howbeit…not although I cannot bear him296 dear beloved, precious (with grim play on the sense of “costly”)297 peradventure perhaps/probably298 accountant accountable299 diet feed300 For that because301 leaped into plays on the sense of “mounted sexually” seat official place/saddle/(wife’s) vagina308 poor…Venice i.e. Rodorigo trace follow309 For on account of stand…on continues to respond to my incitements (suggestive of urging dogs on in a hunt)310 on the hip at a disadvantage311 right garb way I plan/most effective manner312 night-cap wife/(wife’s) vagina; Iago suspects Cassio of having sex with Emilia314 egregiously monstrously, shamefully315 practising upon scheming against316 ’Tis here i.e. the plan exists/the plan is in my head3 mere perdition total destruction4 triumph public celebration of victory5 addition rank/occupation7 nuptial marriage8 offices kitchens, pantries9 told counted, struck2 stop restraint3 outsport discretion make merry beyond the bounds of prudence8 with your earliest at your earliest convenience10 the…ensue i.e. though married, Othello and Desdemona have yet to consummate their union15 cast dismissed17 wanton sportive/amorous/lascivious Jove the supreme Roman god was known for his amorous encounters with beautiful women18 exquisite accomplished, perfect19 full of game sexually sportive, lustful20 delicate charming/ dainty/elegant21 sounds a parley issues a summons (literally, to military negotiations)23 alarum call to arms26 stoup cup, tankard without outside brace pair27 gallants fine young men disposed to pleasure fain gladly have a measure i.e. drink a toast30 unhappy unfortunate34 craftily qualified skillfully diluted innovation alteration/ revolution35 infortunate unfortunate, unlucky40 it dislikes me it displeases me/I do it reluctantly43 offence aggression, readiness to take offense44 my…dog the overindulged lapdog of a young lady sick lovesick46 caroused drunk as a toast47 Potations pottle-deep half-gallon draughts watch remain alert, be on the lookout (for a chance to provoke Cassio)48 swelling proud49 That… distance who are very conscious of protecting their honors (and thus quick to take offense)50 elements essence, typical constituents51 flustered made drunkenly excitable52 watch are awake53 action deed/fight55 approve prove, bear out56 stream current57 rouse large quantity of drink60 cannikin small drinking vessel63 span brief period (literally, span of the hand)67 most…potting big drinkers68 swag-bellied with a belly that sags heavily72 drinks you drinks (you is emphatic)73 Almain German74 pottle half-gallon drinking vessel76 do you justice i.e. match you in the amount you drink78 King Stephen twelfth-century king of England and-a a79 crown gold coin of varying value in different countries80 held considered81 lown loon, rascal, base person85 auld old94 quality rank106 th’platform the terrace on which guns were mounted and where the night watch stood guard set the watch mount the guard110 just equinox exact equal equinox moment when day and night are of equal length111 pity of a pity about117 watch…set remain awake during two revolutions of the clock (horologe)127 hazard…second risk as important a place as lieutenant128 ingraft engrained136 knave rogue/servant, low-ranking person137 twiggen bottle wicker basket (i.e. Rodorigo’s body will be crisscrossed with wounds and bruises)141 hold hold back143 mazzard head149 masters sirs150 bell town alarm bell Diablo devil (Spanish)151 rise rise up/riot152 ashamed filled with shame/dishonored157 place (your) official positions160 turned Turks converted to Islam/betrayed ourselves that…Ottomites attack each other, which the heaven-sent storm prevented the Turks from doing to us; may also allude to Islamic prohibitions against alcohol/internecine strife163 carve i.e. with his sword164 light of small value he dies i.e. I’ll kill him165 dreadful inspiring dread and terror166 From her propriety out of its rightful ordered state167 grieving distress, sorrow168 love loyal affection for me170
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