breaths. Me because it would be my first sight… actually second of a guy up and hard.

“Try the zipper. Just greased the tracks this morning.”

“With what?”

“That would “be telling. But there’s more grease where that came from.”

I slid the tab down, being careful not to touch his thing. I didn’t know if just touching him would set him off or what; I wanted to see a guy shot off.

When I let go, I didn’t shoot or spray or anything, just kind of oozed around my fingers if I was playing with myself.

More red. Kind of like a weave. I could see dark hairs sticking through the mesh and of course, the outline of his dick. For some reason the thought of touching a guy there had at first dried up my whole mouth, but now that I was about to see it, my mouth filled up with spit, kind of like my cunt lips were getting wet around the edges.

Go ahead. Take it out. Play with it if you want. I wouldn’t mind. I like you.

I became bold. As bold as Rick had become quiet. On stage, he was a big joakster, here on the bed he had toned down considerably. I looked at his eyes … they were. closed now but his lips had a kind of nervous grin on them. I had to know. “Is this your first time too?”

The smile faded to be replaced by a frown while he tried to decide what to say.

Then he nodded yes.

We were two fumbling virgins. “Can we take it slow, Rick. I mean, not go too far?”


I peeled the jock strap down. At first I didn’t see anything, I hadn’t opened the drapes and it was kind of dark. Then something shaped like a mushroom appeared. Only a mushroom is kind of white… this was pinker than pink. I caught a glint in the hole in the end. “Have you done it already?”

“Almost on stage, but not quite. My balls ache.”

I pulled the strap down further to expose what he was talking about. His cock was OK, I mean I have nothing to compare it to and hard. I squeezed it a couple of times just to see what it was like. Seemed to be covered with a soft skin and then have a bone up the middle, except for a kind of vein, which looked like it connected to the hole. I bet that’s were he went to the bathroom from and… well that other thing.

I played with the skin. He seemed to like that because he growled in the back of his throat. Rick’s eyes were still closed. My sweater was moving with my body and that set my nipples to tingling. I wanted him to place his hand there … but decided to not go too far too fast.

I kept up a slow motion on his cock, afraid. of what might happen any moment. I mean, how much did it take to get a guy off? I know I. had to work pretty hard with my finger in my cunt some times.

“It won’t break off… but you’ll rub it raw if you keep that up. Spit on your hand and make it squishy.”

I spit into my hand; no trouble there, I was practically drooling. I looked at the bubbles before I put my hand back around his dick. When I “squished” down his rod, Rick moaned.


OK, so guys liked it faster. So did I come to think of it. Faster and faster, building the feeling in my hole. I used my thumb on my little ditty a lot. I guess it was little. Never got that far in the showers. Tits I could tell you about.

Rick’s hand came up the arm I was supporting myself with, along the grape colored knit and across to my front. He felt for my tits and found the center.

My nipples were practically dripping by then anyhow and that touch sent spasms through my body.

His voice kind of begged, “Would you suckit?”

I didn’t feel quite up to that. Besides, I wanted to see what happened when a guy let go.

I knew my roomie kept some tissues on her desk. Without breaking contact, I leaned over for one. I didn’t want to make a mess on her Miss Piggy spread.

Then I bent real close as I jerked faster.

“Harder, tighter.”

So I got harder and tighter. I looked up at Rick. He has a kind of pale face normally, but now it was flushed, like a new sunburn and kind of splotchy. His mouth was half open and I could see his tongue wiggling around inside.

Then, as I watched, his head began to move from side to side.

Finally, I noticed that my hand was jerking on something harder than ever. I bent close, smelling the musky scene coming from down there. I jerked harder and faster as I knew he wanted.

Suddenly, without a sound, his body arched up, driving his cock between my hands, the burgundy colored tip thrusting out of my fingers. I was practically down to his balls. That’s when I felt the twitch or spasm or whatever it was.

His was going to let go. I held the tissue in position, but bent down so I could see what was going to happen.

The cock eye winked and then a long rope of white stuff shot out of the end. It was really thick and gooey. I held the tissue to catch it because I didn’t want to get any on me. His rod expanded in my hand again. The squirt was even bigger this time. I grabbed another tissues and got it in place before the next spritz. Wow did he have a lot of stuff in him. And so did I… in my panties, because I’d let go along with him. I leaned against the concrete blocks and cleaned at his cockhead, until he held my hand still.

My first cock. Now what did they taste like? How would it feel in me?

Chapter 12

Under The Robes

as told by Bob King I guess I’m a character actor, kind of based on the Stalislavski method. As Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet, I wanted to be a wise old monk, advising the teenagers, plotting with them to fulfill their longing for each other. I didn’t necessarily want them to go to bed, at least not openly, but their love was a type of surrogate sex, because he was a monk and all. Though from what I’ve read of the period, they sometimes broke their vows. I look awfully young.

I’d have to have a tonsure, the kind of hairdo where you’re, bald in the middle of your head. Because of that, I had to cut my hair short so that the bald pate would fit over my hair. I looked like something out of the 40’s. All I needed was a Studebaker.

That’s why I’d been visiting Mr. Almundson. While he wasn’t a friar, he was old. And he had a goregeous granddaughter Sarah who often visited him while we worked on my walk and voice.

Costumes had finally finished my robes. The best way to look like you belong in a costume is to wear it until you feel comfortable. I’d been wearing a graduation gown, but it didn’t have the weight of the heavy monks cloth that Dr. Koenig’s students had used in the final costume.

Sarah kissed her grandfather lightly and said, “Now, you have a good nap. I’ll see that Bob sets out ok. You want some coffee, Friar?”

That was our running joke. She kept threatening to seduce me and make give up my vow of chastity. I wasn’t exactly a virgin, but I’d been chaste for a lone time now, except for my hand. I wonder if that counted? I can see the old Friar getting off in imagining Romeo and Juliet in her bed on the balcony.

“Sure, I’ll have some coffee.” We had a couple of steps to go up from the sun porch. Winter was more than threatening. Sarah had apparently been out running because she was wearing a stunning outfit of white fleece with a V-neck and a shirt under that. The cuffs, waistline and neck had a double black line around them. I liked Sarah. She could joke with me and make me feel comfortable. Too bad in a few weeks the play would be over.

Sarah had that kind of questioning face. Even in repose the eyebrows arched up in a perpetual question. I wish I knew the answer. I watched her hips sway as we went up the stairs. I grabbed my long skit as I’d seen it done in a medieval drawing and lifted it just the right amount. I practiced not looking down at my feet because were a lot of steps on the set. Designers like to use levels and directors too.

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