“Including you,” Jenn said.
“That’s where the most pressure
Jesse didn’t comment.
“And you have to carry it alone.”
“Not entirely,” Jesse said.
“I wish I could help you,” Jenn said.
“Be good if you could,” Jesse said.
Again they allowed the silence to settle.
“I’m sorry,” Jenn said.
“I know.”
“I’m working on it,” she said.
“I am too.”
“I know.”
There was more connective silence.
“We’ll get there,” Jenn said
“We’ll get somewhere,” Jesse
When Jesse came into the station house Molly was at the front desk.
“You’ve reached new heights of
popularity,” she
“Hard to believe,” Jesse said.
“Tony Lincoln called,” Molly said.
“He and Mrs. Lincoln will be
downtown this morning and would love to buy you lunch.”
“I have reached new heights,” Jesse said.
“Told you,” Molly said.
“They say where?”
“Gray Gull,” Molly said.
“Call them back,” Jesse said.
“Tell them I’ll meet them
“What do you suppose they’re
doing?” Molly said.
“Maybe they’ll tell me,” Jesse
said. “At lunch.”
“You might think about being a little careful,” Molly said.
“Bring some backup maybe?”
“Don’t want to discourage them,”
Jesse said.
“We don’t want them discouraging you, either,” Molly said. “In a
manner of speaking.”
“If it comes to confrontation,” Jesse said, “I figure I’m better
than they are.”
“And if you’re not?” Molly said.
Jesse shrugged.
“Jesse, you’re a good man and a good cop,” Molly said. “Better