
Njal asked Gunnar if he would ride to the Thing. Gunnar said he

was going to ride thither, and asks Njal whether he were going to

ride; but he said he would not ride thither, “and if I had my

will thou wouldst do the like.”

Gunnar rode home, and gave Njal good gifts, and thanked him for

the care he had taken of his goods. Kolskegg urged him on much

to ride to the Thing, saying, “There thy honour will grow, for

many will flock to see thee there.”

“That has been little to my mind,” says Gunnar, “to make a show

of myself; but I think it good and right to meet good and worthy


Hallvard by this time was also come thither, and offered to ride

to the thing with them.


So Gunnar rode, and they all rode. But when they came to the

Thing they were so well arrayed that none could match them in

bravery; and men came out of every booth to wonder at them.

Gunnar rode to the booths of the men of Rangriver, and was there

with his kinsmen. Many men came to see Gunnar, and ask tidings

of him; and he was easy and merry to all men, and told them all

they wished to hear.

It happened one day that Gunnar went away from the Hill of Laws,

and passed by the booths of the men from Mossfell; then he saw a

woman coming to meet him, and she was in goodly attire; but when

they met she spoke to Gunnar at once. He took her greeting well,

and asks what woman she might be. She told him her name was

Hallgerda, and said she was Hauskuld’s daughter, Dalakoll’s son.

She spoke up boldly to him, and bade him tell her of his voyages;

but he said he would not gainsay her a talk. Then they sat them

down and talked. She was so clad that she had on a red kirtle,

and had thrown over her a scarlet cloak trimmed with needlework

down to the waist. Her hair came down to her bosom, and was both

fair and full. Gunnar was clad in the scarlet clothes which King

Harold Gorm’s son had given him; he had also the gold ring on his

arm which Earl Hacon had given him.

So they talked long out loud, and at last it came about that he

asked whether she were unmarried. She said, so it was, “and

there are not many who would run the risk of that.”

“Thinkest thou none good enough for thee?”

“Not that,” she says, “but I am said to be hard to please in


“How wouldst thou answer, were I to ask for thee?”

“That cannot be in thy mind,” she says.

“It is though,” says he.

“If thou hast any mind that way, go and see my father.”

After that they broke off their talk.

Gunnar went straightway to the Dalesmen’s booths, and met a man

outside the doorway, and asks whether Hauskuld were inside the


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