flower-print shift and had her thinning hair in hot rollers. It appeared as if she said something to the man. Staring straight ahead, still denying the camera his profile-as if he knew the security camera position-the man answered her, gesturing to his left. The woman, nodded, smiled, smoothed the dress over her abundant hips, as if waiting for the man to continue the conversation. He did not. She then huffed out of the frame. The man did not watch her go.

A few more moments passed. The man looked at a few more tapes, then quite casually took a videotape out of the bag and put it on the shelf. Mateo rewound the tape, replayed the section, then froze the tape and slowly zoomed in, sharpening the image as much as possible while he did so. The graphic on the front of the videotape box became clearer. The image was a black-and-white photograph of a man on the left and a woman with curly blond hair on the right. Down the center, splitting the photo in two, was a ragged red triangle.

The tape was Fatal Attraction.

The sense of excitement was palpable in the room.

'Now, see, the employees are supposed to make customers leave bags like that at the front counter,' Kilbane said. 'Fucking idiots.'

Mateo rewound the tape to the point where the figure entered the frame, played it back in slow motion, froze the image, enlarged it. It was very grainy, but it was clear that there was elaborate embroidery on the back of the man's satin jacket.

'Can you get closer?' Jessica asked.

'Oh, yeah,' Mateo said, firmly center stage. This was his wheelhouse.

He began to work his magic, tapping keys, adjusting levers and knobs, bringing the image up and in. The embroidered picture on the back of the jacket appeared to be a green dragon, its narrow head breathing a thin crimson flame. Jessica made a note to look into tailors who specialized in embroidery.

Mateo worked the image to the right and down, centering it on the man's right hand. It was clear that he was wearing a surgical glove.

'Jesus,' Kilbane said, shaking his head, running a hand over his jaw. 'Fucking guy comes in the store wearing latex gloves and there's no red flag with my employees. They are so fucking yesterday, man.'

Mateo flipped on a second monitor. On it was the freeze-frame of the killer's hand holding the weapon in the Fatal Attraction killing tape. The gunman's right sleeve had a ribbing similar to the jacket in the surveillance video. Although not concrete evidence, the jackets were definitely similar.

Mateo hit a few keys and began printing off hard copies of both images.

'When was the Fatal Attraction tape rented?' Jessica asked.

'Last night,' Kilbane said. 'Late.'


'I don't know. After eleven. I could look it up.'

'And you're saying that whoever rented it watched the tape and brought it back to you?'



'This morning.'


'I don't know. Ten, maybe?'

'Did they drop it in the bin or did they bring it inside?'

'They brought it right to me.'

'What did they say when they brought the tape back?'

'Just that there was something wrong with it. They wanted their money back.'

'That's it?'

'Well, yeah.'

'They didn't happen to mention that someone had spliced in an actual homicide?'

'You gotta understand who comes into that store. I mean, at that store, people brought back that movie Memento saying that there was something wrong with the tape. They said the movie was on the tape backward. You believe that?'

Jessica continued to stare at Kilbane for a few moments, then turned to Terry Cahill.

'Memento was a story told in reverse,' Cahill said.

'Uh, okay,' Jessica replied. 'Whatever.' She turned her attention back to Kilbane. 'Who rented the Fatal Attraction tape?'

'Just a regular,' Kilbane said.

'We'll need the name.'

Kilbane shook his head. 'He's just a regular schmuck. He ain't got nothing to do with this.'

'We'll need the name,' Jessica repeated.

Kilbane stared at her. You'd think a two-time loser like Kilbane would know better than to try to finesse the cops. On the other hand, if he was smarter, he wouldn't be a two-time loser. Kilbane was just about to object when he glanced at Jessica. Perhaps a phantom pain in his side flared momentarily, recalling Jessica's wicked body shot. He acquiesced and gave them the name of the customer.

'Do you know the woman on the surveillance tape?' Palladino asked. 'The woman who talked to that man?'

'What, that heifer?' Kilbane screwed up his face, as if GQ^ gigolo studs like him would never associate with an overweight middle-aged woman who went out in public wearing hot rollers. 'Uh, no.'

'Have you seen her in the store before?'

'Not that I remember.'

'Did you watch the whole tape before you sent it to us?' Jessica asked, knowing the answer, knowing that someone like Eugene Kilbane could not resist.

Kilbane looked at the floor for a moment. Obviously, he had. 'Yeah.'

'Why didn't you bring it in yourself?'

'I thought we went over this.'

'Tell us again.'

'Look, you might want to be a little nicer to me.'

'And why is that?'

'Because I can break this case wide open for you.'

Everyone just stared at him. Kilbane cleared his throat. It sounded like a farm tractor backing out of a muddy culvert. 'I want assurances that you're going to overlook my little, uh, indiscretion of the other day.' At this he lifted up his shirt. The game zipper he'd had on his belt-the weapons violation that would have put him back in prison-was gone.

'We'll want to hear what you have to say first.'

Kilbane seemed to think about the offer. It wasn't what he wanted, but it appeared as if it was all he was going to get. He cleared his throat again, looked around the room, perhaps expecting everyone to hold their breath in anticipation of his earth-shattering revelation. It didn't happen. He plowed ahead anyway.

'The guy on the tape?' Kilbane said. 'The guy who put the Fatal Attraction tape back on the shelf?'

'What about him?' Jessica asked.

Kilbane leaned forward, playing the moment for all that it was worth, and said: 'I know who he is.'


'Smells like a slaughterhouse.'

He was rake-handle-skinny, and looked like a man unstuck in time, unencumbered by history. There was good reason for that. Sammy Du- Puis was trapped in 1962. Today Sammy wore a black alpaca cardigan, blue-on-blue point-collar dress shirt, gray iridescent sharkskin pants, and pointy cap-toe oxfords. His hair was slicked back, fused with enough hair tonic to grease a Chrysler. He smoked an unfiltered Camel.

They met on Germantown Avenue, near Broad Street. The aroma of simmering barbecue and hickory smoke

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