“You should have trusted me.”

“I know. But it occurred to me that we don’t really know you very well.”

“I’m a loner. It goes with being a bear.”

She patted his arm. “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

“Thank you.” He returned her smile. “I appreciate your help, but from now on, I’ll be handling the matter myself without any outside interference. You understand?”

She gave him a wry look. “Is that your polite way of telling me to butt out?”

“Does a bear piss in the woods?”

Fifteen minutes later, Howard walked into the diner in Cranville. This late at night, it was almost empty. A few people sat at the counter, enjoying a late snack of homemade pie. Elsa and Alastair sat at a table for four.

“We’ve already ordered,” Alastair informed him. “We’re exhausted from traveling all day.”

“I understand.” Howard sat next to Elsa, and she gave him a nervous look. “I just arrived myself. I was in Alaska yesterday.”

“Alaska?” Elsa asked, her eyes wide. “I’ve never been there.”

He smiled at her. “You’d love it.”

She smiled back, her cheeks blushing.

“Business or pleasure?” Alastair asked as he unrolled the paper napkin holding his silverware.

“A bit of both,” Howard replied. “I have family there.”

“Children?” Alastair asked while Elsa winced.

“No children. I’m not married.”

“And what kind of business do you do?” Alastair asked.

Howard’s mouth twitched. Was Alastair interrogating him to make sure he was suitable for Elsa? She was sitting there, looking highly embarrassed with her pink cheeks. “I work for MacKay Security and Investigations. I’m into keeping people safe.”

“Ah.” Alastair nodded. “Elsa tells me you’re a fan of the show.”

“I am.” He waved at the waitress and ordered a hamburger.

“Which show did you enjoy the most?” Alastair asked.

Was this a test to see if he actually watched? “I thought the house in Berlin was the biggest challenge, especially since the owner was so uncooperative.”

“He was an ass,” Alastair muttered.

Howard grinned. “I thought so, too. But the house in London is probably my favorite. Elsa did a fantastic job on the woodwork.”

She smiled shyly. “Thank you.”

“What does the show mean to you?” Howard asked, wondering if she loved all the attention of being an international celebrity.

“For me, it’s about our heritage.” Alastair arranged his silverware neatly on the Formica-topped table. “It’s important to preserve our history, to honor it. Otherwise, we have no idea who we are and where we’re going.”

Howard nodded. His grandfather would agree with this. He was always droning on and on about their history as berserkers. “And you, Elsa?”

She sipped some water as she considered. “For me it’s all about family. Creating a home where a family can make their own history, where year after year holidays are celebrated and birthday candles are blown out.”

Howard smiled. “Do you come from a big family?”

She shook her head. “No. I was an only child. I lost my mom when I was young, so my aunt and uncle raised me.”

“Then you place a high value on family because it’s always been scarce.”

She tilted her head, considering. “I never thought about it that way, but it’s true. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a family settled into one of the houses we renovate. If we can give them a good solid home, then it seems like we’re doing something really special.”

“You are.”

Her gaze met his, and instantly he felt the connection, the pull. Would he be able to touch her again without hurting her?

Alastair cleared his throat, and Howard wondered how long he and Elsa had stared at each other. The waitress brought their food, and they busied themselves eating.

“How did you learn to do woodwork?” Howard asked.

Elsa swallowed her bite of hamburger. “I learned from my uncle Peder. It was his hobby.” She sipped some more water. “He passed away about a year ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

She shrugged. “I miss him, but I’m forever grateful to him. He was a builder by profession and taught me so much. My aunt is an interior designer, so I grew up surrounded by sawdust, paint and carpet samples, and swatches of fabric.”

Alastair wiped his mouth with the paper napkin. “My family was into construction, too. It gets into your blood.”

Elsa nodded. “I became fascinated with the whole process of turning a few boards and brick into an actual home, a place where children could play and couples grow old together.”

Howard smiled. This was the Elsa he’d fallen for on television. She was genuine. Real. And he was going to pursue her in earnest. If he could touch her without hurting her.

After paying for dinner, he followed them outside.

“I’ll go get us some rooms.” Alastair headed across the street to the motel office.

“He’s leaving me alone with you?” Howard smiled at Elsa. “I must have passed inspection.”

She snorted. “Alastair considers me his little sister. A rather big little sister.”

“Not too big to me.”

She gave him a puzzled look.

He stepped closer. “Can I see you again?”

“I’m sure we’ll see each other often at the house.”

“That’s not what I meant.” He reached out to touch her arm, but she moved back. “Does your shoulder still hurt?”

“A little. I should go to my room and put some of that ointment on it. Thank you for dinner.” She stepped off the sidewalk to cross the road.


She glanced back.

“Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to know what will happen?” He extended a hand toward her.

Frowning, she turned to face him. “Why would I ask for more pain?”

“Maybe it won’t hurt this time.”

“It hurt before. It’s too big a risk.”

“It’s too big a loss if we give up on our future.”

She scoffed. “What future?”

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I really want to see you again.” He was tempted to tell her they were somehow connected, but he didn’t want to frighten her.

She groaned with frustration. “I’m not sure I can trust you.”

He turned his hand palm up. “Try me and see.”

After a moment of hesitation, she extended her hand and gently tapped his fingers with her own. Her gaze lifted to his. “It didn’t burn.”

With a grin, he took her hand in his. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She nodded, her cheeks blushing. “Good night, Howard.” She let go and dashed across the street.

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