“Mustard, no mayo,” Elsa called out, then waved as he drove off toward Cranville.

He’d been wily enough last night to wheedle an extra key from Shanna, and they had spent the morning taking photos and documenting problems they found in each room. It was all part of their plan to show Shanna how excited and dedicated they were over the proposed renovation.

Elsa returned to her notepad in the old house’s kitchen. There would be a ton of work needed there. New plumbing, new appliances, new countertops, new floor. The old cabinets were solid wood and salvageable, but she doubted there were enough of them to suit a modern owner. This was her area of expertise—woodwork. And it was the sort of challenge she loved. She could fashion new cabinets that were an exact match to the old ones.

Last night, she’d told Howard it was all about family. And it was. She could feel it most strongly here in the kitchen. How many meals had been prepared in this room? How many families had gathered around this old wooden table? Quite a few, since the gatehouse had been built in 1892. She ran a hand over the scarred table. If it was up to her, she’d make sure this old house continued to be a home for another hundred years.

She ventured into a small room next to the kitchen and halted with a wince. The boards were giving too much under her weight. She knelt for a closer look. Wood rot. The window was missing a few panes, so rain and snow had probably come inside. She noted a few huge washtubs leaning against the wall. The room may have been used as a primitive laundry room or bathroom, so there could be a history of spilled water. She exited and stuck a Post-it note on the door. Danger. Floor about to collapse.

She headed back toward the foyer and gasped. There was a little boy standing just inside the front door, gazing up at the cupola.

He spotted her and waved. “Hi!”

“Hello.” She strode toward him. “You shouldn’t come in any further. It’s not entirely safe.”

“Okay.” He smiled. “I’m Tino.”

“Pleased to meet you.” He was an angelic-looking little boy with blond curls and big blue eyes. “I’m Elsa.”

“I know. I came to see you.”

That’s odd. “That’s nice.” She peered out the front door but didn’t see a car or anyone else. “Do you live close by?” When he nodded, she asked, “And you came here all alone?”

He lifted his chin. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’m five years old.”

She winced inwardly. That was much too young to be wandering about the countryside. “Where are your parents?”

“They’re asleep.”

She swallowed down a gulp of indignation that parents could leave such an innocent child on his own. Twinges of her own abandonment at the age of three needled her. She would take this boy home and have a few words in private with his parents. “Do you mind if I walk you home?”

Tino grinned. “That would be great.”

“Just a sec.” She wrote a quick note to Alastair on her notepad and left it by the front door where he would see it. Then she grabbed her handbag and ushered the boy outside.

She closed the door. “Do you know the way home?”

“That way.” Tino pointed at the woods.

She winced. “You live in the forest?” The dark, creepy forest?

“That’s just a shortcut. Come on.” Tino took her hand and led her down the steps and across the driveway.

Sure enough, there was a path through the woods. She held onto the little boy’s hand and gazed around. It was a bit darker, but not all that creepy. Very pretty, actually. The dimmer light seemed to make the colors brighter, not so washed out by the sun. It was cooler here, and quite pleasant to be surrounded by her favorite color, green. She took a deep breath. It even smelled good.

A noise behind her made her jump.

Tino giggled. “It’s just a squirrel.”

“Right.” She smiled at him. There was nothing to be afraid of. She’d seen plenty of squirrels around their house in the suburbs of Minneapolis.

She glanced back. There were three squirrels now. Were they following them?

She exhaled in relief when they stepped out onto the main road. “Okay, which way?”

“Down there.” Tino let go of her hand to point.

She started walking beside him. Wasn’t the school Shanna had warned them about down this road? And she’d promised to never go near it. Maybe the little boy lived somewhere on the way. “How far do we go?”

Tino shrugged. “A few miles, I think.”

She halted. “You walked miles?”


“Then how did you get here?”

He wrinkled his nose as if searching for an answer. “I’m special.”

She smiled. “I’m sure you are, but that doesn’t really explain how you got here.”

“I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

Huh? Maybe she should wait till Alastair returned with the car. She glanced back and gasped.

A small herd of deer was on the road, along with half a dozen squirrels and rabbits. They were all looking at her.

Tino laughed. “I think they like you.”

Her skin prickled with gooseflesh. “I wouldn’t know why.”

“Maybe they want you to sing to them,” he suggested. “Like Sleeping Beauty.”

She snorted. “I’m more like Fiona, I’m afraid.”

“But you have blond hair like Sleeping Beauty. And you’re not green.”

She smiled. No one had ever compared her to a willowy princess before. “I’m a bit on the large size.”

“You’re smaller than Howard.”

Her smile faded. “You know Howard?”

“Sure. He’s a really nice guy. He feeds me donuts and plays games with me. I like him a lot. You would, too, if you got to know him.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Did he send you here?”

“No!” Tino hung his head. “He’ll probably get mad at me for coming.”

“Where is he?”

“At the school. He’s head of se-secoowaty.”

“Security?” Was this the school Shanna had warned her to stay away from? Was it such a dangerous place that it needed a huge man like Howard to keep the inmates in line?

“Come on.” Tino motioned for her to follow. “I’ll take you to the school so you can see Howard.”

She followed reluctantly. “I’m not supposed to go near the school. I promised Mrs. Draganesti that—”

“My mom?”

Elsa halted. “Shanna Draganesti is your mother?”

“Sure.” He kept walking.

She hurried to catch up. “Where is your mother?”

“At the school. My dad’s there, too. We live there.” Tino smiled at her. “Howard’s there, too. He’ll be really happy to see you again.”

The little boy was matchmaking. Elsa shook her head. Why had Shanna said the school was full of juvenile delinquents? “I—I thought the school was for troubled children.”

Tino’s eyes widened. “Troubled?”


“We’re not troubled. We’re special.”

“Special how?”

He frowned. “I’m not supposed to talk about it.”

This was getting more and more strange, but it was all part of the puzzle she’d sensed the night before, a puzzle she wanted the answers to. She glanced back. The animals were still there, following them at a distance. “I

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