Trinity College, University of Dublin
The end of the world has preoccupied humanity for as long as humanity has existed.
For Hindus, Vishnu will destroy the Earth. Christians fear the Apocalypse prophesied in the final books of the Bible. No less than St. Peter himself famously wrote, “The end of all things is near.”
I fear it may be nearer than we think.
Our small planet does not exist in a void.
It exists in concert with our Sun and the other planets of our solar system.
Certain ancient civilizations knew about these relationships: the Maya, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, even the Neolithic peoples of Britain; all of them saw patterns in the night sky.
And as I myself discovered during the Tartarus Event of 2006, our Earth is directly linked to our Sun.
Our Sun begets life. It provides the light that sparks photosynthesis and the temperate warmth that allows our fragile human bodies to exist without the blood in our veins freezing or boiling.
This, however, is a more delicate situation than many realize.
To paraphrase the Chinese philosopher, Laozi, nothing exists in isolation. For life to exist, there must be balance. Balance implies the harmonic existence of two things, what philosophers call “Duality.”
But not only must there be two of everything—man, woman; heat, cold; light, darkness; good, bad—but inside the good there must be some bad, just as inside the bad, there must be some good. This has never been better displayed than in the famous Taijitu, the Yin-Yang.
So what does this concept of duality mean in the context of our solar system? It means this:
Our Sun does not exist alone.
It has a twin, an opposite, an invisible body of dark matter known as a “zero-point field.” This spherical field roams through the outer regions of our solar system like a moving black hole, not so much possessed of negative energy as no energy at all. It absorbs light. It is indescribably cold. It breaks down oxygen at the molecular level. It is, in short, a variety of energy that is anathema to life as we know it.
And if this zero-point field—this Dark Sun, if you will—ever sweeps into our solar system, it will destroy all life on Earth.
Observe the image at the beginning of this article. It is a carving found all over the world from Abu Simbel in Egypt to Newgrange in Ireland to Peru in South America.
It is called “the Mystery of the Circles.”
A quick glance at it leads the observer to conclude that it depicts our solar system, with the Sun at the center, orbited by nine planets.
Not so.
If you look closely, you will see that the Mystery of the Circles contains ten planets orbiting a central Sun. It also features—somewhat mysteriously—a strange black orb sitting outside the orbits of the ten planets, equal in size to the central Sun.
It is my belief that the Mystery of the Circles is indeed a depiction of our solar system, but not as we see it today. It is a picture of our solar system as it was a longtime ago.
Forget the planets for a moment and keep your eyes on the black orb hovering outside the circles.
This must be the focus of our inquiry.
For it represents our Sun’s dark twin, and it now approaches, bringing with it our destruction.
But a mechanism has been put in place to allow us to avert our destruction.
Unfortunately the knowledge crucial to our salvation—to the operation of this “Machine”—which was known to the ancients, has long since been lost through wars, dark ages, witch-hunts, and holocausts.
However, great men and women throughout history have held pieces of this knowledge: Laozi and his famous student, Confucius; Rameses II, the mighty pharaoh, and his priest-builder, Imhotep II; Cleopatra VII, the doomed Egyptian queen; the great Mayan ruler, King Pakal; and in more recent times, Isaac Newton, in his obsessive search for the secrets of alchemy.
In all their writings, there is one common feature. The Machine is always represented by this image:
What the image actually means, though, remains elusive.
Of all the impressive individuals who have known about this Machine, it is Rameses II—greatest of all the pharaohs, greater even than Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid—who has left us the most information about it and indeed identified the key to solving the mystery.
The Six Sacred Stones.
Six stones which, in his honor, we now call the Ramesean Stones. They are:
The Philosopher’s Stone
The Altar Stone of the Temple of Ra’s Dark Twin (Stonehenge)
The Twin Tablets of Thutmosis
The Killing Stone of the Maya
The Seeing Stone of the Southern Tribe (Delphi)