protectin’ your money. Unless you think Carter broke through the door in the basement and whacked four men before they could even warn us. I mean, we’re not talkin’ about punks.’

Bobby’s heart rate drops a notch or two, but he doesn’t move. The armored Explorer now stands between him and the warehouse, which is just the way he likes it. Carter might be anywhere, he might be nowhere. Bobby draws the H&K .40 cal tucked into his waistband as he studies the truck yard and the roofline, his gaze intent. But there’s little to be learned, what with the moon having set and working street lights few and far between. The trucks in the yard are parked haphazardly, creating impenetrable shadows, while the ledge on the roof, long in need of repair, is as broken and irregular as the Blade’s teeth after the cops worked him over.

‘Tell ya what, Marco,’ Bobby says. ‘How ’bout you stroll through the front door and check it out for yourself? Here, I’ll give ya the fuckin’ keys.’

The Blade’s face reddens, but he doesn’t take the challenge, in part because he’s not armed. ‘All right, Bobby, I get the point. So, now whatta we do? Wait for somebody to come out?’

‘No, lemme try one more thing.’ Bobby slides the gun inside his waistband, then scrolls through his phone’s call log. ‘I know I called him a couple of weeks ago,’ he tells the Blade.

‘Called who?’

‘Al Zeffri.’

‘I got his number.’ The Blade takes out his own cellphone, runs through his contact list for a moment, then presses the call button. He holds the phone aloft and both men listen to it ring four times before Zeffri’s voicemail kicks in.

‘Shit.’ Bobby again surveys the warehouse. If anything, the shadows are deeper. But it doesn’t really matter. He can’t lose the money, his own or the money fronted to him. If he does, he’s as good as dead.

‘I gotta go in,’ he says. ‘Simple as that. I gotta go in.’

‘I’m not armed, boss.’ The Blade’s gaze is intense, but his tone is apologetic. ‘We were just supposed to dump the freak tonight. I didn’t know we were comin’ here.’

Bobby instantly corrects his lieutenant. ‘What we were supposed to be is ready for anything.’

‘What can I say? You get caught with a gun, it’s three years minimum. And it wasn’t like the freak was gonna put up a fight.’

Bobby drops the cellphone into his pocket and fishes for his keys. He’s thinking that his life has been a battle from the day a federal judge sentenced his father to a sixty year bit. Bobby had been what? Fifteen years old? Yeah, fifteen years old and responsible for a morbidly obese mother who cried from morning to night, and a dimwit brother who got beat up every other day.


‘What, Marco? What the fuck do you want now?’

‘It ain’t what I want. It’s what she wants.’

Despite everything, despite even the gun in her hands, Bobby Ditto is taken with Angel Tamanaka’s beauty. The teardrop eyes, the glossy black hair, the rounded mouth and the determined little chin. Too determined. The gun’s moving between himself and the Blade, and her hand isn’t shaking.

Bobby Ditto knows the difference between a genuine threat and a bluff. Angel will not only pull the trigger if attacked, she’s only a heartbeat away from pulling the trigger right this minute. That’s OK with Bobby. He feels better now that there’s an enemy standing in front of him, and better still when the little gun settles on the Blade.

‘Remember me?’ Angel asks.

‘Yeah, I remember you.’

‘Remember all those things you said you were going to do to me?’

The Blade’s mouth opens, closes, opens again. ‘I was only tryin’ to scare you.’

‘Scare me into doing what?’

‘Into telling me where your partner was.’

‘Ah, so that means you weren’t going to tie my wrists to a ceiling beam? And that thing with the pliers? That was an empty threat? You were planning to let me go?’

Bobby’s measuring the distance between himself and Angel, maybe fifteen feet, two strides and a leap. The little automatic’s not a man stopper. Unless she gets real lucky, it won’t even slow him down. Of course, she doesn’t have to get lucky if he’s standing still when she pulls the trigger, which is why he intends to move on her when she finally shoots the Blade.

The Blade straightens up and draws a long breath through his prow of a nose. Old school to the max, threats from a whore don’t appeal to him, as Bobby knew they wouldn’t. If he was armed, his piece would already be in his hand.

Angel smiles. ‘Nothing to say?’

‘Yeah, I got something to say. Go fuck yourself.’

The conversation having come to a dead end, Angel pulls the trigger, surprising Bobby. Nevertheless, he moves before the echo dies off, his head down, hands reaching for the gun even as the Blade falls backward. He puts everything he has into the charge, but he’s not fast enough. A bullet whizzes by his ear when Angel fires a second time. Then he’s on her, slapping the gun away, pulling her into a bear hug, overwhelming her with his bulk and his strength. When he hears the little automatic clatter on the sidewalk, he knows he’s won. Not so the Blade. He’s lying on the ground with his head propped against the Explorer’s front door, one hand clutching his throat in a futile attempt to stem the blood gushing from a little hole beneath his Adam’s apple. He looks at his boss and tries to speak, but there are no words left for the Blade, only a trail of bubbles that spray from the hole to hang for a moment in the darkness.

‘Tell me your fuckin’ name.’

Bobby’s dropped into survival mode, a core space hollowed from a mountain of ice. He’s thinking it’s tough shit about Marco, but he can’t take his eyes off the blood streaming down the side of the SUV. In the dim light, the blood appears as black and thick as motor oil.

‘Louise,’ Angel replies, her tone quavering just a bit.

‘That’s not your fucking name.’

‘Sue me.’

Bobby Ditto’s massive left arm tightens around Angel’s chest as he draws the .40 cal with his free hand. He pushes the barrel into the back of Angel’s head and pulls her in close to the Explorer. They’re now standing in a little pool of the Blade’s blood.

‘You think I won’t kill you because you’re a woman?’

Angel manages a tiny laugh that’s very distant from the guffaw she hoped to produce. ‘Tell me something, Bobby. Are you still hoping your men in the basement are only asleep?’

‘Hear this, bitch. I die, you die.’

‘And vice versa.’

There’s nothing to be gained by arguing and Bobby keeps his thoughts to himself as he weighs his options. He’s telling himself that he should force the whore into the Explorer – the armored Explorer – and get the fuck out of Red Hook. The Blade’s lying in his own blood, his blank eyes sightless, and the minutes are ticking away. How long before somebody comes driving down the street, somebody with a cellphone? How long before Carter shows up? One thing is certain, with the alarm still set, Carter won’t be comin’ out the front door, which means he might be comin’ from anywhere. No, the thing to do is take the whore and bargain for the money later on. Only Bobby can’t make himself believe that any sane man would pay $497,000 for a whore. Bobby Ditto wouldn’t pay that much to get his mother back from heaven.

‘I die, you die,’ he repeats. ‘But I’m not leavin’ without my fuckin’ money.’

Carter’s greeted by the crack of a small caliber handgun when he finally hauls himself on to the roof. His first thought is of Angel, a thought he puts to one side. Both bags, the tool bag and the money bag, are attached to the other end of the rope on the floor of the warehouse. First things first. Carter slides the M89 off his shoulder, lays it on the black tar roof, then pulls up the bags, his ribs throbbing with the effort. The tool bag comes through easily, but the hard-sided suitcase wedges in the hole. Carter has to lie over the opening and yank it through with his bare hands, which does nothing to ease the pain. Still, he doesn’t hesitate. Spurred by the sound of voices in the distance, one of them Angel Tamanaka’s, he picks up the M89 and scans the roof in search of cover.

He notes, first, a low wall topped with red tiles at the edge of the roof. Most of the tiles are missing now,

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