behind, inches from my face. I loosed off three quick shots at him and he died a few minutes later. Then we noticed that his shotgun only had one barrel, and it wasn’t a repeater. I’d killed an unarmed man.
The inquest was a whitewash, but I went along with it. He’d fired first, at an un-named police officer and that officer had returned fire. Lawful killing, justifiable homicide, call it what you will. I thought I’d heard the last of it, apart from the voices in the night, but Prendergast had done his homework. Like I said, they were fighting dirty.
Notoriety has its compensations. I laid low for the rest of the day, drinking coffee, catching up on paperwork and talking to our press office. They issued a statement, putting my case forward, and released a photograph that was used at the inquest, showing a uniformed PC standing where I’d been standing in O’Hagan’s bedroom, with the corner blown off the cheap wardrobe. I blinked when I saw it, feeling the sting of debris hitting my face and eyes, seeing O’Hagan’s form swimming before me, then falling to the floor.
I had a night in and watched the England game on TV, a couple of cans of Newcastle Brown at my elbow, like any good detective would do. The beer went down better than the football. With no goals scored and ten minutes to go our golden boy striker booted their dirty sweeper right in the penalty area and was sent off. One-nil to them, and that’s how it ended. I bought a UK News on my way in next morning, but it was all football and ladies’ chests; nothing at all about the Killer Cop. We were yesterday’s news.
There was a big pink envelope on my desk, and the office was full. Was I missing something? I opened it and pulled out the card it held. It said: Congratulations on your 100^th birthday. Inside, someone had written in a decent italic script: To Charlie, just to let you know that we’re all with you, and everybody in the station had signed it. I walked out into the big office and flapped it at them. “Thanks,” I said. “I appreciate it.”
“Did you organise this?” I asked Annette, after the briefing and morning prayers, when she brought me a coffee. The big card was propped on my windowsill.
“Not guilty, Sir,” she replied.
“Well it was good of someone to go to the trouble. Tell whoever it was I said so, will you?”
“Will do.”
“Fetch your coffee and join me, please,” I said. “I need some company.”
She came back and sat in my visitor’s chair, crossing her legs at the ankle, like any well-brought-up girl should. She was wearing a pinstripe suit with a knee-length skirt and a white blouse but no jewellery. “Don’t suppose you watched the football last night?” I asked.
“No,” she laughed. “Did you?”
“It was pathetic.” After an awkward silence I added: “But at least it kept us out of the papers.”
“Charlie…” Annette began. I looked at her, inviting her to continue. “Are you all right? We all know the truth about what happened, but it doesn’t seem fair that…you know, that only one side of it gets published.”
“Yeah,” I agreed. “I half hoped that there’d be a more balanced report this morning, but I should have known better. Never trust the press, Annette. Never.”
“What you need,” she told me, “is a really hot curry, with a few lagers to cool it down. It’s Thursday — my treat, my car. OK?”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry,” I replied, “but I’ve something on tonight.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well, never mind. Some other time, perhaps.”
“Yeah,” I said. “Some other time.”
We finished our coffees and she picked up the mugs. As she left I said: “The Deputy Chief Constable’s coming to see me at eleven, so spread the word. Either be busy or be gone.”
I was waiting in Gilbert’s office when the DCC arrived, a great bundle of newspapers under his arm. “This is a pretty pass, Charlie,” he said, unrolling them on to Gilbert’s desk. At least I was still Charlie.
“Anything in them?” Gilbert asked.
“Not a bloody sausage from our point of view. All flaming football in the tabloids and a couple of the broadsheets have picked up on the UK News’s original story. The Mirror and the Sun will pretend it never happened, because they didn’t get there first, and the others might eventually print something if there isn’t a more important scandal on offer, like a pregnant soap star.”
I grinned, saying: “You have a highly jaundiced view of our free and fearless press, Mr Pritchard.”
“From years of experience dealing with ’em, Charlie. Now, what are we going to do?”
Don’t you just love it when they ask you before telling you? He was retiring in a few weeks, so could afford to be generous and one of the boys. He’d come to the odd reunion or retirement party, but his authority would have gone and any influence he may have held would soon evaporate. What he’d like, all that he could hope for, was that people like me would talk about him with respect. “He wasn’t a bad old stick;” “You always knew where you stood with him;” “He was firm but fair;” or perhaps even: “We could do with him back.”
He didn’t take me off the case, he just destroyed the case. I’d done a good job, he said, had seen possibilities that were not immediately evident to other officers and pursued them with my usual diligence. The story, as I had related it, certainly had credibility. But the time had come to draw back, reconsider our position. Without forensics to link Silkstone with the death of his wife and Marie-Claire, we were leaving ourselves open to criticism. Silkstone had killed Latham, a known sex offender, and a vociferous amount of public opinion was behind him. We needed to channel that opinion so that it was with us, the police service, and not provoke it.
“We can only do our job with the consent of the people, Charlie,” he said. “Never forget that.” I think he read it on a fortune cookie.
“So what do you want to do? Close the case?” I asked.
“Close is rather an extreme way of putting it,” he replied. “Why not allow things to settle down somewhat and see what transpires, eh?”
“Put it on the back burner?” Gilbert suggested.
“Yes, put it on the back burner. And then, if anything else turns up, you can always re-open the investigation. But keep a low profile, the next time. I always find that the softly-softly approach has a lot going for it.”
“How long would you suggest before we looked at it again?” I asked.
“Oh, a couple of years?” he replied.
“And what about Jason Gelder?”
His smile turned sour for a moment, then returned in all its supercilious smarm. “I think we should leave that for Mr Isles to sort out, don’t you?”
I clumped down the stairs one at a time, dragging my hand on the polished banister, banging each foot on to the next step. I was hoping a friendly face would come the other way so I could shout at them, yelling: “What’s it got to do with you how I am?” but none came. I thrust my hands deep in my pockets and skulked back to the office.
Jeff Caton was the only person there, his head deep in that morning’s Gazette. “That all you’ve got to do?” I asked.
“Hi, Chas,” he said, looking up. “Nothing in it, I’m afraid. Nothing about us, that is. The release will have gone out too late for this edition.”
“But there’s something in the free ads that might be worth looking at. Bloke selling a box of fifty King Edward cigars for fifty quid. Says they’re an unwanted gift.”
“Maybe he’s stopped smoking.”
“Maybe, but it’s the seventh week the advert’s been in.”
“Really? What are they worth?”
“About twice that.”
“I’m convinced. Let’s go round in the morning and kick his door down. On second thoughts, let’s go round now, just the two of us. I feel like some aggro.”
Jeff laughed. “I’ll call round later, posing as a buyer. What’s brought this on?”
“Oh, Pritchard,” I told him. “Wants me to drop chasing Silkstone. He hasn’t taken me off the case, but I’ve to leave him alone. It’s back to keeping the fair streets of Heckley safe enough for decent people to go about their business. Who cares if one of them just happens to be a psychopath?”
“Maybe he’s a fellow lodge member.”
“No, it’s just bad public relations. I’m the ugly face of the police force.”