and crumbling mausoleums.

Byrne stood in the cool shade of a huge maple for a while, resting. Lavender, he thought. Gracie Devlin's favorite color was lavender.

When he regained his strength, he walked over to Gracie's grave site. He was surprised that he found the plot so quickly. It was a small, inexpensive marker, the kind for which you settle when the high-pressure sales tactics fail and the salesman needs to move on. He looked down at the stone.

Marygrace Devlin.

Eternal Grace read the inscription above the carving. Byrne did a little landscaping around the stone, pulling the overgrown grass and weeds, brushing the dirt from the face.

Had it really been two years since he stood here with Melanie and Garrett Devlin? Had it really been two years since they gathered in the cold winter rain, black-clad silhouettes against the deep violet horizon? He had lived with his own family then, the coming sadness of his divorce not even on his radar. He had driven the Devlins home that day, helped at the reception in their small row house. He had stood in Gracie's room that afternoon. He remembered the smell of lilacs and floral perfume and moth cakes. He remembered the collection of ceramic figures from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on Gracie's bookshelf. Melanie had told him that the only figurine her daughter needed was Snow White to complete the set. She told him that Gracie intended to buy the final piece the day she was killed. Three times Byrne had returned to the theater where Gracie was murdered, looking for the figurine. He never found it. Snow White.

Since that night, every time Byrne heard the name Snow White his heart ached a little more.

He eased himself to the ground. The relentless heat was warming on his back. After a few moments he reached out, touched the headstone and-the images slam into his mind with a brutal and untamed fury… Gracie on the rotted floorboards of the stage… Gracie's clear blue eyes clouded with terror… the eyes of menace in the darkness above her… the eyes of Julian Matisse… Gracie's screams blotting out all sound, all thought, all prayerByrne was flung backward, gut-shot, his hand exploding off the cool granite. His heart raced to burst. The well of tears in his eyes brimmed. So real. My God, so real.

He looked around the cemetery, soul-shaken, his pulse thrumming in his ears. There was no one near him, no one watching. He found a small measure of calm within him, gripped it, held on tight.

For a few unworldly moments he found it hard to reconcile the fury of his vision with the peace of the graveyard. He was soaked with sweat. He glanced at the headstone. It looked perfectly ordinary. It was perfectly ordinary. The brutal power was within him.

There was no doubt. The visions were back.

Byrne spent the early evening in physical therapy. As much as he hated to admit it, the therapy was helping. A little. He seemed to have a little more mobility in his legs, a little more flexibility in his lower back. Still, he would never concede this to the Wicked Witch of West Philadelphia.

A friend of his ran a gym in Northern Liberties. Instead of driving back to his apartment, Byrne grabbed a shower at the gym, then a light dinner at a neighborhood diner.

At about eight o'clock he pulled into the parking lot next to the Silk City Diner to wait for Victoria. He cut the engine, waited. He was early. He thought about the case. Adam Kaslov was no stone killer. Still, there was no such thing as coincidence, not in his experience. He thought about the young woman in the trunk of the car. He had never gotten used to the level of savagery available to the human heart.

He replaced the image of the young woman in the trunk of the car with the images of making love to Victoria. It had been such a long time since he had felt the swell of romantic love in his chest.

He recalled the first time, the only other time in his life he had felt that way. The time he met his wife. He recalled that summer day with a precious clarity, smoking pot next to the 7-Eleven with some of the Two- Street boys-Des Murtaugh, Tug Parnell, Timmy Hogan-listening to Thin Lizzy on Timmy's shitty boom box. It wasn't that anyone liked Thin Lizzy all that much, but they were Irish, damnit, and that meant something. 'The Boys Are Back in Town,' 'Jailbreak,' 'Fighting My Way Back.' Those were the days. The girls with their big hair and glitter makeup. The guys with the skinny ties, gradient shades, and sleeves pushed up.

But there was never a Two-Street girl with more attitude than Donna Sullivan. Donna had on a white pin-dot sundress that day, the kind with the thin straps on the shoulders, the kind that swayed with every step. She was tall and noble and confident in her bearing; her strawberry- blond hair was back in a ponytail, luminous like summer sunshine on Jersey sand. She was walking her dog, a little Yorkie she called Brando.

When Donna got up to the store, Tug was already down on all fours, panting like a dog, asking to be walked on a chain. That was Tug. Donna rolled her eyes, but she smiled. It was a girlish smile, a playful grin that said she could go along with the clowns of the world. Tug rolled onto his back, working the gag for all it was worth.

When Donna looked at Byrne, she gave him a different smile, a woman's smile, one that offered everything and revealed nothing, one that found its way deep into Kevin Byrne's tough-guy chest. A smile that said: If you are the man in this group of boys, you will be with me.

Gimme the puzzle, God, Byrne had thought at that moment, looking at that beautiful face, those aquamarine eyes that seemed to bore right through him. Gimme the puzzle to this girl, God, and I'll solve it.

Tug noticed that Donna had noticed the big guy. Like always. He got up and, if it had been anyone but Tug Parnell, would've felt foolish. 'This side of beef is Kevin Byrne. Kevin Byrne, Donna Sullivan.'

'You're the one they call Riff Raff, right?' she asked.

Byrne reddened in a flash, embarrassed at the handle for the very first time. The nickname had always given Byrne a certain sense of ethnic bad- boy pride, but coming from Donna Sullivan's lips that day, it sounded, well, stupid. 'Uh, yeah,' he said, feeling even dumber.

'Want to walk with me awhile?' she asked.

It was like asking him if he had any interest in breathing. 'Sure,' he said.

And thus she had him.

They walked down to the river, their hands brushing, never quite reaching out, fully sensing each other's nearness. When they returned to the neighborhood at just after dusk, Donna Sullivan kissed him on the cheek.

'You're not so tough, you know,' Donna said.

'I'm not?'

'No. I think you may even be sweet.'

Byrne grabbed his heart in mock cardiac arrest. 'Sweet?'

Donna laughed. 'Don't worry,' she said. She lowered her voice to a honey whisper. 'Your secret is safe with me.'

He watched her walk up to the house. She turned, silhouetted in the doorway, and blew him another kiss.

He fell in love that day, and he thought it would never end.

The cancer got Tug in '99. Timmy was running a plumbing crew in Camden. Six kids, last he heard. Des was killed by a drunk driver in '02. Himself.

And now Kevin Francis Byrne again felt that rush of romantic love, for only the second time in his life. He had been adrift for so long. Victoria had the power to change all that.

He decided to call off this crusade to find Julian Matisse. Let the system run its game. He was too old and too tired. When Victoria showed, he would tell her, they would have a few cocktails, call it a night.

The one good thing that came out of all this was that he had found her again.

He looked at his watch. Nine ten.

He got out of his car, walked into the diner, thinking he had missed Victoria, thinking maybe she had not seen his car and had gone inside. She was not inside. He took out his cell phone, called her number, got her voice mail. He called the runaway shelter where she counseled, and was told that she had left awhile ago.

When Byrne got back to the car, he had to look twice to make sure it was his car. For some reason, his car now had a hood ornament. He glanced around the lot, a little disoriented. He looked back. It was his car.

As he got closer, he felt the hair rise on the back of his neck, and the skin begin to dimple on his arms.

It wasn't a hood ornament. Someone had put something on the hood of his car while he was inside the diner, a small ceramic figure sitting on an oaken keg. A figurine from a Disney movie.

It was Snow White.

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