said about; the mainlanders, but a distant cough of Elcin interrupted.

Purple started at the sound. His eyes went wide and he leapt to his feet. “Thunder!” he yelped.

“What? What about it?”

“Thunder means lightning, Lant!” He was leaning forward, shading his eyes with one heavy hand. Frantically he searched the sky and the blood-colored clouds. He didn’t see what he was looking for and moved nervously backward to peer out across the side. He began climbing up into the rigging for a better view.

Abruptly there was another KKK-R-R-u-umpp, this time noticeably closer.

Purple yelped again. He didn’t wait for a third ,cough, but swarmed up to the top of the rigging and began untying the windbag nozzles.

“What is it?” both Shoogar and I cried.

“Thunderstorm!” he screamed. “Get up here and help me! Wilville, Orbur! You too!” My sons abandoned their posts immediately and began climbing inward.

“I don’t understand,” I said confusedly, “what is the danger?”

“Lightning!” shouted Orbur. He was already into the rigging.

“You mean lightning strikes airboats too?”

Especially airboats — remember what happened to Purple’s housetree? We have to land and drain all the hydrogen out of the airbags. The slightest spark and we’ll all blow up!”

He didn’t have to repeat himself. I followed Wilville up the ropes. Shoogar was right behind me. Purple had already untied three of the bags and was working on a fourth. The airboat lurched sickeningly. I could not tell if the sinking sensation I felt was me or it.

There was a flash of light and another crashing slam. It was directly above us. We were headed right into the storm. Purple was muttering wildly to himself, “Damn the bloody — I should have thought about emergency deflations! Orbur, this is too slow and we will never get all the gas out of the balloons through the nozzles. Somebody is going to have to climb up to the top with a knife and cut holes to let the gas out! We’ll patch them up later —”

“Not now,” I yelped. “If you cut holes now, we’ll fall!”

“No, not now — after we hit the water,” shouted Purple. “We can’t risk doing it in the air or the balloons might rip!” He untied another nozzle. Seven of them were waving free now, spewing their precious hydrogen unseen to the reddened thunder.

Another crash of light and sound limned us in stark relief — and sparked us all to move still faster. The black water below rushed up at sickening speed.

“Tie off the balloons,” shouted Purple. “Slow our descent!”

Orbur swung precariously from a rear mast section, Wilville only a few yards away. A frantic Shoogar clung to the bird’s nest platform. Purple and I were in the forward section of the rigging. All of us were grabbing furiously for the free swinging hoses.

The wind whistled and shrieked. I pulled at the aircloth hose and wrapped it around itself. I swung out on the rigging grabbing for another.

“Hold on!” screamed Purple. Wait —”

A precious moment of stillness while we fell through the angry sky. Still too fast, too fast — were we slowing at all?

Another crash of thunder — this one closest of them all. A second flash of whiteness.

Purple was a stark silhouette. He was grim-faced, but suddenly stern. He stared at the uprushing water with no sign of emotion. Had he miscalculated? Would we hit the water too hard?

The image of a splintering airboat filled my mind — why had I ever come on this god-cursed journey?

“Ballast!” he shouted and disappeared from his post. For a moment I thought he had fallen, but with the next crash of thunder I saw him below, tugging at the ballast bags. Wilville was already there, just emptying one over the side.

“I’ll help!” I hollered, but he yelled back, “Stay where you are, Lant — it’ll be safer — tie off the airbags! Don’t release any more gas until I tell you to!”

He cast about frantically then, looking for things to throw overboard. His eye lit on a pile of cloth — “What the —?”

Shoogar yelped from the rigging, Those are my sails!”

“Good!” And with that, he snatched them up and heaved them over the side. Shoogar began screaming curses, but they were lost in the loudest crash of all.

The spare windbags followed the sails, as did half our food and water. Wilville had emptied all the ballast bags by now and was helping Purple.

We were still falling. A sickening sensation in the pit of my stomach told me were about to die.

Purple called for me to unreel a windbag nozzle, but not to untie it. What was he planning? He grabbed it as it fell, and hooked it to his funnel. He had a ballast bag between his legs; he plunged the nozzle and battery device into the bag of water. I saw him turn the battery up to its maximum release of electrissy. Great gulps of gas roared up the hose — the windbag expanded terrifically.

Purple waved to Wilville. “Get up in the rigging!” he bellowed. “It’ll be safer!”

I could see long streamers of foam below us. We were falling at little more than a fast gallop — the sea was a wall of blackness — I could see the individual waves — Cra-a-ack — the boat smacked down with a great splash that sent water in all directions. For a sickening moment all the ropes were slack — then they snapped taut again as the balloons leapt back. There was a yelp from behind me — Shoogar — I turned in time to see Orbur lose his grip and fall into the water, but he surfaced again almost immediately and began paddling for an outrigger.

Wilville was climbing down from the rigging then to see if Purple was all right, but the magician was screaming: “The balloons! The balloons! We’ve got to finish deflating the balloons!”

“Then you’d better disconnect that!” pointed Wilville.

Purple looked, saw his battery and funnel device lying in a puddle of water at the bottom of the boat. The puddle boiled. Purple yelped and leapt for it.

The boat rocked as Orbur climbed into it, his fur plastered wetly to his body. He started up the rigging to join us, then stopped. He cocked his head oddly — “Wait a minute!” he called. “Don’t deflate the balloons yet.”

“Huh?” Purple cried. “What are you —” Then he stopped too. There was a distant cough of thunder. Behind us. Far behind us.

“The storm is over,” said Orbur. “We’re past it.”

“We fell through it,” muttered Shoogar. He began climbing down. The bird’s nest, where he had been holding onto it, was bent out of shape.

The rolling sea lifted us up and dropped us down. Lifted us up and dropped us down.

The boat lay askew in the water. One of the outriggers had snapped halfway off and had to be retied before we dared to ascend again. Wilville and Orbur were working on it now.

The balloons — nearly empty now — dropped flaccidly above us. They had barely enough gas to hold themselves aloft. We had been sitting in the sea for half a day now. The red sun was seeping into the west, and the day was ever darkening. Purple sat glumly in the rear of the boat with his battery and his filling framework. Shoogar was half-heartedly bailing water. Apparently we had sprung a small leak somewhere.

I staggered aft, stumbling once. “How bad is our situation, Purple?” I asked.

He shook his head. “It’s not good, I can tell you that. I used an awful lot of power in my attempt to pump up the balloons.”

“But you had to — you had no choice.”

“I shouldn’t have panicked though. I was so afraid we were going to be struck by lightning that I let the gas out of the bags too fast, then I used up too much power trying to replace it. And I don’t think I did that much good. All I did was make steam. I’m sure some oxygen got mixed up with the hydrogen.” He peered upward at the limp airbags. “I’m afraid this may be the end of our journey, Lant.”

I looked around me. Fortunately, Shoogar and the sons had not heard. Or, if they had, they showed no sign. “Are you out of power completely?”

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