over to them.”

Durand showed no reaction. “What of it? You are not going to tell me that you were disappointed by this, I hope? If you are still harboring illusions about John’s conscience or his-”

“I am not,” Justin said through gritted teeth. “What I want to know is when you planned to tell me about this.”

“I’d have gotten around to it eventually. I sent word to those who matter.”

Justin started to push back from the table, but Durand moved faster, intercepting a passing serving maid and ordering a flagon and two cups. “If it will stop your complaining, I’ll buy the drinks,” he declared magnanimously, and Justin reluctantly retook his seat. For a time, they actually managed to conduct a civil conversation, discussing Guy de Laval’s likely whereabouts and how much trust they ought to place in Emma. Not much, they agreed. It occurred to Justin that the most trustworthy of his traveling companions was probably Emma’s pampered little lapdog, but he refrained from sharing this thought with Durand.

Durand reached for the flagon and poured the last of the wine into his cup; Justin’s was still half full. “I do not suppose we’ll be getting an early start on the morrow. Her ladyship will be lying abed till noon if left to her own devices. I’m beginning to have some sympathy for you, de Quincy. How did you ever survive a summer in Wales with the Lady Emma?”

Justin was taken aback, for Durand had sounded almost friendly. But when the other man smiled, he went on the alert, for he’d seen that smile in the past-just before Durand pounced.

“To prove my goodwill, de Quincy, I am going to offer some advice of the heart. I’ll not deny it has been amusing, watching Claudine stalk you like a vixen closing in on an unwary rabbit. But for Christ’s sake, man, enough is enough. If you do not bed her soon, she’s likely to start casting her pearls before swine,” he drawled, aiming a significant look across the tavern where Morgan was flirting with one of the serving maids.

Justin knew he was being goaded; Durand had used Claudine as bait before. He also knew that what he was about to do was childish; he did not care. As he got to his feet, he reached for his cup, as if to finish it, and overturned it in Durand’s lap. Durand was cat-quick, though, and twisted sideways to avoid most of the liquid. But enough of the wine splashed onto his mantle to satisfy Justin. “Sorry,” he said cheerfully. “How could I have been so clumsy?”

Durand had the pale-sky eyes of a Viking; like most Normans, he had his share of Norse blood. As Justin gazed into their glittering blue-white depths, he was reminded that ice could burn. Heads were turning in their direction; they’d attracted the attention of the burly tavern owner, who started to lumber over.

A woman with flaxen hair was quicker, though. Moving to Justin’s side, she said, with the aplomb of one accustomed to diverting tavern brawlers, “You said ‘later,’ sweet. Well, later is now. If you come abovestairs with me, I’ll make it worth your while.”

Before Justin could respond, Durand’s hand shot out, catching Honorine’s wrist. “Make it worth my while, love.”

She gave Durand a practiced appraisal, liked what she saw, and let him pull her down onto his lap, giving Justin a “You missed your chance” smile. Durand, too, was smiling now, his a victor’s smile.

But Justin did not begrudge him the prize. Leaning over, he murmured in Honorine’s ear, “He is rich, lass. Make him pay dear for it.”

They headed west on the morrow, expecting to find Arzhela with the Lady Constance at Rennes. Their first stop was the castle of Vitre, where Emma insisted upon accepting the hospitality of its lord, Andre de Vitre, much to the annoyance of both Justin and Durand, for they’d covered only twelve miles. But they were in for a pleasant surprise. They were not Lord Andre’s only guests. He was proudly playing host to his duchess, too.

Lord Andre escorted Emma and Claudine across the great hall to present them to Duchess Constance. Justin and Durand were trailing behind, not being of sufficient importance to warrant an introduction. Justin was curious to see the duchess, for if anyone could block John’s march to the throne, it would be Constance. He’d cast her in the same mold as Queen Eleanor, a woman about whom legends were spun, and his first glimpse was disappointing. Unlike the English queen, Constance was no great beauty. She was a small-boned, almost painfully slender woman in her thirties, petite and surprisingly fragile in appearance. Her hair was covered by a veil and wimple, but it was not likely that her coloring was fashionably fair, for her eyes were dark. If she were not so richly dressed in brocaded silk and an ermine-lined pelisse, Justin thought strangers might have guessed Emma or even Claudine to be the Breton duchess.

As he got closer, though, Justin changed his opinion. Constance radiated energy and authority. There was an intensity about her that put him in mind of a high-strung and highborn mare, but he frowned when Durand murmured that she was a filly to give a man a wild ride, for he did not like finding out that his thoughts and Durand’s could overlap like that.

Lord Andre had ushered Emma and Claudine toward the duchess and they were making graceful curtsies. But no one was expecting what happened next. Constance gave the women a cold, scornful stare and turned away without saying a word. Claudine looked stunned, Emma outraged, and Lord Andre flustered. The snub had not gone unnoticed and a buzz swept the hall.

“Did you see?” Durand jabbed Justin with his elbow. “I’ve seen street beggars get warmer receptions than that!”

Justin was equally baffled. Emma had been living in Wales for nigh on twenty years. So how likely was it that she’d offended a thirteen-year-old Constance so grievously that she was nursing a grudge two decades later? “It makes no sense. I know that Claudine has never met Constance and I doubt that Emma has, either.”

“Use your eyes, man,” Durand said impatiently. “If you were born a duck, would you have any liking for swans?”

That seemed too simple a solution to Justin. Before he could express his doubts, however, a low, throaty chuckle sounded behind them. “I’ve never understood how men can know so much about war and statecraft and the natural laws of Almighty God, but be so damnably stupid about women!”

They spun around to confront a stranger. Tall enough to laugh up at them without having to tilt her head, stylishly flat-chested, lithe and limber, glowing with good health and good humor. She had a determined chin, pale skin gilded with golden freckles, a wide, mobile mouth shaped for smiles, and eyes the sultry, caressing color of a summer sea.

“The duchess is too clever to be so petty, too ambitious to be so vain. You think there was a man ever born who’d trade power for white teeth and muscles? The lot of you would gladly look like misbegotten dwarves if only you could be crowned dwarves. Whatever makes you think that women do not have the same hungers?”

Justin and Durand exchanged quizzical glances. “Suppose you tell us, then,” Durand challenged, “why the duchess was so rude to the Lady Emma if it has naught to do with mirrors and vainglory.”

“It had nothing to do with Lady Emma’s pretty face and everything to do with the blood that flows in her veins. The duchess would sooner embrace the Devil’s daughter than a kinswoman of Eleanor, Richard, and John.”

“The last I heard,” Durand objected, “Duchess Constance is their kinswoman, too.”

“By marriage, not by choice. She has good reason to resent the Angevins. King Henry dethroned her father and married her off to his son Geoffrey. Then, after Geoffrey’s death, Richard forced her to wed the Earl of Chester, who was all of fifteen at the time, and thus more than ten years her junior. And I doubt that the happy couple have exchanged a civil word since.”

Justin was startled into laughter, taken aback by such brash candor. “Are you always so fiercely outspoken, Lady Arzhela?”

She grinned. “Alas, I have been cursed since childhood with a runaway tongue… Master de Quincy.” Her gaze flicked from Justin to Durand, but the knight’s face was inscrutable; she could not tell if he’d guessed her identity as Justin had. “I had the advantage of you,” she acknowledged, “for I needed only to pick you out amongst the Lady Emma’s men, whereas you could not even be certain that I was in attendance upon the duchess. It helped, too, that our mutual friend sent me such a good description of you both. You, Sir Durand, he said looked like a ‘pirate in search of a wench to ravish,’ and you, Master de Quincy, like a ‘young man accursed with a conscience.’ ”

She grinned again, as gleefully as a little girl, and Justin could not help responding to her warmth, her utter lack of pretense; she was not at all as he had imagined her to be. When he glanced around the hall to make sure

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