Jelavich and B. Jelavich. Berkeley, 1962. Golder, F. A., ed. Documents of Russian History, 1914- 1917. New York and London, 1927. Gurko, V. I. Features and Figures of the Past. Government and Opinion in the Reign of

Nicholas II. Stanford, 1939. Herzen, A. I. My Past and Thoughts. Translated by ? Garnett. 6 vols. New York, 1924-28,1973. Izvolsky, A. P. Recollections of a Foreign Minister. Garden City, N.Y., 1921. Karamzin, N. M. Letters of a Russian Traveler, 1789-1790: An Account of a Young Russian

Gentleman's Tour through Germany, Switzerland, France and England. Translated

by F. Jonas. Edited by E. Simmons. New York, 1957. Karamzin, N. M. Memoir on Ancient and Modern Russia. Translated and analysis by R. Pipes.

Edited by R. Pipes. Cambridge, Mass., 1959. Kokovtsov, V. N. Out of My Past. Edited by H. H. Fisher. Stanford, 1935. Kravchinsky, S. M. (Stepniak) Underground Russia: Revolutionary Profiles and Sketches from

Life. Preface by P. L. Lavrov. New York, 1883.

Kropotkin, P. A. Memoirs of a Revolutionist. New York, 1899.

Kropotkin, P. A. Modern Science and Anarchism. London, 1913.

Kropotkin, P. A. The State: Its Part in History. London, 1898, 1943.

Lavrov, P. Historical Letters. Edited and translated by J. P. Scanlan. Berkeley, 1967.

Maklakov, V. A. Memoirs of V. A. Maklakov: The First State Duma: Contemporary

Reminiscences. Edited by M. Belkin. Bloomington, Ind., 1964. Maximoff, G. P., ed. The Political Philosophy of Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism. Chicago, 1953. Miliukov, P. Political Memoirs, 1905-1917. Edited by A. P. Mendel. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1967. Paleologue, G. An Ambassador's Memoirs. 3 vols. London, 1925. Pares, B. 'Conversations with Mr. Stolypin.' Russian Review (London) 2 (1913). Pares, B. My Russian Memoirs. London, 1931.

Pares, ?., ed. Letters of the Tsaritsa to the Tsar, 1914-1916. London, 1923. Pobedonostsev, K. P. Reflections of a Russian Statesman. London, 1898. Radishchev, A. N. A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Edited with an introduction and

notes by R. P. Thaler. Cambridge, Mass., 1958. Raeff, M., ed. The Decembrist Movement. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966. Raeff, M., ed. Plans for Political Reform in Russia, 1730- 1905. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1966. Read, H., ed. Kropotkin: Selections from His Writings. London, 1942. Reddaway, W. F., ed. Documents of Catherine the Great. Cambridge, 1931. Rieber, A. The Politics of Autocracy: Letters of Alexander 11 to Prince A. I. Bariatinskii,

1857-1864. Paris, 1966. Rosen, R. R. Forty Years of Diplomacy. 2 vols. New York, 1922. Rozanov, V. V. Fallen Leaves. Translated by S. S. Koletiansky. London, 1920. Rozanov, V. V. Selected Works. Edited by G. Ivask. New York, 1956. Sazonov, S. D. Fateful Years, 1909-1916. New York, 1928. Signposts. See Vekhi.

Soloviev, V. S. Lectures on Godmanhood. Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1944. London, 1948. Soloviev, V. S. Russia and the Universal Church. Translated by H. Rees. London, 1948. Soloviev, V. S. A Soloviev Anthology. Edited by S. L. Frank. London, 1950. Soloviev, V. S. War, Progress and the End of History. Translated by A. Bakstry. London, 1915. Tikhomiroff, L. Russia: Political and Social. Translated by E. Aveling. 2 vols. London, 1888. Tolstoy, L. Works. Translated by L. Maude and A. Maude. 21 vols. London and New York,

1928-37. Vekhi: Signposts: A Collection of Articles on the Russian Intelligentsia. Moscow, 1909. [Vekhi: Sbornik Statei ? Russkoi Intelligentsii]. Translated and edited by M. Shatz and J.

Zimmerman. Canadian Slavic Studies, beginning with vol. 2, no. 2 (Summer 1968). Wallace, D. M. Russia. New York, 1880. Watrous, S. D., ed. John Ledyard's Journey through Russia and Siberia, 1787-1788: The

Journal and Selected Letters. Madison, Wis., 1966. Witte, S. The Memoirs of Count Witte. Edited by A. Yarmolinsky. Garden City, N.Y., 1921.

B. General Studies

Benois, A. The Russian School of Painting. London, 1916.

Bird, A. A History of Russian Painting. Boston, 1987.

Crummey, R. O. The Old Believers and the World of Antichrist: The Vyg Community and the

Russian State, 1694-1855. Madison, Wis., 1970. Dmytryshyn, ?., ed. Modernization of Russia under Peter I and Catherine II. New York and

Toronto, 1974. Florinsky, M. T. The End of the Russian Empire. New Haven, Conn., 1931. Harcave, S. Years of the Golden Cockerel: The Last Romanov Tsars, 1814-1917. New York,


Ivanits, L. J. Russian Folk Belief. Armonk, N.Y., 1989.

Karpovich, M. Imperial Russia, 1801-1917. New York, 1932.

Kornilov, A. Modern Russian History from the Age of Catherine the Great to the End of the

Nineteenth Century. Translated by A. Kaun. Bibliography by J. Curtiss. 2 vols. New

York, 1970. Maynard, J. Russia in Flux. New York, 1948. Miliukov, P. Russia and Its Crisis. Chicago, 1905; New York, 1962. Mirsky, D. S. History of Russian Literature. New York, 1927.

Pares, B. The Fall of the Russian Monarchy: A Study of the Evidence. New York, 1939. Pares, B. Russia: Between Reform and Revolution. Edited by F. B. Randall. New York, 1962. Pavlovsky, G. Agricultural Russia on the Eve of the Revolution. London, 1930. Pushkarev, S. The Emergence of Modern Russia. Translated from Russian. New York, 1963. Raeff, M. Imperial Russia, 1682-1825: The Coming of Age of Modern Russia. New York,

1971. Robinson, G. T. Rural Russia under the Old Regime: A History of the Landlord-Peasant World

and a Prologue to the Peasant Revolution of 1917. New York, 1932. Seton-Watson, H. The Russian Empire, 1801-1917. Oxford, 1967. Treadgold, D. W. Twentieth Century Russia. Chicago, 1959. Vucinich, A. S. Science in Russian Culture: A History to 1860. Stanford, 1963. Vucinich, A. S. Science in Russian Culture (1861-1917). Stanford, 1970. Vucinich, W. S., ed. The Peasant in Nineteenth Century Russia. Stanford, 1968. Wallace, D. M. Russia on the Eve of War and Revolution. New York, 1961. Westwood, J. N. Endurance and Endeavour: Russian History, 1812-1980. 3rd ed. The Short

Oxford History of the Modern World. Oxford, 1987.

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