170 Wilson saw the track:
171 “Had a hell of a time”: Marvin McCamis interview, January 31, 2003.
171 the USS
171 Deep below the surface: Marvin McCamis interview, January 31, 2003; Art Bartlett interview, February 5, 2007; Kaharl,
172 the men discussed what to do: Art Bartlett interview, February 5, 2007.
172 Mooney suggested sending
173 “I can fly my F4s”: George Martin interview, May 9, 2007.
173 The sub picked up a transponder: E-mail, Red Moody to author, December 14, 2007.
173 got a quick battery charge: Art Markel interview, September 25, 2006.
173 “He thought we were a bunch”: Ibid.
173 The
173 “It was beautiful”: Quoted in Lewis,
173 cautiously parking herself about twenty-five yards:
1, part I, chap. 2, p. 66.
173 entered the well deck at 8:12: Deck logs of the USS
173 The
173 Mac McCamis was outraged: McCamis, “‘Captain Hook’s’ Hunt,” p. 25.
173 “How do you know”: Quoted in Kaharl,
173 “What else”: Ibid.
173 “In all my life”: McCamis, “‘Captain Hook’s’ Hunt,” p. 25.
174 Admiral Guest wrote a situation report: Cable, CTF Sixty-five to REUCW/CNO, “Sitrep Seventy-nine,” March 16, 1966 (LBJ).
174 The other memo:
174 Robert Sproull, the chair of the Cyrus Vance committee: Robert Sproull interview, May 11, 2007.
174 That morning in Rota: E-mail, Red Moody to author, December 19, 2007.
174 That afternoon in Spain: Tony Richardson, diary, March 15 to April 7, 1966 (author’s collection); author’s interviews with Tony Richardson, October 31, 2007, and John Bruce, August 17, 2006.
175 news of the Gemini 8 space shot: John Noble Wilford, “Gemini Is Fueled for Link-up Today,”
175 he sent three nuclear weapons experts: Cable, from 16ADVON Spain to RUCSC/SAC, March 17, 1966, #71560 (LBJ).
176 The man on the phone was Harry Stathos: Lewis,
177 “The undersea vessel,
177 At 12:45 a.m., as reporters gathered:
177 “Recovery promises to be”: “Sub Finds H-Bomb off Spain: Weapon Reported Intact in Water 2500 Feet Deep,”
177 “No pictures of the bomb”: “H-Bomb Located in Sea off Spain,”
178 to ensure credibility: Angier Biddle Duke, Living History interview, October 24, 1990, pp. 23–
24 (Duke).
178 Duke formed a committee:
178 “The fourth and final weapon”: Cable, Embassy in Madrid to SEC-STATE, March 18, 1966, #1226 (LBJ).
178 On March 16, McCamis and Wilson: “‘Captain Hook’s’ Hunt,” p. 25; William O. Rainnie, “Alvin… and the Bomb,”
180 On March 22, 1966, CBS News: “Special Report: Lost and Found, One H-Bomb,” CBS News, March 22, 1966.
181 Working with two consultants: The description of POODL comes from author’s interview with Red Moody, November 7, 2006; D. H. Moody, “40th Anniversary of Palomares,”
182 “Oh, my God”: Author’s interview with Malcolm MacKinnon, December 4, 2006.
182 “gypsy-engineered”: Red Moody interview, November 7, 2006.
182 That fear overshadowed everything: