“Forget about the goddam lock!”

The door shuddered as someone kicked it. It held, but several more would cave in the flimsy wood.

He had to jump now. As Kevin pushed off, another kick caused part of the frame to crack. Kevin saw the chair slide three inches toward the purple spots. Then he was freefalling.

If he hit a sturdy branch in the hedge, his ankle could be easily twisted or he could even break his leg. His butt came in contact with the hedge first, but the myriad tiny branches brought him to a gentle stop. The hedge’s sharp needles scraped him in dozens of places, but otherwise he was fine.

Above him, a third kick impacted the door in the room, immediately followed by twin explosions as the chair legs hit the ammonia triiodide.

“Holy shit!” Franco yelled. “He’s got a gun!”

Shots blasted into the room.

“What the hell are you doing?” screamed the other voice. “We can’t kill him!”

Their voices lowered, becoming inaudible to Kevin. He didn’t care. In a few seconds they’d realize that he was no longer in the room. He had to get to the forest before that happened.

He rolled off the top of the hedge and crouched on the ground with his back to the front porch, ready to sprint.

A chill gripped his stomach as he heard a voice behind him say, “Very good, Mr. Hamilton.”

He slowly turned to see David Lobec and Clayton Tarnwell standing on the porch twenty feet from him. They must have been there all along, shielded from the second story window by the portico. Kevin didn’t even consider running. Lobec had a pistol trained on him.

“Even in this light, Mr. Hamilton, I can assure you that I could hit you from this range. I can tell you from experience that getting shot in the leg is not pleasant.” He threw a sideways glance at Tarnwell. “Didn’t I tell you this would be amusing?”


Franco, still huffing from his mad dash down the stairs, led Kevin up the front steps until he was facing Lobec and Tarnwell.

“When did you know?” Kevin asked as he was patted down by Franco.

Lobec smiled, and Kevin knew that he’d been set up.

“From the beginning?”

“He’s clean,” Franco said.

“I know that you are a resourceful man, Mr. Hamilton. You are not the type to sit back and wait for something to happen.”

Kevin looked at Tarnwell. “And the chemicals?”

Tarnwell nodded. “When you stopped up your toilet, David told me about this idea he had. I couldn’t resist. Being a chemist myself, I knew a few mixtures you could brew from what we left up there. You seem to know some yourself.”

“The key,” Lobec said, “was not to make the availability of the chemicals too obvious. We had to make reasonably sure you would find them while not tipping our hand.”

“And you just waited here until I climbed out the window.”

“We had arranged for all paths to lead you to this point, but we did not know exactly how you would get here. That would have spoiled the surprise.”

“We surely didn’t want that,” Tarnwell said.

At least Kevin had the satisfaction of causing serious damage to the expensive mansion. “Did you want me to destroy two rooms in your house?”

“As a matter of fact, I’m having the entire second floor refurbished next month. I just bought this place, and it doesn’t suit me. You could consider tonight the groundbreaking ceremony.”

“Glad I could help,” Kevin sneered.

“Now, Mr. Hamilton,” Lobec said, “as I stated earlier, any attempt on your part to escape would force me to have you restrained. Thankfully, you did not disappoint us.”

* * *

When Hamilton was safely locked in another bedroom, Tarnwell motioned to Lobec to close the library’s door. He poured a snifter of Courvoisier and took a hand-rolled Cuban cigar from the mahogany humidor. Tarnwell noticed that Lobec stayed far on the other side of the room as he lit the cigar.

“Care for one, David?” he asked innocently.

“No, thank you.”

Tarnwell blew a smoke ring in Lobec’s direction, then closed his eyes as he sipped the cognac. After a long pause to savor the taste, he swallowed and opened his eyes. “Fine job tonight, David. I hope your plan for tomorrow is just as good. Tell me about it.”

Still standing at the other side of the library, Lobec’s eyes followed the smoke ring until it dissipated. “It’s very simple really. I will have two men in separate cars posted at each end of the Arlington Bridge. They can’t get there too early or police may stop to ask why they are holding up traffic. We will let Miss Jensen approach, if she is not already there. Once I verify that she has the notebook, we make the exchange and let them leave.”

Tarnwell raised an eyebrow. “You let them leave?”

“At least give them that impression. Since Mr. Bern and I must be on foot, it would be risky to terminate them in the middle of the bridge, too much attention would be drawn to us, with no way to escape easily.”

“Then where do you get them?”

“My men have instructions to take them out at the end of the bridge. A few short bursts should do the trick. They can then make their escape, with no connection to us.”

“Don’t you think they might have thought of that?” said Tarnwell.

“Of course, but there really is no defense. My men have automatic rifles. No matter if they leave by foot or by car, they will be vulnerable.”

“What about the water?”

“Unlikely. Since we will be in the middle of the bridge, they would have to swim a quarter of a mile to get to the shore. Even if they tried something as foolish as jumping, my men would have no trouble picking them off while they are still in the river.”

“And the police?”

“She has no proof. The police won’t help her.”

Lobec’s reasoning seemed valid. “It sounds like you’ve got things under control, David. Just make sure you get the right notebook. We don’t have time for any more delays. Just in case Miss Jensen doesn’t show up, I will be handling our contingency. Call me on my cell phone when you’ve succeeded.”

Lobec turned to leave, but Tarnwell wanted to remind him of something.

“David, I hope you haven’t forgotten about your brother and his family. Because I haven’t. I really want to see that notebook in my hands tomorrow, and I wouldn’t want to see a slipup on your part harm them.”

Lobec narrowed his eyes but said nothing. Tarnwell smiled. Lobec understood. With a wave of his hand, Tarnwell dismissed Lobec, who left the room. After the door was closed, Tarnwell pressed an intercom button next to his chair.

“Come in, Richard,” he said.

Through the library’s other door came Richard Bern. He stood uncomfortably in front of Tarnwell.

“You wanted to see me, Mr. Tarnwell?”

“Yes, Richard, I did. You have a bright future in this company. You’ve become one of my most trusted employees, and you know that I reward my employees well.”

“You sure do, Mr. Tarnwell. I’m lucky to be working for you.”

“Thank you, Richard. That’s nice of you to say. The reason I asked you in here is because I need someone I trust on my side. You see, David is a very competent individual, but I’m afraid he may be planning something silly after the operation is completed tomorrow morning. I need your help.”

Вы читаете The Adamas Blueprint
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