cart… fart.'

'Earthy as always, David,' I said. 'So keep going.'

He thought for a few seconds, then offered us: 'Elephant's trunk… um … skunk.'

'That's cannabis,' Jeff told us.

'Elephant's trunk, junk,' Nigel suggested.

'That's heroin,' Jeff confirmed.

I said: 'Sounds highly likely it's one or the other. Have a word with O'Keefe, Jeff, and see if he's anything to add. Have a few liquid lunches in the Half a Sixpence; they sound a distinctive trio, you might recognise them. And let Drugs know about it; maybe they'll have some ideas of their own.'

'Right,' he replied, adding: 'My money's on skunk. The place is flooded with it.'

Things were moving, and that gives me a good feeling. I'd have liked to have kept working on the burglaries but I had to let go and give Jeff a chance. If he caught them I'd still get the credit, but all the satisfaction of feeling their collars would be his. We now had a name for the girl with purple hair, and that would lead to other names, dozens of them, one of whom might hold the key to eight agonising deaths. I'd be more than satisfied if we could solve this piece of unfinished business.

Interpol came back to us on Tuesday afternoon. They had a file on Melissa Youngman because of her drugs conviction and some doubtful associates, and had faxed us a resume. She'd attended seven universities, including the University of California, Los Angeles, but had never graduated. Not in any of the named subjects, that is. Her studies had given her foundation courses on palaeontology, very useful; modern languages; psychology; politics and business studies. No bomb-making, but a well-rounded education by any standards. The last bit was most interesting. When at UCLA she had contacted a right-wing group of militiamen and was believed to be currently living in the States. Consult FBI for further details, it said, which was all the encouragement Dave required.

'They're five hours behind us,' Dave reminded me when our paths crossed and he had an opportunity to tell me how hard he'd worked. 'Somebody called Agent Kaprowski is attending to it and will ring back. I'm taking the kids to the baths, so I've given him your home number and our office hours. Is that OK?'

'You've been a little beaver on this, Dave,' I told him, knowing that sitting in the office using the telephone was not his favourite style of policing. 'I appreciate it.'

'That's because I've a ghost to lay,' he replied grimly.

We' dnever talked about me dragging him out of that burning building all those years ago. I'd always suspected that a little bit of him blamed me for not letting him try to rescue Jasmine Turnbull, but he'd never said anything. I didn't feel guilty about it; he hadn't stood a chance. 'I know, old son,' I said. 'I know you have.' I reread the fax and that old restless feeling began to swell inside me. We were on to something, I was sure of that. 'Some time tomorrow,' I said, 'have a word with Graham at the SFO and tell him where we're at. If we're dealing with the FBI and Interpol we should keep them informed, and no doubt they have some better contacts than us. Give him some of it to do, if you want.'

'Did you say he's a DS?'


'Right. No sweat.'

I called at the supermarket and bought a fresh trout and a ready-made salad, determined to improve my eating habits. Smothered in margarine and four minutes in the microwave and the trout would be delicious. The oven was pinging to say it was ready when the phone rang. 'DI Priest, Heckley CID,' I barked into it.

It was Loopy Lucille from Easybroke Windows. They were working in my area again and looking for a show house that they could fix at a huge discount PLUS offering four windows for the price of six and when could they start?

I said: 'Er, no thanks, love.' That trout smelled good.

'What about a conservatory?' she asked. They were doing interest-free credit on conservatories.

'Er, no, love.'

'A patio door?'

'I don't have a patio.'

'Our range of Victorian patios come complete with free dwarf conifers.

When would you like our surveyor to call?'

'No thanks.'

'Plastic guttering, soffits and fascia boards?'


'Imitation stone cladding?'


'Block-paved driveway?'


'Well, thank you for your time, Mr. Priest,' she sang, unperturbed by rejection.

I couldn't believe it. She was about to put her phone down, allowing me to return to my meal, when I heard myself saying: 'Wooden Indians.'

'Pardon,' she said.

'Wooden Indians,' I repeated. 'I don't suppose you do wooden Indians.

I've been trying to find a wooden Indian for years.'

'Wooden… Indians?' she queried. They weren't in her script.

'That's right.'

'I'll put you through to my manager. Hold the line, please.'

The New World symphony burst into my left ear as she briefed her manager. I remembered a little dodge I used to be good at when I spent some time on the front desk, and wondered if I could still do it. If one of our regulars rang the nick to complain about a domestic I used to make clicking noises like a loose connection on the line. I was young and irresponsible in those days. After struggling to be understood for a while they'd say: 'Oh, forget it,' and stab their husband with the potato peeler.

'Hello, Mr. Priest,' came a cheery voice.

'Actually, it's the Reverend Priest,' I replied.

'Reverend Priest! Well, good evening, sir. How are you this evening?'

'Very well, ck ck you.'

'Good. And a lovely evening it is too.'

'It is, isn't ckckT 'This is a bad line,' he told me. 'Can I just check your number, Reverend Priest, and I'll ring you back.' I agreed that he'd got it right and held the bar down. The phone rang immediately.

'Ah, that's better,' he began. 'Now, could you please tell me what it was you're interested in, Reverend Priest. Lucille didn't quite catch what you said.'

'I told her I was considering ck ck a conservatory, if the price was ckck.'

'Right, sir. I'm afraid this line is just the same.'

'I can ck ck you perfectly well.'

'Good. Good. So when will it be convenient for someone to come and discuss our range of Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian conservatories with you?'

'I'd prefer it if you could just give me an approximate ck ck over the phone. I may not beck ck to afford one.'

'We're not really able to give prices over the phone,' he replied.

'There are so many different considerations, such as size and style and …'

'Oh, I ck ck the size,' I interrupted. 'It will have to beck ck six inches long by ck ck six inches wide.'

'I didn't quite catch that, sir.'

'I said ck ck six inches long and ck ck six inches wide.'

'I'm sorry, sir,' he said. 'I'm only getting the six inches.'

'Ooh! You should be so lucky!' I told him and he called me a fucking wanker and we slammed our phones down more or less simultaneously.

Agent Kaprowski rang just after nine, while I was still basking in the warm glow of success. 'According to Officer Sparkington you're interested in a lady called Melissa Youngman,' he said, after the introductions. 'I'd be

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