dark profundities and sunny crests. It has its breakers dashing in to shore, and its sullen backwashes. Swift currents race beneath a surface ruffled by minor winds. And there is a constant pulsing rhythm in it very like the tides. For it possesses periods of ebb, when all inspiration recedes into the blind spumy distance; and periods of flow, > when strong thoughts come hurtling in, resistless and supreme.

In another metaphor Daniel Webster once said that mind is the great lever of all things; that human thought is the process by which human ends are alternately answered. But a lever suggests action, which inevitably suggests reaction; and Webster points out by indirection that the entire process is one of alternation, of fluctuation between a period of inertia and a period of activity.

Now Mr. Ellery Queen, who labored habitually within the confines of his skull, had long since found in his researches that this was a universal law, and that to achieve intellectual light it was mandatory that he struggle through a phase of intellectual darkness. The problem of the queer little dead man was a singular example in his experience. For days on end his brain wrestled through a slippery fog, groping for signposts; willing, even eager, but impotent. And suddenly there was the light staring coldly into his puckered eyes.

He wasted no time or breath on gratitude to the Wielder of the Cosmic Balance. The reaction had come. The light was there. But the light was still obscured by the whipping tails of the fog. The fog must be dissipated, and it could be dissipated by only one process?concentration.

And so, being a logical man, he concentrated.

* * *

Ellery spent the rest of that momentous day draped in his favorite dressing-gown, a fetid garment redolent of old nicotine and haphazardly studded with tiny brown-edged holes, the visible signs of thousands of long-perished cigaret sparks. He lounged on the nape of his neck before a fire in the living-room, his toes toasting cosily, eying the ceiling with bright distant eyes and automatically flinging cigaret-butts into the flames as they burned down to his finger tips. There was no pose in this; for one thing, there was no one to pose for, since the Inspector was sulkily occupied with another case at Headquarters and Djuna was seated somewhere in the musty darkness of a motion picture theatre following the hectic fortunes of one of his innumerable bow-legged heroes. For another, Ellery was not thinking of himself.

It was curious, for instance, that occasionally he screwed his eyes downward a little to study the long crossed swords hanging above the fireplace. They were aged relics of his father’s past?a gift to the Inspector from a German friend harking back to student days in Heidelberg. Certainly they could have no connection with the case in hand. And yet he studied them long and earnestly; although it is to be confessed that to his transfiguring eyes they assumed the menacing shape of Impi spears, broad-bladed and wicked.

Then the period of inspection passed, and he snuggled deeper into the chair and gave himself up wholly to disembodied thought.

* * *

At four in the afternoon he sighed, roused himself, creaked out of the chair, flung another cigaret into the fire, and went to the telephone.

“Dad?” he croaked when Inspector Queen answered. “Ellery. I want you to do something for me.”

“Where are you?” snapped the Inspector.

“Home. I?”

“What the devil are you doing?”

. “Thinking. Look here?”

“About what? I thought you’d settled the whole business in your mind.” The Inspector sounded faintly bitter.

“Now, now,” said Ellery in a weary voice, “don’t be that way. I didn’t mean to offend you, you sensitive old coot. I really have been working. Anything new, by the way?”

“Not a blessed thing. Well, what is it? I’m busy. Some tramp was shot up on Forty-fifth Street and I’ve got my hands full.”

Ellery gazed dreamily at the wall above the fireplace. “Have you any connections with some reliable theatrical costumer who can be trusted to do a confidential job and keep his mouth shut?”

“Costum?1 What’s up now, for cripe’s sake?”

“An experiment in the interests of justice. Well, have you?”

“I suppose I can rustle one,” grumbled the Inspector. “You and your experiments! Johnny Rosenzweig over on Forty-ninth once did a job for me. I guess you can rely on him. What’s the dope?”

“I want a dummy.”

“A what?”

“A dummy. Not the human kind,” chuckled Ellery. “A stuffed shirt, inarticulate, will do. Here, I’m confusing you. Get this Rosenzweig friend of yours to make up a dummy of the same general size and height as the murdered man.”

“Now I know you’ve gone nuts,” complained the Inspector. “You sure this is for the case? Or are you workin’ on some far-fetched, crazy detective-story idea for a book? If it’s that, El, I can’t take time off to bother?”

“No, no, I assure you this will prove a stepping-stone toward the high place in which New York justice sits enthroned. Can you get him to work fast?”

“I s’pose so. Just a dummy the size and height of the dead man, hey?” The old gentleman sounded sarcastic. “Anything else? How about a little bridge-work? Or some artistic modelling on the nose?”

“No, seriously. There is something else. You’ve got the weight of the dead man, haven’t you?”

“Sure. It’s in Doc Prouty’s report.”

“Very good. I want the all-over weight to be identical with the victim’s. He’ll have to do a clever job. See if he can’t approximate the same weight of limbs, torso, and head. Especially the head. That’s most important. Think he can do it?”

“Might. He’ll probably have to get Prouty’s help in the weights.”

“Be sure to tell him to keep the dummy flexible?”

“What d’ye mean?”

“I mean I don’t want it in one stiff straight piece. Whatever he uses for the weighting-iron, lead?should not run in a single piece from head to foot. Let him use separate weights for the feet, the legs, the torso, the arms, and the head. In that way we’ll have a dummy which in virtually every particular will be a facsimile of the dead man’s body. That’s vital, dad.”

“I guess he can string ‘em together with wire or something,” muttered the Inspector, “which’ll bend. Anything else?”

Ellery chewed his lower lip. “Yes. Have the dummy dressed in the dead man’s clothes. That’s the theatre in me coming out.”

“Put on backwards?”

“Good heavens, yes I The dummy should look precisely like our little corpse.”

“Say,” snapped the Inspector, “don’t tell me you’re going to pull one of those old psychological gags of confronting the suspects with what seems to be the corpse risen from the dead! By thunder, El, that’s?”

“Now that,” said Ellery sadly, “is the most unkindest cut of all. Have you really such a low estimate of my mentality? Of course I haven’t any such notion. This is an experiment in the name of science, dear father. No hocus-pocus about it. The theatre I referred to was an afterthought. Understood?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I guess so. Where d’ye want the thing?”

“Have it sent up here, to the apartment. I have work for it.”

The Inspector sighed. “All right. All right. But sometimes I think that all that thinking you say you do has gone to your head. Ha, ha!” And with a sad chuckle he hung up.

Ellery smiled, stretched, yawned, wandered into the bedroom, flung himself on his bed, and fell asleep within sixty seconds.

* * *

The dummy was delivered by Sergeant Velie at 9:30 that night.

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