“Tracks,” he said, voice hoarse. “Some of the guys found tracks leading south.”


He was thinking of his uncle; I could see it on his face.

Instantly, I was burning again, only this time with hope. My hand slid into Chase’s, and we glanced one more time at the charred, ruined pits of safety, at the last remaining embers that smoldered even after the flames had died. And something told me this was not the end, that there was a reason we had persevered.

Without another word, we ran south.


Now is the point where I get to reflect on how truly lucky I am. As if, with each step further into this writing world, I could ever forget.

This book would not have been possible without the encouragement, advice, and superhero powers of my agent, Joanna MacKenzie, or without Danielle Egan-Miller’s and Shelbey Campbell’s excellent organization and efforts to advocate. I am so grateful to have the Browne and Miller team in my corner.

Breaking Point would still be locked in my laptop if not for my editor, Melissa Frain. Thank you for your patience and kindness, for your brilliant comments, and for always making me laugh. I would not trade knowing you for anything. Thank you to Kathleen Doherty for being an amazing publisher and for taking a chance on a debut author, to Alexis Saarela for organizing Chase and Ember’s social calendar, and to Seth Lerner’s art team for making this cover super cool.

A special thank-you to Officer Hernandez, who allowed me to join him through the Ride Along program at the local police department, and showed me just a hint of the risks he takes each night keeping the city safe.

An author is only as good as her support team. Thank you to my friends and family for knowing me and loving me anyway, to the great authors, booksellers, and librarians I have met on this journey, and to the bloggers who have been absolutely integral in spreading the word about ARTICLE 5. Thank you to those who have shared their stories of struggle and triumph with me over the past year—you are truly an inspiration. Thank you to Katie McGarry, who I refuse to call a crit partner or a first reader because she is so, so much more than that. Whatever stars aligned for us to meet, I will forever sing their praises.

And thank you to my husband, Jason. I just don’t work without you.


Article 5

Breaking Point


Kristen Simmons has a master’s degree in social work and is an advocate for mental health. She lives with her family and their precious greyhound, Rudy, in Tampa, Florida.



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Copyright © 2013 by Kristen Simmons

All rights reserved.

Cover art by Nekro

A Tor Teen Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC

175 Fifth Avenue

New York, NY 10010


Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Simmons, Kristen.

Breaking point / Kristen Simmons.—1st ed.

p. cm.

“A Tom Doherty Associates Book.”

ISBN 978-0-7653-2959-2 (hardcover)

ISBN 978-1-4299-4945-3 (e-book)

1. Government, Resistance to—Fiction. 2. Fugitives from justice—Fiction. 3. Science fiction. I. Title.

PZ7.S591825Bre 2013



First Edition: February 2013

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