
As he was opening his mouth to tell her this interesting fact, the world began to spin around him and the lights, Sheranchuk's personal lights, went out. He could feel himself falling heavily forward into the doctor's arms, and then he could not feel anything at all.

Chapter 23

Saturday, May 3

The Committee for State Security, or Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti, is usually referred to by its Russian-language initials as the 'KGB.' It has been a constant presence in the life of every Soviet citizen as long as there has been a Soviet state. Its name has changed from time to time. So has its image — somewhat.

At the present time its image is still feared, but perhaps mostly as a looming presence offstage, somewhat as lung cancer is feared by a heavy smoker who won't quit anyway. It is no longer feared in quite the same way as in Stalin times — it was called the OGPU then, and later the NKVD — when it was feared as plague is feared during an epidemic, when death and destruction strike often, ruthlessly and seemingly at random.

The founder of the organization (which was then called by still a different name, the Cheka) was Felix Dzerzhinsky, the 'divine Felix.' (The great square in the center of Moscow that contains both the Lubyanka Prison and the city's most popular toy store is named after him.) It was said that Dzerzhinsky, if nothing else, was at least humanly fond of children. There is a story Russians tell about him. Once Dzerzhinsky was greeted at a railroad station by a pretty young girl who ran up to hand him a bunch of flowers. Dzerzhinsky hesitated for an awful moment. Then he smiled and patted the child on the head.

'So he can be kind, after all,' one Muscovite breathed to another. 'So it seems,' said the other. 'After all, he could have had her shot.'

The first indication Smin had that the GehBehs were coming to visit him was when the nurse came hurriedly in to surround his bed with the heavy screens that were usually put around a patient who was terminally ill. 'So I have company?' Smin asked, and was not surprised when the woman did not answer.

He sighed and propped himself up as best he could. He — was quite sure he knew what was coming. The screens could not be to shield him from the gaze of his roommate, because his roommate had been taken away to surgery the night before and had not returned. But it was a nuisance to have the interrogators come to question him now. The doctor taking his blood samples just an hour before had told him that his Comrade Plumber, Sheranchuk, had just been admitted to Hospital No. 6. Smin had been planning to put on his slippers and go out to plead with the head nurse to allow Sheranchuk to occupy the now vacant bed. Smin had been quite looking forward to having his Comrade Plumber in the room to talk to, especially because he was feeling, really, quite good. Those confounded blisters were still there, and his arms were sore from the dozens of needles that had been thrust into them for samples of blood and to pour other things into his veins; but he was in no particular pain.

Of course, that was only a temporary state, the result of the first transfusions of blood. The doctor had warned that his condition was critical. Smin didn't need to be told that. Although he had tried to refuse hospitalization, he knew quite well that those early blisters indicated something very wrong inside him. He was aware that this period of well-being might cjuite probably be the last such feeling he would ever have. He was determined to enjoy it while he had it.

And what a nuisance that the Chekists should turn up to spoil it!

There were two of them, of course. Smin saw immediately that these were the variety of GehBeh that advertised what it was. They could not wear the traditional slouch hats and trench coats in the hospital. They looked far less worrying in the white hospital gowns and caps all visitors were made to

wear. 'So, Simyon Mikhailovitch,' said the younger of the two agreeably, 'they tell us you are feeling much better today.'

'Temporarily,' nodded Smin. Indeed, apart from the sores in his mouth and the weak dizziness and the diarrhea, he had been feeling fairly fit.

'Oh, I hope more than temporarily,' beamed the other. 'But those scars? Surely they are not from this disaster?'

Smin's sheet had fallen away, and the full extent of the wartime burn scars was visible. 'Only an old memory,' he said. 'This, however' — he touched the little bandage where the doctors had pulled bone marrow out of his chest—'this is new, but unimportant. Surely you did not come here to discuss my health.'

'In general, no,' conceded the younger one. 'But we are, of course, concerned. We don't want to distress you with questions if you aren't feeling well.'

'Questions,' Smin repeated. 'I see. Please feel free to ask what you like.'

And they did. Politely at first. Even almost deferentially. Then less so. 'You are of course aware, Simyon Mikhailovitch, that the decisions of the Twenty-seventh Party Congress projected that nuclear electrical power generation is to double by 1990 to three hundred ninety billion kilowatt hours?' ('Of course,' said Smin.) 'And you are familiar with the assurance given by Chairman Andronik Petrosants of the USSR State Committee for the Use of Atomic Energy to the Central Committee, just three years ago, that the odds were a million to one against a disaster such as yours?'

'As mine?' Smin asked. 'Are you calling it my disaster? Is that the same as accusing me of causing the explosion?'

'You were the senior administrator present, Comrade Smin. The Director was absent. That counts against him, and, in fact, he has already been removed from his post and expelled from the Party, as you are perhaps aware. But you were in charge while he was away.'

'Actually,' Smin remarked, 'I wasn't present either. I was off duty when the explosion occurred.'

'Indeed you were,' said the other one severely. 'And where were you?' And then more unpleasant parts of the interrogation got started. Smin had left his post of duty to attend a religious service, had he not? Was he in fact a nonreg-istered believer? ('Not at all,' Smin protested. 'My mother—') But they were not interested in hearing about his mother. They put aside the question of religion and moved along. He had utilized the automobile furnished him by the state for this private expedition — diverting state property to his personal use — even dismissing the driver and driving it himself more than one hundred kilometers. And to what purpose? To consort with foreigners at a religious ceremony in the apartment in Kiev.

As to that apartment, how had he obtained it? Was it not the case that, although it was nominally his mother's, he was actually, and quite illegally, the proprietor of the flat — in addition to his own home in Pripyat, and to the dacha he was proposing to build out in the countryside — Comrade, the older man said sorrowfully, addressing the younger, what sort of man have we here, who can live in three homes at once?

Smin listened attentively to all these charges but spoke little. For one thing, the sores at the corners of his mouth hurt when he spoke. For another, these were of no importance. The GehBehs were simply building up a case. In his heart Smin had been quite certain that sooner or later one would be made against him. Only when they turned to the specific details of the construction of the power plant did he sit up. 'No,' he said strongly, 'I reject the assertion that any construction work that was being done was unauthorized. The plans were approved at the Ministry. Then in the day-to-day work the Director gave exact instructions. I followed his program completely in this respect.'

'Ah, I see,' the older man nodded. 'In this respect. But in others? Did the Director instruct you to use substandard materials?'

And with a flourish he produced that copy of Literaturna Ukraina, with the article calling attention to the disastrous conditions of Chernobyl's projected fifth reactor — defective materials, poor maintenance, slipshod management. It seemed clear, the Chekist said sorrowfully, that it was not the suppliers who had tricked Smin with substandard cement and flawed piping, it was Smin who had conspired to cheat the State, heedless of danger to the property of the people.

'But that was about Reactor Number Five. And it was not defective material that caused the accident,' Smin burst out. 'In any case, none of that material was used in essential construction — it was all discarded, and only satisfactory materials were employed.' But that only led to the succeeding charge, that under Smin's management

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