course, she was eight. ‘You twenty, glug down big pill!’ The past, too, took on numerical reality. As we looked at the family photographs we had enjoyed for years, ‘See Sara baby?’ was replaced by ‘See Sara one?’ But her keenest interest was of course in herself. She still asks me to re-create her past, but now it is exhaustively catalogued by number: ‘Draw Elly zero?’ ‘Draw Elly one?’ ‘Draw Elly two?’. and number by number, picture by picture, the tiny baby crawls, walks, grows, and reaches the present.

Space, of course, she had organized far earlier than time. I cannot know by what methods the two-year-old Elly had recorded her indelible map of houses and streets, but she had done so. Nevertheless it was five years before it occurred to us to show her a real map, and even when it did we tried it almost as a joke, it seemed such a quixotic thing to do. But continuing the old methods of dealing visually with experience we could not talk about, when we bought a summer house in Rhode Island and moved there, leaving once more home behind, we thought we might reinforce Elly’s sense of security by showing her the road map of our trip south. It was an instant success. Our town, the turnpike, the pancake house where we stopped for lunch, the ferry, and our island resting place were located with delight, over and over again. In a few weeks we shifted to the big atlas and retraced the European trip now three years in the past, as my hand turned aeroplane and flew to England. Vroom-vroom: we drove to Southend, flew the Channel, entrained (chug-chug) for Munich, reached St Gilgen, returned via Le Havre. Each new understanding, however formal, can be used to render experience more manageable. Now absences could be talked about: I could say that Rosemary was in England, that Jill was in Pennsylvania (space) and would come back to see us at Christmas (time). The elaborate projection-map of our college town produced tense, excited delight. I had had to guide her across oceans, but she herself could trace her familiar walks and reach the beautifully rendered library, the church, Daddy’s lab. She became fascinated with road signs; I remember a long night drive with everyone torpid but Elly, who was crowing ‘Two! Seven! Curved arrow! Arrow straight!’ When she returned to her town map she was ready to discover ‘Route 2 west!’

Six months later we were back in our summer house. Elly was not quite eight. We had arrived the day before and everyone was busy settling in while Elly played unnoticed with last year’s happily rediscovered crayons. I did not look at the sheets she had produced until next day. The marks on them were quite different from any she had ever made before — superficially less orderly than her usual pictures, they consisted of long, sinuous triple parallels interspersed with occasional squares and rectangles. Snakes? The word brought no response.

Suddenly I saw. Two borders, a line down the middle. Roads! ‘Did you make a road, Elly?’ ‘Yes!’ And now I under-stood: here was a square for our house, a road leading out, with no line down the middle, however, but filled in with rough pencilling. ‘Dirt road!’ said Elly. I followed it as it made the left turn and joined the main road where the white line began. I followed her map all the way to town. ‘Hardware store!’‘Market!’‘Ferry!’ The important buildings were there, the major turns correct. It wasn’t perfect; Elly had put the hardware store on the wrong side of the street. But there are normal children older than she who do not grasp the concept of a map at all.

A map is one of the most demanding of the possible orders of space. Controlled by the reality to which it corresponds, it fails to the degree it is spontaneous or free. If Elly drew a map (and she has drawn only two), or drew the seasons (she has drawn them only once) she was not composing freely; she was reproducing an order in the external world. But her painting and drawing was no less orderly when it was not bound by fidelity to an external original — rather it was more so.

It happens that all of Elly’s drawings I have mentioned so far have been representational. They have been easy to call to mind, for the very reason that they were so untypical of her usual work. There were six or eight of them, perhaps, over a period that produced hundreds of nonrepresentational pictures. Only in the past year and a half, in fact, have renditions of external reality — people and things — become at all common. Before that it was almost all ‘nonobjective painting’. From the time she first began to draw and paint without reluctance[28] — roughly age five-her work exhibited the same characteristics of order and control that we observed elsewhere.

Its most obvious characteristic was its neatness. Though she had never before painted on an easel, she rapidly mastered the problem of paint that drips or runs. She showed no particular anxiety; painting did not seem to engage her emotions. She simply learned to take on her brush the right amount to produce a clear, pure, easily controlled line. Colours were neatly placed contiguous to each other, never superimposed. Most nursery schools have learned to make their work easier by limiting the number of colours to three, changed daily; Elly was more than content to use only those that were set out. Though she knew how two colours combine to produce a third, she herself never mixed colours on the paper. She never splashed or scrubbed the paper, never added red to green to blue to produce a glorious mud. Her brushes were the cleanest in the class. Not that she was painfully neat; she worked too quickly and casually for that. Rapidly but judiciously she made lines and figures which organized the full space at her disposal. Balance came easy to her. [29] Usually she painted in lines against the white background of the paper, not filling in the total space with colour, but when at length, encouraged by her teachers, she made areas of colour to cover the whole paper, her colours exhibited the same purity, the same clarity of edge. I have sheaves of her paintings. Covering a three-year period, they show no technical progress; I do not think anyone could date them unassisted. All but a very few are nonrepresentational. There are lines, parallel, wavy, or straight; zigzags, stripes, circles, squares, rectangles, triangles, in different sizes and assorted combinations. She would introduce a motif, repeat it daily with small variations for a week or two, then abandon it entirely — in sharp contrast to her representational drawings, which were always one-shot affairs, coming seemingly out of nowhere at intervals months apart.

Once she made a car with a tall aerial upon it. Cars were not particularly important to her, and our own car didn’t have an aerial. She had had a week-long flurry of interest in aerials, however, and had learned the word. The car appeared on her easel one morning, and was never seen again. Similarly with an occasional house, stair, or bed. The only occasion on which we were able to surmise from her drawing a personal or emotional meaning occurred when she was something over five. It took on a special significance by its very rarity, and is worth describing here not because it was typical but because it was not.

She drew a figure standing in the door of a room. The door, with its knob, was clearly recognizable, and a bed was visible beyond it. Though the figure was crude, with no hair, arms, or clothes (she added these to figures in the next year), the drawing was spatially sophisticated enough so that it was evident what was behind what.

At that time we were fresh home from our year abroad. As we had anticipated and hoped, Elly had been thrilled to return; there was a real surge of interest and alertness in rediscovered things, even people. But by ill luck, the college revarnished our floors before we had been home two weeks. Chaos came again as furniture was piled in hallways. The home that had been lost and found was lost again. Elly, who had settled in so joyously, did not complain. She solved the problem her own way. She went into her room and shut the door, and for weeks she would remain only in a room whose door was closed.

Although she accepted companions on her side of the door, she still shut out in this way a great deal of the life we wanted her to share. So I talked about this to the psychiatrist, and he was glad to see the picture of the open door; he thought of what it might mean when I had not. And in fact, she did begin to allow the door to stand open. But she produced no more drawings that could tell us things, and I think her paintings might have baffled more skilled and ingenious interpreters than we. At five and six, she might go for four months making a picture every day, and never a representation among them. If she did draw something recognizable, as once or twice she drew a house, it seemed a mere object, no more expressive than the ones I drew for her at her request. Once — it was six months after the figure at the door — I broke in on her pattern series and asked her to draw a girl. (Always it is in one’s mind that she has forgotten how. ) Efficiently, carelessly, wholly without interest, she sketched a figure — head, body, arms, legs. ‘Put a hat on,’ I said, and in a single stroke she did so. Nothing could have been plainer. She seemed to say, ‘You wanted a girl and you’ve got one. Now let me paint my way.’

Her way was nonrepresentational. Yet did we really know that? How could we be sure her pictures represented nothing? Might not the patterns she repeated so often have significance beyond themselves, significances we could not see? Parallel zigzags, a circle, a square — pure and abstract as they might seem, there are such things as symbols. Why should we assume we would recognize such representations as Elly drew?

We could not, and to this day we cannot be sure. We could only wonder, and try to fit things into the totality of Elly’s experience, and our experience of it. And we could check: before some bright, balanced pattern, ‘What’s that, Elly?’ I would ask, pointing to the picture. ‘Green,’ Elly would answer, or ‘pink’ or ‘brown’, depending on what area my finger had inadvertently been directed towards. And green it was.

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