office, filed on April 18, 1968, Hughes Collection. I also adapted material here from 'Capitol Homes Stirred Up by That Mustang,'
1812 REDUX
518 'Please know that I join you': King senior to Johnson, telegram, quoted in Risen,
519 'If I were a kid in Harlem': Busby,
520 'Help us, Lord': Ibid., p. 239.
521 'take as many white people': Stokely Carmichael, quoted in Risen,
522 'Gentlemen, I think you better see this': Busby,
523 Morris S. Clark: Here I consulted the FBI Crime Lab's initial fiber analysis in 'Report of the FBI Laboratory, FBI, April 17, 1968, Evidence Recovered in Front of 424 So. Main St. April 4th, 1968,' p. 9, Hughes Collection.
524 quickly dispatched to Rompage: See Frank,
525 tiny tag was made of white tape: Here I primarily consulted the eighteen-page FBI report 'Investigation to Trace the Laundry Marks Found on Underwear Abandoned near the Scene of the Shooting of Dr. King,' Hughes Collection.
526 'I thought of the brittle smile': Abernathy,
527 'Martin was unworried': Ibid.
528 'Daddy is lying down in the back': Coretta Scott King,
529 'I'd look around': Dexter Scott King,
530 'Mother knew I was avoiding': Ibid.
531 'looked so young and smooth': Coretta Scott King,
532 'Uncle Andy, this man': Young,
533 buying a one-way ticket: My account of Ray's bus trip north is drawn from his statements and testimony in House Select Committee on Assassinations (hereafter HSCA),
535 checked his suitcase in to a locker: HSCA,
536 boarded a second bus: Ibid.
537 bottle of the finest sherry: Oral history with Ramsey Clark, interview 4, conducted by Harri Baker on April 16, 1969, Johnson Presidential Library.
538 'We had considerably more evidence': Author interview with Clark, Oct. 9, 2008, New York City.
539 'We are virtually unique': Clark,
540 'to dam the flood': DeLoach,
541 now occupied by federal troops: My depictions of the D.C. riots here are largely drawn from Risen,
542 'the air of a parliament': The columnist Mary McGrory, quoted in Risen,
543 'In all my life': Author interview with Clark.
544 coach reached the Motor City: See James Earl Ray's testimony in House Select Committee on Assassinations,
545 'It is better to overreact': Cavanaugh, quoted in Risen,
546 Galt later claimed that he stashed his suitcase: See Huie,
547 Mrs. Szpakowski showed him up to the room: My description of Ray's room on Ossington, and his behavior and actions while staying there as a guest, is largely drawn from O'Neil, 'Ray, Sirhan--What Possessed Them?' I also relied on a special report, 'King Murder Suspect Held--He Hid 1 Month in Metro,'
548 Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte: See Poitier,
549 'I didn't want to face Coretta': Georgia Davis Powers,
550 'Sorry for what?': Ibid., p. 234.
551 didn't leave his room: See Huie,
552 He was in Baltimore: See Gentry,
553 'This man, in the full prime': Lawson, quoted in Honey,
554 'I noticed how worried': Huie,