374 sitting at his desk: My account of what transpired at Canipe's Amusement Company is primarily drawn from the initial FBI interview with the shop owner, Guy Canipe, and from FBI interviews with the customers Julius Graham and Bernell Finley, April 5, 1968. I also relied on Memphis Police Department statements taken from Canipe, Graham, and Finley. Additional details came from my own interviews with the retired Memphis police officers James Papia and Jewell Ray, who were among the first on the scene at Canipe's.
375 'You are not to touch the weapon!': Memphis Police Department radio dispatcher recordings from April 4, 1968, Hughes Collection.
376 'Suspect described as young white male': Ibid.
377 Stephens dashed back to his room: FBI interview with Stephens, conducted on April 4, 1968, by Special Agents John Bauer and Stephen Darlington, Hughes Collection.
378 'Georgia, I don't think': Author interview with Georgia Davis Powers, May 7, 2008, Louisville, Ky.
379 'Give me the loop lights!': Frank,
380 'Is he alive?': This passage from inside the ambulance is largely adapted from Abernathy,
381 Captain Jewell Ray: My account of Jewell Ray's initial investigation of the crime scene at Canipe's and inside Bessie Brewer's rooming house is primarily drawn from my interview with Ray, on Feb. 13, 2009. I also interviewed the retired police officer James Papia, who investigated the scene with Ray. Additionally, I relied on Memphis Police Department statements taken from Ray, Papia, Canipe, Willie Anschutz, Charlie Stephens, and Bessie Brewer. See also Frank,
382 'Coretta, Doc just got shot': Coretta Scott King's recollection of Jackson's phone call from Memphis is in her memoir,
383 'Mama? You hear that?': Dexter Scott King,
384 'I understand': Ibid.
385 team of nurses and ER orderlies: My passages concerning the efforts to save King's life inside the St. Joseph's ER are drawn from multiple sources. I especially relied on Memphis Police Department summaries (Hughes Collection) gathered immediately after King's death by homicide detectives who interviewed a number of ER doctors and nurses. Other important sources include the oral history of Dr. Frederick Gioia and other attending physicians in Beifuss,
386 'I'm staying': Abernathy,
387 Gioia stepped into the fray: For my passage on Dr. Gioia and his efforts to treat King, I'm grateful for the insights of his daughter, Dominique Gioia Skaggs, with whom I spoke and corresponded.
388 'It would be a blessing': Abernathy,
389 Rufus Bradshaw: My account of the CB radio 'chase' heard by Bradshaw is primarily drawn from the radio dispatcher recording, Hughes Collection. I also relied on Memphis Police Department and the FBI's Memphis field office investigations of the CB radio transmission, Hughes Collection.
390 In the waiting room, Andy Young sat: Young,
391 'The
392 Hanging up the beige receiver: Dexter King,
393 'Your father--there's been an accident': Ibid.
394 'I need to see Dr. King!': Frady,
395 'And I caught his head': Ibid.
396 'You dirty, stinking, lying ...!': Williams, quoted in Kenneth R. Timmerman,
397 'It's a helluva thing': Ibid., p. 7.
398 'This whole thing's': Frady,
399 David Burrington: Timmerman,
400 'He won't make it': Abernathy,
401 'nothing more than prolonged shudders': Ibid., p. 443.
402 Father Bergard closed King's eyes: Beifuss,
403 King's parents listened to the radio: Martin Luther King Sr.,
404 'No matter how much protection': Ibid., p. 187.
405 'My first son': Ibid., p. 189.
406 Two agents: This passage is drawn from Arthur L. Murtagh's testimony in House Select Committee on Assassinations,
407 'entirely a hoax': My passages concerning the Memphis Police Department's postmortem analysis of the CB car chase hoax are primarily drawn from the sixteen-page report 'Dr.