'We just got the reading from the DART buoy a minute ago. But the really bad news is its size. The wave is going to be over 300 feet high.'

'Dear God!'

As Reggie said that, the second wave slammed into the buildings lining Waikiki.

* * *

Kai closed his eyes as the seawater bashed in the front windows and engulfed the condo. The noise bombarded his eardrums, and it got even worse as the water found them. It crashed into the hallway from multiple directions, converging on their position where it smacked into them with tremendous force. It was at that moment that Kai cursed himself for not thinking about securing their shoes.

Anyone who has ever ridden one of those water slides that plunges hundreds of feet in seconds has experienced the discomfort and indignity of having their bathing suit ride up during the deceleration from 60 miles per hour to zero at the end of the ride. Although tsunamis only travel at 40 miles per hour on land, the effect from the current would be similar. And their shoes were the most easily stripped items they were wearing. They'd be lucky if they weren't stripped completely naked by the water, as the man Kai had seen earlier had apparently been.

Because they were inside the building, the current was not a steady flow past them. Instead, it was a turbulent mess that would flow in one direction one second, then reverse itself. The effect whipped them around like they were in a washing machine.

Pieces of debris pummeled Kai. Most were small, but a sharp piece of glass stung his cheek as it tore by. He heard a bang as something large hurtled past over his head and struck a hard surface. Somehow, it missed him. It suddenly occurred to Kai that many deaths in a tsunami were not the result of drowning, but from people being crushed by large objects. Their respirators wouldn't protect them from that hazard.

Kai braced his feet against the girder in the hopes that he could keep his shoes on. He would definitely need them to clamber over the debris in their escape from the building, if they made it that far.

His ears popped several times as the water above them got higher and higher. Every 33 feet under the water equaled one atmosphere of pressure, and they had been submerged to twice that depth in a matter of seconds. Kai just hoped none of them suffered punctured ear drums. They didn't need to add to their problems.

Kai opened his eyes and shut them again immediately, the filth in the water stinging them. After what seemed like forever, the worst of the current eased, although it continued in the general direction away from the ocean. To Kai's relief, the building had been able to sustain the initial impact, but that didn't mean much. It could still collapse at any moment, undermined by the ebb and flow of the wave.

He tried opening his eyes again, and although the water was still foul, it didn't scratch his eyes as much as before. According to the dim glow of his dive watch, little more than 30 seconds had passed. As the water continued to rise above them, the light from the sun became more and more indistinct until the gloom was virtually complete.

Kai felt for the dive flash light that he had lashed to his wrist. It was still there. He turned it on.

The murk of the silt did not obstruct as much of the view as he had expected, but it was still near zero visibility. The fuzzy outline of the light played over a scene that seemed unfamiliar to him, even though he had seen it in broad daylight not a minute before.

He searched for Lani. Kai's chest tightened for a moment when he didn't see her face where he had been expecting it. He rotated the light over a larger area until he saw her floating above him. Her eyes were screwed shut, but Kai could see that her mouth was still tightly clamped around the regulator. Then a string of bubbles emerged from the mouthpiece, and he knew she had made it through the worst of it.

Kai gripped her arm to let her know that he was still there. Her eyes fluttered open for a second, and Kai gave her the OK sign, which she returned.

On the other side, Brad and Mia seemed to be all right, although Brad still had a look of terror on his face. Teresa and Tom were discernable at the edges of the dive light, but Kai couldn't make out their condition.

He focused the light on the air tank he and Lani shared to make sure it was still intact. It was in one piece, but Kai found the source of the impact sound that he had heard.

Just to the right of the air tank, the car jack that he had strapped to the girder dangled from its rope. Some unseen force had crushed it into a bent mishmash that now made it completely useless.

They had no way to free Mia and Brad.

* * *

'Hello!' Rachel yelled through the closed elevator door. 'Are you all right?'

'Thank God!' A man's voice replied. 'Yes. I'm fine. I'm on top of the elevator cab roof.'

The building shuddered from the tsunami impact.

'Oh my God!' the man said, his voice rising an octave. 'What was that?'

'It's another tsunami. Are there others with you?'

'My sister and my mother are still in the elevator. I climbed out through the hatch to see if I could reach the outer door, but I can't get it open. The elevator shaft is pitch black. I can't see a thing.'

'Hold on. I'll get something to pry the door open.'

Each hotel floor had two fire axes. One was hung just around the corner from the elevator. Rachel broke the glass and wrenched it out.

She put the ax head into the space between the doors and used the leverage to separate them. When they were six feet apart, she wedged the ax under one door to hold them open.

About three feet lower than her stood a bald man of about forty-five. He was portly and holding a metal cane. The man squinted and blinked at the first light he'd seen in 20 minutes.

'Thank God you came. I couldn't get the doors open from here. Without any light, I couldn't tell what to do.'

Voices below him shouted. 'Help us! Jerry! Get us out of here!'

'Jerry, you all need to climb up and get out right now. Look!' Rachel pointed at the water shooting up the elevator shaft next to him from below.

'Oh crap!' He began to babble. 'They can't. It was hard enough for me to get out with their help. My sister isn't exactly thin, and this is my mom's cane. She's 78.'

'Listen to me,' Rachel said, as the water continued to rise at an astonishing speed. 'You're in an express elevator. It only serves the 16th to 28th floors. There are no doors for that elevator between here and the lobby. This is the only way out.'

'Maybe we should wait for the fire department.'

'Nobody else is coming. You're lucky I heard you.'

The water rose inexorably.

'I already tried lifting them,' the man said. 'I can't do it myself. Please!'

Rachel ran around the corner and shouted to the kids at the end of the hall.

'Tyler and Hannah, stay there. There are some people stuck here. I'll be back in a minute. If the water keeps coming up, go up the stairs.'

Rachel came back around and dropped down onto the elevator roof. She peered through the emergency hatch. A plump woman in her forties and a frail elderly lady looked up at her.

'Who are you?' the elderly woman asked.

'I'm Rachel Tanaka, the hotel manager. The power is out in the hotel. We have to get you out of there immediately.'

'How? We don't exactly have a ladder in here.'

'The water is almost here,' Jerry said.

Rachel looked over the edge of the elevator. The water no longer shot up, but it was still rising. It looked to be to the 13th floor, only 20 feet below the bottom of the elevator.

'Can you both swim?'

'Are you kidding?' the younger woman said.

'No,' Rachel said.

'There's water coming up, Sheila,' Jerry said. 'She's right. You may not have a choice.'

'Can you swim?' Rachel repeated.

'Just because I have a cane,' the older woman said, 'doesn't mean I'm a cripple. Of course I can swim. If you

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