Nathan’s heavy cock prodding her ass through layers of cloth ratcheted up her frustration levels.

Nathan threw open the door of the truck then pulled her onto his lap. As if from a great distance, she heard another door slam. Suddenly Daniel was there at the side of the vehicle, and together, he and Nathan turned her until her legs dangled outside.

Then Nathan held her steady as Daniel yanked off her shoes, jeans and panties in one smooth move.

“Let us help, Olivia,” Nathan whispered into her ear. “Gods, let us fuck you. We’ve waited so long to find our mate.”

Tears filled her eyes as emotion crashed over her. Mates. Lovers. Forever.

The words reverberated in her mind. Relief, along with hunger, consumed her. She belonged here. It was kismet. Meant to be. It was a gift from the gods that she be in this place at this exact time. There was no reasoning with fate.

“Look at me, Olivia,” Nathan said. Focusing on his starkly handsome face, she recognized the compassion, the raw need in his eyes. “We know you’re scared but we’ll get through this together. Just know we accept you as our mate. From this moment on there is no going back. Understand?”

She nodded then caught her breath as another, stronger flash of lust bolted through her body. Nathan cupped her face and kissed her with voracious hunger. His tongue speared into her mouth, tasting deeply, drinking the soft whimpers that poured from her throat. Naked from the waist down, she felt Nathan’s hand move below her shirt, touching bare flesh, teasing her belly then finally wandering higher to cup her breast.

Then Olivia went still as Daniel parted her thighs, settled them over his broad shoulders. He parted her labia with his fingers and buried his lips in her aching flesh. The stark lash of his tongue, his hot breath against her hypersensitive flesh, tore another wild cry from her lips, but Nathan drank the sound.

Holding on for dear life, she clutched at Daniel’s long black hair as he ate her out. Sucking, licking, drinking the cream from her body, he finally speared his tongue deep. Her vaginal walls clenched around his thrusting tongue and instant orgasm blasted outward in ever-expanding waves, but the release was short-lived as her jaguar heat intensified, bringing with it the urge for more.

Nathan whispered indecipherable words against her temple and Daniel looked up at her from his position between her thighs, his eyes dark, beautiful and filled with some unnamed emotion. “Let’s get her inside, brother.”

Nathan carried her from the truck and before she could fathom what was happening, she was inside the house and the force of her heat was fully upon her again. Olivia closed her eyes, drawing on every reserve of calm she possessed as Nathan carried her up a flight of stairs.

Closing her eyes, she heard the low hum of the air conditioner but it did nothing to cool the heat in her blood. Her body made demands she was ill equipped to fully understand. Yes, her mom had warned her that changing from woman to beast was traumatic and potentially deadly without the sexual aid of not one, but two jaguar males. Still, she hadn’t fully understood the truth of the matter until now.

At the moment, she could only thank the gods they’d found her in time.

Nathan carried her into a massive master suite and as Daniel yanked down the covers on the huge bed, she was stripped of her remaining clothing…a simple top and her bra. As she sat on the edge of the bed, avidly watching the guys remove their clothing, she marveled at how fortunate she’d been to be rescued by such hot-as- hell specimens of jaguar flesh.

Daniel’s hair—thick, black and shiny—hung past his broad shoulders. His body was bronzed and hard, rounded by muscle and supported by long, sturdy legs. Nathan was built much the same, hard as hell, with enough muscular beauty to make her fingers itch to touch. Instead of brown, as she’d first thought, his eyes were dark green and tilted slightly at the edges, giving him a catlike appearance. Rather appropriate since, after all, he was a cat. A gorgeous, big, very manly cat.

Olivia’s mouth went dry at the sight of them and desire raced over her flesh, leaving in its wake a need impossible to ignore.

“Now,” she whispered, amazed at her boldness. “Hurry.”

Nathan went to his knees between her spread thighs to draw one taut nipple into his mouth. Tonguing the hard flesh, he nipped and sucked until a fresh rain of cream drenched her hot pussy.

“We dreamed our mate would be beautiful, but we never imagined…” he breathed against her breast. His fingers moved over her, skimming her ribs and belly, before moving lower to study the damp, fevered flesh of her pussy. His mouth worked at her nipple and Olivia’s head dropped back like the broken stem of a flower as passion flowed like liquid honey through her body.

Daniel settled behind her on the bed, his hands moving into action, his mouth skimming the length of her bare back. Teasing with his teeth and tongue, he stroked her, his hands warm, so very warm on her skin. A languid lassitude carried Livvy under.

“Nathan. Daniel. Gods, you feel so perfect! I never imagined it would be this way.”

Daniel rose behind her and leaned close to whisper in her ear. The hard muscles of his chest rubbed against her back and pleasure spiked again. Olivia sucked in a breath and held it.

“We aim to please, sweetheart. We’re here,” he murmured. “We’ll fuck you until you tell us to stop and then we’ll claim you in the way of our people. Count on it. You belong to us, Olivia. And before it’s all done, your beast will be born.”

“Livvy! Call me Livvy.”

She felt his lips curve into a smile against her cheek seconds before he gently tugged her into the center of the big bed.

Before she could gasp another breath, both men were upon her, their hungry mouths attached to her nipples.

Pleasure poured over her like a song as their hands moved over her heated body. Ribs, belly, breasts and thighs. No part of her was left untouched, and when they sent busy fingers over her slit, parted her and delved inside, raw passion bolted through her. Trembling, she bowed her back, writhing against their marauding touch. Fingers dipped heavily into her cunt and Livvy cried out, her voice wavering in the still air.

Daniel and Nathan exchanged an indecipherable glance and apparently came to some unspoken agreement, because together they pulled her into a sitting position. Daniel moved behind her, his long legs resting on either side of her thighs, while Nathan remained on his knees near the foot of the bed.

Livvy was on fire for them, her body out of control, and the only thought in her mind was relief. Daniel’s cock felt heavy, thick and oh so very long as it pressed against the cleft of her ass. Before her, Nathan fisted his hand over his own sizeable erection.

Olivia wet her lips and panting little breaths whipped rapidly from her lungs. Up and down, over and over, Nathan worked his hard flesh and it was impossible, even in the dimly lit room, to miss the drop of fluid that settled on the head of his cock.

Nathan’s face was a mask of agonized patience as Daniel hooked his feet around her ankles to spread her open. Nathan looked hungrily at her pussy as his hand moved faster and faster over his cock. Finally Daniel lifted her body until her pussy hovered over the head of his penis. With a raw shout, he lowered her until she was filled to the hilt.

Her wild cry broke free as he thrust high into her body, and when Livvy’s head dropped back against Daniel’s chest, Nathan crawled toward her, finding a place between her open thighs. His mouth latched on to her clit and he sucked gently as Daniel continued to slide his girth into her unclaimed body. In. Out. Deeper. Higher. He thrust so deeply she didn’t know where he began and she ended. And through it all, Nathan’s hot mouth devoured her, causing a conflagration of sensation to send wave after wave of raw pleasure pounding through her bloodstream.

The impatient little jaguar buried deep inside her body clawed to break free and she swore the warm brush of fur swept her innards in the beast’s effort to be born.

Not yet.

It was too soon for all that, but in the meantime, she would absorb this totally new experience as her body readied itself for shift from woman to beast.

Wicked fingers of pleasure danced over her spine and somehow she still felt needy. She wanted more, harder, faster. Longing washed over her and then she felt movement, a shifting. Nathan’s mouth left her pussy and when she opened her eyes, the head of his cock brushed her lips.

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