'Well, by God, you are serious, ain't you.'

'Nothing but the best,' Macklin said.

'Why I'm down here talking to you.'

'Shiit,' JD said.

'You going to toss anything but the bank?'

'Toss everything out there,' Macklin said.

'Bank, yacht club, health club, restaurant, real estate office, every house.'

'For cris sake we going to move out there for the winter?'

'We'll make ourselves some time,' Macklin said.

'I guess,' JD said.

'So, you in?'

'I got any time to think about it?'


'I get to know where this island is?'

'Not until you need to.'

'I need to now,' JD said.

Macklin grinned at him again.

'I said it wrong, I meant not until I think you need to.'

'You never going to get in trouble by blabbing, are you?' JD said.

'Probably not,' Macklin said.

'Got to decide tonight, don't I?' JD said.

'You're not in by the time I leave the restaurant,' Macklin said, 'I cross you off and go see the next guy.'

'I the first wire guy you asked?'


'Who's next?'

Macklin shook his head. JD took a drink of Wild Turkey and held it in his mouth for a time before he swallowed. He chased it with Coca-Cola.

'What's your problem, JD?' Macklin said.

'I'm giving you a shot at easy street the rest of your life. What's holding you up?'

The waitress came and cleared the table and gave them dessert menus. JD scanned his.

'Peach pie,' he said.

'That's for me.'

Macklin glanced at his menu and put it down and, with his elbows on the table, rested his chin on his folded hands. He let his gaze rest on JD. And he waited.

'You want the peach pie?' JD said.

'It's great here.'

'Sure,' Macklin said.

The waitress took their dessert order and went away.

'We're leveling with each other here. Right, Jimmy?'

Macklin said, 'Sure.'

'I mean no disrespect here, but you've always cut things very sharp, you know?'

'Sharp?' Macklin said.

'I mean nobody ever quite knows what you're thinking, and you never quite say, and nothing's ever quite the way it looks like it is when you start.'

'Faye knows what I'm thinking,' Macklin said.

'Well that's nice, Jimmy. I'm glad she does. I really am. But nobody else does.'

'You don't trust me,' Macklin said.

'Well, not to put too fine a point on it, Jimmy, but, no. I don't.'

'Well, JD,' Macklin said, his chin still resting on his folded hands, 'that's your problem.'

'I know. I know you don't care. Man, it's part of what worries me. You don't care about nothing.'

JD paused thinking about what he'd said.

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