Music is a vital part of my creative process. It inspires me and plays in the background as I write, lending its rhythms and tones to the story I’m trying to tell. Apocalyptic Organ Grinder was no different and I would like to acknowledge some of the songs and artists which helped keep me motivated as the story unfurled before me.

“Paint It Black” - Firewater

“I Want To Be A Machine” - Pornophonique

“Ratamahatta” - Sepulutra

“Eraser” - Nine Inch Nails

“Cantara” - Dead Can Dance

“Future Fail” - Front Line Assembly

“Headhunter” - Front 242

“Ja’her” - Skinny Puppy

“Sanvean” - Dead Can Dance

About the Author

Named by The Google+ Insider’s Guide as one of their top 32 authors to follow, William Todd Rose writes dark, speculative fiction which often lends itself to the bizarre and macabre. With short stories appearing in various magazines and anthologies, his body of work also includes the novels Cry Havoc, Shut The Fuck Up and Die!, The Dead and Dying, and The Seven Habits of Highly Infective People, as well as the short story collection Sex in the Time of Zombies. For more information on the author, including links to free fiction, please visit him online at

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