listening. Now, all he had to do was give them something to listen to.
“Who are you?”
Pryce hopped back to avoid bumping into Dearlyn Ambersong. Her eyes were haunted and red-rimmed, with dark circles beneath them. Her skin was pallid. He stopped, leaned toward her, stared, then leaned back again. “You should be on board,” he told her quietly.
“Who are you?” she whispered urgently again.
He whispered back. “I’m Darlington Blade.”
“No, you’re not.”
‘Yes, I am.”
Despite all the people around them, the two felt alone. She blinked and her eyes started to get wet. Then her lips grew thin, tight, and bloodless. As he watched, she somehow regained her composure. “You told me you weren’t,” she said, a deadly chill in her voice.
‘You were going to kill me.”
“But if you really were Darlington Blade, I couldn’t have killed you!”
Even though her voice had begun to rise, Pryce did not alter his manner, volume, or tone. “Yes, but if I weren’t Darlington
Blade, I most certainly would have hurt you.”
She blinked, her mouth opening and closing on that conundrum. “But… you said… my father…”
Very carefully, he placed his hand on her arm, hoping he could keep her from falling apart. “Miss Ambersong. Dearlyn. Listen to me. I care for… ” He swallowed, unable to finish the sentence after everything he had knowingly, and unknowingly, done to her. “I care what you think of me,” he was finally able to say. “Get on board the ship. No matter what you may feel, and no matter what you have suffered, this I can promise you: It will all be over soon. Do as I ask. Please.”
She stared at him for a few seconds more, then spun on her heel and hurried up the gangplank. Pryce took a deep breath, fighting off a feeling of shame. He straightened his shoulders and reminded himself that he had a difficult and extremely dangerous job to do. He touched the clasp and moved toward the companionway.
Several people he recognized as elders of the council gave him the highest sign of Lallor approval, “the Halruan Salute”a nod of the head while pointing at the brain with the forefinger. Pryce was pleased to return the sign, hoping he would be living up to it very soon. He allowed himself a nod, minus the brain-pointing, to various other interested parties, including some junior patrol leaders, the head militiamen, and even a few elves and half- elves whose interest in illusion was so great that they were allowed to study in the city.
Finally Pryce made his way through the excited crowd to a walkway that led up to the deck. At the top of the gantry, a young human crew member was checking the passenger list. “Where is the captain?” Pryce inquired.
The crewman pointed toward the upper deck, where an officious older woman in a handsome sky-blue uniform, complete with golden epaulets and silver buttons, stood beside a pair of carved cylinders. Pryce walked quickly past several other crew members who were bustling around the deck and hopped up the ladderlike steps to where she stood. He put out his hand as he approached her.
“Permission to sail with you, Captain. I am Darlington Blade.”
Without hesitation, the woman took his forearm in her hand and he gripped hers in return. When people rode in a skyship together, they depended on and trusted each other implicitly. “Captain Renwick Scottpeter, Mr. Blade. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure for me to be finally met.” He looked at the blue sky and the gray clouds off in the distance. “Is everything in readiness for our voyage of sanctuary?”
“The inquisitrixes and priestesses of Mount Talath have prepared a beacon queue for us to follow,” Captain Scottpeter reported. “Once we reach a certain altitude, we will be irrevocably drawn to the Central Temple of Mystra, where Greila Sontoin awaits us.”
Pryce spun his head toward her. “Greila Sontoin herself?” he asked incredulously.
‘To receive the life’s work of Geerling Ambersong, personally delivered by Darlington Blade? She said, and I quote, that she ‘wouldn’t miss it for all the electrum in Zoundar.’”
Pryce smiled back with excitement and just a slight case of nausea. Sontoin was said to possess unearthly wisdom. “I am anxious to see how our meeting goes,” he said honestly.
“As I am to see what you have planned for our expedition,” said the captain, now surveying the horizon. “I’m told you have a most unique… entertainment… prepared.”
Pryce grimaced. That would be the way Lymwich would term it. “I wouldn’t precisely call it an entertainment, nor would I say I’m exactly prepared. I do hope, however, that you and your crew have also been advised to be prepared… for anything.”
The captain nodded. “Please do not concern yourself on that score, Mr. Blade. You can rest assured that we will sail this ship with infinite pride and determination no matter what occurs.”
‘Thank you, Captain. Now, is there some place where I can make ready for my presentation?”
She led him to her quarters, which were nestled below the upper deck, looking out the stern. After showing him inside, the captain took her leave. The ceiling was low, but otherwise the room was plush and comfortable. A crimson-covered bed was recessed into the wall toward the bow. A table and chairs were placed below windows that looked out the starboard side. An imposing wooden desk rested below the stern windows.
To his relief and growing pleasure, the wardrobe he had asked for was laid out on the bed. Before he concerned himself with it, however, Pryce took a moment to survey Lallor, and Lallor Bay, from above. It was indeed a beautiful city… truly the hidden jewel of Halruaa. Its proudly executed design made it a place to fight for, to die for… and apparently to kill for.
There was a knock at the door. Pryce glanced that way and said, “Yes?”
The halfling grotto manager stuck his head inside. “Blade?”
“Gheevy, my friend!” Pryce said with pleasure. “Do come in!” The halfling entered, looking deeply concerned. Pryce laughed. “My dear Wotfirr, don’t worry. I assure you that I will rest on this voyage!”
“It’sit’s not that, Blade. It’s… well, how on Toril will you ever pull this thing off?”
Pryce furrowed his brow and came around the table. “What do you mean, my friend? What’s troubling you?”
The halfling quickly looked to see if there was anyone else in the hall, then closed the door firmly. “It’s like you said when you left the workshop,” he said urgently. “We know now that Geerling, Gamor, and Teddington are dead. But there’s one more person who is dead, and only we two know it!”
Pryce turned his head to one side, as if he heard something off in the distance. “Who?” he wondered.
“You know!”
“I’m afraid I don’t,” Pryce said calmly. “Darlington Blade!” Gheevy hissed. “I am Darlington Blade,” Pryce said casually. ‘Yes, but”
Suddenly Pryce held up his hand. “Don’t say it, Gheevy. I know. But if this is going to work, I have to remember one thing: I am Darlington Blade.”
“But you’re not!” the halfling wailed in despair. “And you know it!”
“No, I don’t,” said Pryce flatly, his expression blank. “What?”
“You’re wrong, Gheevy. You were wrong when you said that ‘only we two’ knew one more person was dead, and you’re wrong now.”
Wotfirr looked intrigued. “Whatever do you mean?”
Pryce held up his forefinger. “The murderer also knows it,” he reminded the halfling.
Realization dawned on the halfling’s face, followed by storm clouds of anxiety. “Right. So how can you possibly reveal his identity without condemning yourself?”
Pryce just stared at his associate for a few moments, then turned idly toward the starboard window. He looked out while absentmindedly fingering the heavy wooden table. “An interesting question, that,” he said so quietly that Gheevy barely heard him.”Remember what I told you the most important letter was to a detective?”
“Certainly.” The halfling nodded. ‘Y.”
“Exactly. Why. As in ‘Why has the murderer let me live?’ Or ‘Why hasn’t the murderer exposed me long before now?’ ” He cocked an amused eye at the halfling. “Do you have any answers, Gheevy?”
The halfling looked around the cabin helplessly. “No, none at all.”