The plywood had kept the back room of the shop from getting washed away. At the opposite end of the room stood a metal emergency door that was still intact. It opened outward, so the receding water hadn't been able to push it open.
Nevertheless, the room was still wet from floor to ceiling. That was fortunate. If the room had been water tight, the pressure from the water outside would have been far greater than the air in the room, and the water would have blasted the doors inward, sweeping everything away. But something had equalized the pressure, and Kai saw the source. A rivulet of water drained through a three-foot-wide hole near the floor. It might have been where the pole propping up the Mini made its first stab.
Some of the room's contents must have been carried out through the hole, but Kai had hit the jackpot he desperately wanted to find. The room was a tangled mess of air tanks, hoses, buoyancy compensators, weight belts, and everything else needed for diving. Kai stole a look at his watch. Five minutes.
'OK. We're going to be out of here in 90 seconds. We need three air tanks, three air hoses, and some nylon rope. Make sure the hoses have two regulators on them. There are six of us.'
'You mean, we're going to scuba dive?' Lani said.
'Get to work,' Kai said, picking up the closest air tank and screwing a loose air hose onto it. 'It's Brad and Mia's only chance. We can't get them out and up to a safe height in another building in time. We're going to have to ride out the next wave. That's why we need the rope.'
Kai saw Tom following his lead, screwing a hose onto another tank.
'You've done this before?' Kai said.
'I'm certified. Logged 20 hours.'
'Good. Make sure it's pressurized. We can't come back if we find out the tank is empty.'
Lani returned with a yellow nylon rope. Given the number of loops, Kai guessed it was about 100 feet of line.
'This is the only one I could find.'
It would take too long to tie one long piece of rope.
'See if you can find a dive knife. Oh! And a flashlight or two would come in handy.'
While Lani searched, Kai took a third tank and attached the last hose, activating the pressure gauge. Empty. Damn!
He tossed it aside. Tom carried over another tank.
'It's the last one,' he said. 'The valves on all the others are snapped or bent.'
Kai screwed the hose on quickly, praying that the gauge wouldn't be in the red.
The gauge read 2000 pounds per square inch. Full. Thank God.
'I got a knife!' Lani said with joy.
'And the flashlight?'
'Just one. The bulb on the other one was smashed. I checked this one, and it works.'
'Good. We've got what we came for. Let's go.'
Kai picked up two of the tanks and staggered under the 65-pound load, while Tom carried the third with his good arm.
As Kai ushered Lani and Tom out, he spotted something else. A yellow package about the size of a large watermelon. It had a red handle on it and the words 'Pull here to inflate.' It was an old life raft.
Despite the raft's apparent age, the CO2 cartridge seemed to be new. If they couldn't get a helicopter, maybe they could float out on one of the waves. It wasn't a great idea, more of a last resort, but it was better than swimming. Kai pointed at it.
'Lani, can you carry that, too?'
'I think so,' she said. She heaved the raft into her arms, and they scrambled out of the store.
Teresa tried for a car jack in the first car she saw, a Honda. The door was smashed in, so she reached into the open window and pulled on the trunk release.
Nothing happened. She tried again with the same result. She ran around to the back and kicked at the trunk a couple of times, but it wouldn't budge.
She knew she didn't have time to keep trying on one car, so she ran to the next one, an overturned Chevy with a crushed roof. This one looked even less promising. She skipped it.
Finally, she got to a car that seemed hopeful. A minivan lay on its side, the rear window gone. She wriggled through it and examined the floor that was now on its side. The third row of seating was still in place, so she would have to get that out of the way. She found the release handle, and the bench seat dropped away, almost falling on her. She pushed it against the second row of seats, leaving enough room to get at the floor covering.
Teresa pried the soaked covering off and saw what she was looking for. A gleaming copper-colored car jack was screwed into the floor pan next to the skinny spare tire.
The jack was held in place by a wing nut that was normally easy to twist off. But while it was being tossed around, the minivan's frame had bent, tightening the nut. Teresa tried with all her strength to turn it, but it wouldn't move. She needed some leverage.
She snaked back out of the van and looked around for anything that could be used as a lever. Ideally, she would miraculously find a pair of pliers on the ground, but that was wishful thinking. Instead, she would have to make do with what she could scrounge from the area immediately around her. That happened to be a metal chair leg. The smooth round caster still dangled from one end of it. She twisted the caster until it popped out of the leg. She also picked up a heavy piece of broken concrete. She would need something to pound with.
When she got back in the minivan, she carefully placed the chair leg on one side of the wing nut and braced herself against the vehicle. She made sure it was not on the bolt itself. One wrong hit, and it would bend hopelessly askew.
Teresa reared back with the concrete block and whacked it against the end of the chair leg. She felt the nut give way. In two more taps, the nut was loose enough to unscrew by hand. When it finally came off, she fumbled the jack, and it fell to the ground.
As she bent to pick it up, she heard movement outside the car. She assumed Kai had returned from the scuba shop.
She emerged from the minivan triumphantly holding the jack and jack handle above her head.
'I got one!'
But instead of Kai, she found a scruffy man with a beard that grew in uneven patches. The smell of alcohol wafted through teeth yellowed from years of smoking. His soiled T-shirt couldn't hide the enormous gut protruding over his low-hanging shorts.
'Damn looter!' he said, slurring his words. 'I knew I'd find some out here.'
Teresa lowered her hands to show she wasn't dangerous. She had dealt with patients like him many times at the hospital.
'No! I'm not a looter.'
'You look like a looter to me. Tearing through someone's car. Stealing their stuff.'
'I need a car jack to help…'
'Don't give me that crap! I seen it on TV. I know what to do with people like you.'
She hadn't noticed what he had been carrying in his right hand. He raised an automatic pistol and pointed it at her.
'Please, sir,' she said, 'listen to me…'
'You come with me, and we'll find the police. They'll sort you out.'
'But a tsunami is coming!'
'Yeah, I bet you're glad it came. That way, you can take whatever you want.'
'Police!' the man began to yell. 'Police! Looter! Police!'
'Do you see any police around? There is another tsunami coming.'
'Do you think I'm stupid? Police!'
As he continued to yell for the police, Teresa saw Kai, Tom, and Lani coming toward her from the scuba shop.