“You’re welcome.”

She was wearing perfume. Her hair was well cut and perfectly arranged. Her makeup was bright and expert. Her clothes were very immediate. There was a kind of physical brightness about her that was just short of flamboyant.

“Would you like to talk about it?” she said.

“Off the record?”

Jenn hung her head a little.

“I’ll never tell anyone,” she

said, “what you say to me unless

you ask me to.”

Jesse smiled at her.

“Besides,” he said. “You

don’t even have B-roll for


Jenn smiled back at him.

“Hell,” she said. “All there is

in this case, is


“There’s two of them, husband and wife.

Their goal was to kill

me, but I was wearing a vest. We tried to trap them at the shopping center but they killed Anthony and got away in the crowd. Probably should have brought the state cops into it, but coulda, shoulda. We searched their condo, found a computer with my picture on it and, in the sequence of their deaths, the other victims.”

“Like a confession,” Jenn said.

“Seemed so. The apartment was empty. No sign of flight, but no

sign of them returning either. Their car is still in the garage.

They probably had a rental. Staties are checking that now. My guess is that these people have already prepared another identity and the Staties won’t find anybody named Lincoln renting a car.”

“So you think you were going to be the piece de

resistance?” Jenn said.


“And they planned to disappear after they shot you?”

“Yes. The house is anally cleaned for us. The pictures on the

computer are waiting for us to find them. See how much smarter we are than you shitkickers.”

“And you don’t know where they

went,” Jenn said.

“No idea.”

“How did they get to the car?”

Jesse stared at her.

“They had to pick up the rental car,” Jenn said. “How did they

get there?”

“How did they get the car,” Jesse said.


“Maybe one of them drove the

other one over,” Simpson

said. “To get the rental car.”

“Did they stash the rental at their

condo?” Jesse said. “After

they picked it up?”

“Where?” Simpson said. “All the

parking spaces are assigned. If

they put it in somebody else’s spot it would draw attention.”

“Which they don’t want to do,”

Jesse said. “Maybe on the

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