“Every one has something to boast of,” says Gunnar, “and I will

ask thee no more for this.”

“Thou behavest ill,” said Rannveig, “andthis shame shall long be

had in mind.”

Gunnar made a stout and bold defence, and now wounds other eight

men with such sore wounds that many lay at death’s door. Gunnar

keeps them all off until he fell worn out with toil. Then they

wounded him with many and great wounds, but still he got away out

of their hands, and held his own against them a while longer, but

at last it came about that they slew him.

Of this defence of his, Thorkell the Skald of Gota-Elf sang in

the verses which follow —

“We have heard how south in Iceland

Gunnar guarded well himself,

Boldly battle’s thunder wielding,

Fiercest foeman on the wave;

Hero of the golden collar,

Sixteen with the sword he wounded;

In the shock that Odin loveth,

Two before him tasted death.”

But this is what Thormod Olaf’s son sang —

“None that scattered sea’s bright sunbeams (3),

Won more glorious fame than Gunnar,

So runs fame of old in Iceland,

Fitting fame of heathen men;

Lord of fight when helms were crashing,

Lives of foeman twain he took,

Wielding bitter steel he sorely

Wounded twelve, and four besides.”

Then Gizur spoke and said, “We have now laid low to earth a

mighty chief, and hard work has it been, and the fame of this

defence of his shall last as long as men live in this land.”

After that he went to see Rannveig and said, “Wilt thou grant us

earth here for two of our men who are dead, that they may lie in

a cairn here?”

“All the more willingly for two,” she says, “because I wish with

all my heart I had to grant it to all of you.”

“It must be forgiven thee,” he says, “to speak thus, for thou

hast had a great loss.”

Then he gave orders that no man should spoil or rob anything


After that they went away.

Then Thorgeir Starkad’s son said, “We may not be in our house at

home for the sons of Sigfus, unless thou Gizur or thou Geir be

here south some little while.”

“This shall be so,” says Gizur, and they cast lots, and the lot

fell on Geir to stay behind.

After that he came to the Point, and set up his house there; he

had a son whose name was Hroald; he was base born, and his

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