boy. That little bit of damning evidence is hidden deep in my lowest hidey-hole, but the memory of that day is locked down deep in my heart. Whatever else happens, I'll always have that.
This new dress, though not having the history of the other, is going to be beautiful with its white piping on the blue and the pleats on the skirt and the tight waist and fitted top. I've made another seabag and put my name on the side of this one so I can't give it away, and I would have made one for Jaimy but that would make the other boys look at me funny again and we can't have that. I stuff the dress inside the bag and only pull out a little of it at a time to work on so I could cover it up if surprised. But hardly anyone ever comes up on the mizzen top 'cept me and Jaimy.
I'm thinking that dresses are funny things, though, now that I've actually worn one. Why would a country like ours, which so prizes the so-called purity of its women so much, have them wear something like a
It's just the four of us in Tilly's class now, what with Willy gone off. I did finally get him to the point where he can scrawl his name, and I believe that is going to be it for Willy's book learning.
Old Tilly has been doing Shakespeare with us lately and the boys like it for all the blood and murders and such and I like it for the romance and the trickery and twists and things, but I don't think Juliet was very bright thinking
'Jaimy found hisself a Juliet of his own in Kingston,' says Davy, still not over it.
'Is that so, James?' says Mr. Tilden, looking at Jaimy closely.
'I just talked to a village girl for a while, that's all,' says Jaimy, all hot under the collar and looking daggers at Davy.
'Right,' says Davy, all nudge-nudge, wink-wink with Tink.
'I hope you haven't done something stupid,' says Tilly, 'something besides getting yourselves up like a parcel of rogues.' We all touch our earrings at that, and I give Jaimy a secret smouldering look.
'She promised to name the baby after him, ain't that right, Jay-mee?' says I, grinning at Jaimy's discomfort.
I am taken out, actually, and I am weighed. Tilly's still caught up in his foolish kite experiment and we hear again of the accursed Bernoulli. Today a board is set across a spar and I'm put on one end. Two-and-a-half bags of flour are put on the other end and I'm lifted up. Under Tilly's direction a seaman takes flour out of the half bag until I am level. I find the whole thing a bit demeaning and I wear my best angry glower.
Satisfied, Tilly puts the two-and-a-half bags in another bag and ties it up and puts it in the kite harness. Jaimy is looking at me with a certain satisfaction now.
I'm looking real stormy, with the direction things seem to be taking, and manage to get across my discomfort, and Tilly says, 'You silly boy, why, this flying machine is as safe as a cradle, and if I weren't a gentleman of some substance, I'd go up in it myself, I would. You're a very lucky boy to be chosen as the first to go aloft.'
Seein' that I still ain't convinced, he goes on.
'Did you know that French scientists sent a man up several hundred feet in a kite last year at the Continental Exposition? And that kite was inferior to this one. Did you know that some people in high places in the government think that's how Bonaparte's going to get his army across the Channel to fight us? Yes, it's true. Kites it is. Kites and balloons. I think they're right, too. It's a brave new scientific world.'
Tilly potters about some more and looks at the clouds scudding by and says, 'But, I'm sorry to say, you shan't get to go up today. Just a test flight, I'm afraid. We must proceed in an orderly manner.'
With all of us and about a dozen men holding on, the kite is lifted aloft. The damned thing works.
Later, in the mizzen top, Jaimy is really steamed with me.
'How could you say that to Mr. Tilden?' he demands.
'Come on, Jaimy, I was only joking,' says I. 'Tilly knows it. It's all right.'
I bat my eyelashes and look up at him all contrite. 'Please forgive me, Jay-mee.'
'I ... I just wish you wouldn't be so ... so ... crude sometimes.'
'Crude! If we're sittin' here talkin'
'No, no ... I don't mean that.' He searches for the words. 'It's just the way you talk sometimes. It's ... cheap.'
I decide to make light of this. 'Aw, g'wan, Jai-mee. Oi'm jes' teasin' wi' ye. Coom an' gi' yer salty sailor lass a bit o' a kiss.'
'Why not?'
'Because it isn't dignified, is why. If we're to be married, well...'
I sit up straight and fold my hands in my lap and say, 'All right, Jaimy. You tell me what to be and I'll be it.'
'Well, be more ladylike, more befitting an officer's wife...'
'Very well, how's this?' I put my mouth in a prim little line. 'Oh, Captain Fletcher, it is
Jaimy laughs and flings his shirt at me.
'Perhaps I am a bit of a stuffed shirt.'
'I love you, anyway. Now come here, Captain, and give your ladyship a kiss before she does something
He really is the most magnificent boy.
Chapter 33
'The words for today are
I've also got three words for today, but I don't say them out loud. They are