Shaw growled, but accepted the fact philosophically. He would repeat the call later. He went back to his working-bench in the laboratory and was soon absorbed in adjusting an intricate piece of mechanism in course of construction there. He walked in an atmosphere vibrant with a force new to science. His large hands were delicate as those of a violinist . . .
He called Craig’s number again at one o’clock, but there was no reply. He tried Regan’s, with a similar result. Perhaps the injury was more serious than Regan had supposed. He might have been detained for hospital treatment.
Shaw tried both numbers again at two and then at three o’clock. No answers.
He began to feel seriously worried about Regan; nor could he entirely understand the absence of Craig. He knew how determined Craig had been to complete the valve detail that night, he knew he was spending the week- end away; and he felt sure that Morris Craig wasn’t the man to waste precious hours in night spots.
In this, Shaw misjudged Craig—for once. At almost exactly three o’clock, that is, whilst Shaw was vainly calling his number, Morris Craig leaned on a small table, feasting his eyes on Camille, who sat facing him.
“Say you are happy,” he whispered.
That she was happy, that this new wonderland was real and not a mirage, seemed to him, at the moment, the only thing that mattered— the one possible excuse for his otherwise inexcusable behavior.
Camille smiled, and then lowered her eyes. She knew that she had been dancing—dancing for hours, it seemed to her. Even now, a band played softly, somewhere on the other side of a discreetly dim floor. Yes—she was happy. She was in love with Morris, and they were together. But how could she surrender herself to all that such an evening should mean, when she had no idea how she came to be there?
She knew that she had set out to keep an appointment made for her by Mrs. Frobisher. Had she kept it? Apart from a vague recollection of talking to Morris in the office—of some sudden terror—the rest of the night remained a blank up to the moment when she had found herself here, in his arms, dancing . . .
“Yes—I am happy, Morris, very happy. But I think I must go home now.”
It was nearly half past three when they left.
In the little lobby of her apartment house, between swing doors and the house door, Craig held her so long that she thought he would never let her go. Every time she went to put her key in the lock, he pulled her back and held her again. At last:
“I shall be here for you at nine in the morning,7 he said.
“All right. Good night, Morris.”
She opened the door, and was gone. He watched her, through glass panels, as she hurried upstairs. Then he went out, crossed the street, and waited to see a light spring up in her room. When one did, he still waited—and waited.
At last she came to the window, pulled a drape aside, and waved him good night.
He had dismissed the taxi. He wanted to walk, to be alone with this night, to relive every hour of the wonder that had come into his life with Camille’s first kiss.
When, at Central Park West, he decided to walk across the Park, two tired and bored detectives who had been keeping the pair in sight ever since they had left the night club, exhaled selfpitying sighs . . .
Chapter XV
At ten past four, Martin Shaw dialled Regan’s number. No reply. Then he tried Craig’s. No reply. Following a momentary hesitation, he called police headquarters.
He had no more than begun to explain what had happened when he heard the clang of the elevator door as someone slammed it shut. Laying the phone down on Camille’s desk, he ran out into Craig’s office. He arrived just as Nayland Smith burst in.
“Sir Denis! What’s this?”
Nayland Smith was darting urgent glances right and left.
“Where’s Regan?” he rapped.
“Hasn’t shown up—”
“Had an accident some time before I returned. Left a note.”
Nayland Smith’s challenging stare was almost frightening.
“You mean the place was empty when you arrived at twelve?”
“Just that.”
“And you did nothing about it?”
“Why should I?” Shaw demanded. “But when he didn’t appear at four o’clock, it was different. I have police headquarters on the line right now “
“Tell them I’m here. Then hang up.”
Shaw, upon whom this visitor had swept as a typhoon, went back and did so.
“I know,” a voice replied. “We’re on the job. Stand by.”
When Shaw rejoined him:
“Your handyman, Sam, was got away by a ruse,” said Smith. “He wisely called the police, too—from Philadelphia. I came straight along. Someone wanted this place vacated tonight—and Craig played right into the enemy’s hands—”
“But where is the Doctor? I have been calling him—”
“You’d be surprised!” Smith snapped savagely. “At the present moment, he’s wandering about Central Park, moon-struck! One of two men looking after him got to a phone ten minutes ago.”
Shaw looked thunderstruck.
“Has he gone mad?”
“Yes. He’s in love. Show me this note left by Regan.”
He went racing up the steps. Shaw had left the laboratory door open.
“There—on the table.”
Nayland Smith bent over Regan’s strange message. He turned.
“Sure it’s his writing?”
“Looks like it—allowing for a shaky hand. He’d evidently cut himself. See—there are specks of blood here.” Shaw pointed. “And I think blood has been wiped from the floor just below.”
Nayland Smith pulled at the lobe of his ear. His brown face looked drawn, weary, but his eyes shone like steel. The green twilight of this place, the eerie throbbing which seemed to penetrate his frame, he disliked, but knew he must ignore. A moment he stood so, then turned and ran back to the phone. He called police headquarters, gave particulars of what had happened, and:
“Check all night taxis,” he directed rapidly, “operating in this area. All clinics and hospitals in the neighborhood. Recall Detectives Beaker and Holland, on duty at the door here between eight and four. Order them to report to Raymond Harkness.”
He hung up, called another number, and presently got Harkness.
“I’m afraid we lose, Harkness,” he said. “I’m at the Huston Building. Something very serious has occurred tonight. I fear the worst. The two men posted below must have tripped up, somewhere. They will report to you. Make each take oath and swear he never left the door for a moment. Then call me. I shall be here . . .”
In the throbbing laboratory, Martin Shaw was making entries in the log. He looked up as Nayland Smith came in.
“Of course,” he said, “I can see something has happened to poor Regan. But it’s not clear to me that there’s anything else to it.”
“Not clear?” rapped Smith. “Why should a man who generally hangs around the place at all hours—Sam— receive a faked call to get him to Philadelphia? Is it a mere coincidence that Regan deserts his post the same night? For some time before twelve o’clock—we don’t know for how long—no one was on duty here.”
“There’s an entry in the book timed eleven-fifteen.”
“Very shaky one. Still leaving a gap of forty-five minutes.”
“If you mean some foreign agent got in, how did he get in?”
“He probably had a duplicate key, as I have. The F.B.I, got mine from the locksmith who made the originals. Couldn’t someone else have done the same thing? Or borrowed, and copied, an existing key?”