he misbehaves and we'll do things in a proper military manner. Is that clear,
'But, Sir—'
I ain't screamin' now, just gaspin' out rackin' sobs, my face against the deck, awash in blood and tears. Other boots and feet are about me now.
'Yes, Sir.'
'Very well. You are excused, Mr. Bliffil. You, there! Clean up this mess!'
I'm picked up by Jaimy and Willy and hauled off down to our kip and they put me on a blanket and I don't know nothin' what's happenin' around me; I just knows the horror and the pain. They must 'ave sent for Liam, 'cause he's there wipin' me face off and sayin', '
The Doctor takes his needle and thread and sews up me eyebrow—more pain but it don't matter, there's only so much pain and Jaimy's there,
They sets me upright and the Doctor puts a spoonful of somethin' in me ruined mouth and Liam carries me back and our hammock has been slung and they puts me in it and I feels me nose and lips a'swellin' and me teeth wigglin' round in me jaw and I knows now that I'm goin' t' be all ugly and hateful lookin' when I grows to be a lady and jaimy won't want me—no man will want me—and I falls off a cliff and sleeps.
I sleep clear through till the next morning. I wake up and the lads are there and Jaimy has a cup of warm broth, which is good 'cause I sure ain't goin' to be chomping on any horse for a while. My right eye is swollen shut and my lips are out like a duck. I can't close my jaws. I remember what the Doctor said and try not to run my tongue over my teeth, but it's a powerful temptation. My chest hurts like hell, but when I reach up and feel my nose, it don't hurt, so that's something, anyway. I don't think I'll be able to get the broth down, but by takin' really small sips, I do it. The broth cleans the thick clots of blood out of my mouth.
Jaimy's mouth is set in a grim line and his eyes are full of cold fury. He reaches out and pulls away a lock of my hair that has gotten stuck in the mess around my eye. His look changes to one of warm concern and then back to anger.
'Lor', Jacky, you sure can scream,' says Tink. 'They musta heard you all the way to London!'
'You was talkin' out of yer head last night, too,' chortles Davy. '
'Which is how a salty dog sailor's supposed to look,' says Willy with a firm nod.
'And you're halfway there, Jack-o!' crows Tink.
Ah, the sweet comfort of friends.
Liam comes by a little later and tells me that the Doctor has put me on the sick list so I can spend the day in bed. The Doctor gave him a little vial of the juice to make me sleep. I swallow it. It tastes like I remember candy tasting from long ago, before That Dark Day.
'Sleep is the best thing for ye right now, Jacky,' says Liam. 'Just sleep and you'll get better. Soon you'll be dancin' again.' He puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me in a curious way. 'But you've got to be careful, Jacky. There's bad blood brewin' on this ship and you seem to be in the middle of it.'
My one working eyelid is drooping and I'm drifting away into crazy strange and lovely dreams. I dream of Cathay Cats and Bombay Rats and I dream of Kangaroos. I dream of Jaimy and I dream of Charlie.
And I dream of mutiny.
Chapter 22
'You can hit me if you want to, Sir,' I says to Mr. Jenkins, 'but we've got to talk.'
The midshipmen's berth is empty except for Jenkins and me, and I know Bliffil's got the watch so he ain't likely to come in. He'll be out parading around in front of the Captain, all dressed up fine and looking handsome, his eyes gleaming with zeal in the performance of his duty. He puts on a good show. I hope the Captain ain't fooled, as I'd hate to see Bliffil advance in the Navy. Captain Bliffil ... Lord, what a thought.
'I ... I ... I think you've been hit enough, Faber,' says he. 'What do you want to say?'
'You've got to do something about Mr. Bliffil, Sir. You've got—'
'It's not your place to be telling me this,' he says, his face reddening. 'I'm sorry you were beaten—'
'This ain't about me, Sir. I'm a ship's boy and ship's boys get beaten. I ain't complainin'. It's about you. You're bein' humiliated in front of your men. They like you, Sir, I know they do, but they got no respect for you 'cause of Bliffil's rubbin' your nose in it every day. Like that thing yesterday on the fantail, when he...'
'Stop.' He gets redder yet and hangs his head. I hate to be so brutal but I go on.
'The officers notice. They talk amongst themselves about who's gonna make good officers and who ain't. I'm up there on the quarterdeck with them and I hear them. The Captain notices, too. He seems high-and-mighty, but he don't miss much.'
'What do you think I should d ... d ... do?' he says miserably.
'You've got to fight him, Sir. Fight him straight out. You can't be any more shamed than you are now. If you don't do somethin,' you'll lose your commission and live in shame for the rest of your life.'
I look at him steady. I am being as cruel as I know how. 'The Captain's gonna put you off soon, you know that.'
'Perhaps that's best. Maybe I'm not cut out for this life,' he says. 'I could do other things.'
'Right,' says I. 'And you might be right good at other things, but every morning you'll have to look at yourself in the mirror and you'll remember,