Her vagina seemed to have a suction of its own, sucking his hardened cock up in it to its hilt. Diane felt the great tool slide into her, bearing against Randall's hard cock, the thin membrane of her vaginal and rectal walls the only thing between the two parallel shafts.

And then, as if by some prearranged signal, Randall and Roger began to fuck her in unison until only their engorged glans remained inside her, Roger's held in place by the inner lips of her insatiable cunt, and Randall's held by its throat by the tight constriction of her stretched, sensation-filled anus. Then they plunged simultaneously, driving deep up inside her, their stiffness pushing against each other along the twin open channels of her writhing loins.

'More!' she groaned around Hilton's still pumping prick. 'MMmmmmmmm! More! Oh God, more!'

They gave her more, heaving and crashing into her with a rhythm that made her think of tidal waves pounding the Pacific Ocean shore line. Again and again they fucked into her in exquisite unison, their balls making harsh slapping sounds when they hit flesh, and the soft gushing sounds of fluid and lubricating seepages sloshing around the pink peninsula of flesh between her dual ravaged orifices.

Delight flowed through Diane, sending her deliriously into another world. She massaged the soft scrotum of Hilton's genitals, his hard shaft completely absorbed between her ovalled lips. Then she tantalized the base of his cock with one hand and raised her fingers so that she stroked his pubic hair while she sucked in time to the mighty pummeling she was experiencing in her pussy and her asshole. Her tongue flicked around Hilton's glans, rubbing against its tiny split, and the softness of her member twirled maddeningly around its massive tube. Hilton flexed his buttocks, watching the crown of her head bob on his cock as simultaneously she worked her buttocks to the relentless hammerings of the other two men.

Roger was face to face with his wife now and could stare up at the salacious sight of Diane's puckered lips sucking Hilton's massive penis. The view caused him to shove his loins further against his wife's cunt, and he watched as his sudden surge made her peel back her lips with delirium and cling to Hilton's cock grotesquely with her teeth. Then her lips closed over this fantastically swollen rod of hardened flesh and continued to suck it voraciously. It was a masterful sight, blurred as it was with the increased rhythm of their impending explosion.

Diane sensed her husband's growing excitement and began to suck Hilton's prick harder for his benefit. She dug her nails gently into the blood-engorged flesh, leaving thin white bloodless trails where she scraped thin layers of skin away.

Suddenly Randall began to howl behind her and then Hilton took up the wailing chant and Roger made muffled groans. It was time! IT WAS TIME! The perfect harmony, and the knowledge alone, made Diane gasp, for she too grew like an inflating balloon and suddenly exploded. The room lit in strange colors, blinding and flashing and mingling with the electrifying shocks of her climax. Her whole body seemed to drop to the depths of primeval carnal emotion.

Roger shot his cum deep into her pussy like some great rocket blasting into the black emptiness of space. He writhed his hips furiously, while he watched his lovely wife's face working to milk the juice of Hilton's tremendous explosion. In her rectum, Randall was spearing needle-thin streams of white hot sperm from his convulsing balls, filling her bowels with the enema of his great load.

Hilton continued to spurt in her mouth, and Roger was dazedly amazed at the number of times his wife had to bloat her cheeks and swallow hard, greedily, sucking on furiously to get every last drop of his hot delicious, semen. Some of the sperm dribbled from her ovalled lips and hung tantalizingly on her chin in coagulating droplets. Roger was tempted to wipe them away, but he was too tired, too satiated from his own release.

Diane, her climax the last to arrive, thrust her buttocks back on the superbly expanded shafts of her lovers, her every muscle contracting as though she was having an epileptic fit. She gulped and swallowed the semen of Hilton's onrushing surge, and her anal sphincter muscles closed around Randall's ejaculating penis like an angry fist. Her buttocks flexed to rock hardness when her orgasm hit, and her chest screamed as the power of her body unleashed at the moment she had been waiting for. There was no time, no space, nothing except the unbelievable pleasure of her climax. She was struck again and again by the spasmodic twitchings of every lustfully straining muscle in her body.

Gradually the three men's cocks went limp, and they withdrew from her. Hilton's came last, for she continued to nibble it thankfully, sucking the last vestiges of his great cum. Then he, too, slid away. Diane raised her head and smiled at him, then at her husband. She lowered her face to kiss Roger slipperily on the lips with the greatest tenderness he had ever felt.

'Jesus,' Randall sighed, collapsing against the back of the couch.

'Yeah,' groaned Hilton. 'Jesus!'

'You were delightful, darling,' Roger said softly into Diane's ear, and he drew her close with his arms locked possessively about her.

As sanity returned to Diane, she rolled her head over on Roger's chest. The thought of 'Welcome to the club!' suddenly crossed her mind.

After that, the party ran its course rapidly. Everyone made love to everyone else in every conceivable way by twos and threes and fours, but somehow it never seemed to reach that peak of emotional release she had experienced with Roger, Randall, and Dr. Hilton all inside her at the same time. Finally, she made her way to a bedroom and collapsed on the large bed and slept. Several other couples used the bed, some to sleep, some to fuck, but they didn't disturb Diane. A few sampled her as she dozed, licking her or emptying themselves between her legs, but she failed to fully awaken and went through the motions of intercourse almost automatically.

The first pink light of dawn was in the sky when Roger shook her awake, but she was still too sleepy, too fulfilled to care. He found her clothes and carried her tenderly outside to their car, wondering perversely how many men had gushed their living sperm into her sweet young belly this night…


The hot summer sun blazed through the bedroom window, cascading its brilliance across the double bed, waking Diane from a deep sleep. She stretched her limbs languorously, the sun warming her body through the thin satin sheet, and she recollected with the haziness of semi-awareness the wonderful fucking Roger had given her the night before. It had been months since the evening of Marc Cord's orgiastic party, and since then, she and Roger had completely abandoned themselves to the sexual life. There was delicious enjoyment to be found in each other, and Roger and she were more in love than ever; but they were honest with one another, admitting frankly that they were no longer satisfied with merely one another. No, they had enjoyed the pleasures of variety too well, too long now, to be limited by such a narrow scope.

Yes, everything was like a beautiful dream. The new house in the San Bruno hills was exactly what she had always wanted, and the new people she had met in the surrounding blocks had been marvelous and friendly — a few of them more than just friendly, too. And Roger was happy in his position with Waller, Waller, Crist, and Maxwell, doing an excellent job for Marc, and was on his way to bigger and better career opportunities with the company. Of course, the money was nice to have, too; very nice. Oh yes, she could truly say she had everything a woman could have in this world.

Never before did I ever think of such fulfillment, Diane thought to herself dreamily. And my marriage is so perfectly wonderful now, not like it was when I was a silly, unenlightened prude… Thank God I found myself in time…

Her reverie was interrupted by Roger's entrance. He opened the bedroom door and stepped inside. He smiled at her as he approached, wiping his hands on his bright Bermuda shorts. He leaned over the bed and smoothed his hands along the sheets, then dipped under the covers and without warning moved his hand up along her leg to squeeze her naked pubic mound. 'Morning, sweet-heart!' he grinned.

Diane shrieked, raising out of the bed in a half-hearted attempt to escape the teasing rummaging between her legs. 'Stop it!' she laughed.

Roger laughed with her and withdrew his hand. 'Get up, honey. I want you to meet our new neighbors.'

'You mean somebody finally bought the house across the street?'

'Uh-huh. I brought them over for an introductory drink.'

Вы читаете The reluctant couple
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