She hesitated a moment, then placed her hand in his. “All right.”
He led her to the left. “I can hear the water over there.”
“With your super hearing?”
He glanced at her. “You don’t hear it?”
“No. And I can barely see.”
“The clouds are covering the moon right now. But don’t worry. I won’t let you fall.” He pointed to her left. “Big rock there.”
She eased closer to him.
After they had walked for a little while, the moon broke free from the clouds and shone down brightly. The grass around them glittered silver with dew. Ahead of them, the creek sparkled.
“It’s so pretty,” she whispered.
“Yes.” It was a beautiful spot, a perfect spot for their first kiss. He inched closer.
“But where is the waterfall?” She released his hand and strode upstream.
Damn. He followed her around the bend. The sound of the falls grew louder. “Be careful.”
“Look!” She pointed and glanced back at him, grinning. “I found it.”
He smiled back. As far as waterfalls went, it was on the puny side, only about four feet high. But if she liked this, she’d love Alaska.
“There’s a bench.” She sat and gazed at the falls. “What a lovely spot.”
“Yes.” This would be even better for their first kiss. He sat on the bench beside her.
“The sound of the water is so relaxing, don’t you think?” She tilted her head back. “And look at all the stars. You never see them like this in the city.”
“No.” He slipped an arm along the back of the bench. “You should see the northern lights in Alaska. Though I guess you might have seen them when you lived in Sweden.”
“I don’t remember. It’s been twenty years since I lived there.”
And he’d been banished for twenty years. It was an odd thing to have in common. “You never wanted to go back?”
She sighed. “For years I begged to go back. Unfortunately, my aunts didn’t think it was safe for me there.”
She shrugged. “If I tell you, it’ll just sound bizarre.”
“More bizarre than teleportation?”
“That was major bizarro, but it was real. The stuff my aunts believe is nonsense.” She rubbed her shoulder, frowning. “Or I thought it was nonsense until . . .”
“Until I made your birthmark burn?”
She gave him a frustrated look. “Why you? What is it about you that’s different?”
He winced inwardly.
“One of your secrets, huh?” She crossed her arms and gazed at the sky.
His mind raced as he tried to come up with something he could tell her, something that would reassure her and not frighten her, but he came up with nothing.
“Look! A falling star.” She closed her eyes briefly, then glanced at him. “Did you make a wish?”
“I missed it.”
She nodded, then gave him a sly smile. “But I won’t tell you. I can have secrets, too.”
“If you tell me, I could help you make it come true.”
Her smile faded as she looked away. “Wishes don’t always come true.”
He wondered what it was she wanted. And what would he wish for? A kiss? If he was lucky, he could have a thousand kisses in a lifetime. He should wish for something more profound.
He gazed at the sky and thought about his life and those he loved: Carly, his mother, his grandfather. He hadn’t protected Carly. He’d failed her, and he’d disappointed his family. He’d made his mother suffer with his long banishment.
“You’re deep in thought,” Elsa whispered.
“It happens.” He smiled. “About once a year.”
She snorted. “What were you thinking that had you looking so forlorn?”
“I was thinking I would wish to love without regret.”
She turned to face him. “I don’t think you can live without at least a few regrets.”
“True. But I don’t want to make the people I love sad. I would wish that my love would bring them joy.”
She nodded with a hint of a smile. “That’s an excellent wish.”
If only he could bring Elsa joy. “Why did your aunt tell you to avoid me?”
Her eyes widened. “You heard that?”
He nodded. “Is it because I made your birthmark burn?”
She sighed. “I know this will sound ridiculous, but my aunts believe in a family curse.”
He stiffened.
“I know.” She gave him a wry look. “Silly, isn’t it?”
He sat very still so she wouldn’t know that his heart was pounding, his muscles clenching.
His grandfather did. And apparently, Elsa’s aunts did, too. “Are you saying I’m somehow involved with your family curse? That’s why you were told to avoid me?”
She touched his arm. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a bunch of nonsense.”
That was exactly what he told his grandfather. The curse was nonsense. But it seemed a strange coincidence that Elsa’s family would have a curse, too. “You . . . don’t believe in the curse?”
“No.” She smiled. “If I did, I wouldn’t be here alone with you.”
He swallowed hard. “Am I supposed to be some kind of threat to you?”
She shrugged. “I’d be scared to death if I was a feral pig.”
“Elsa.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “I would never hurt you.”
She patted his arm. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t believe in the curse.”
He took a deep breath. That was a relief, but still . . . how could both families have a curse? He cleared his throat. “This is going to sound strange, but my family has a curse, too.”
Her mouth fell open. “Really?”
“Yes.” He gave her a wry look. “See how much we have in common?”
She scoffed. “You’re making that up.”
“I’m serious. My grandfather has told me the curse story a million times.”
“That’s so strange.” Her eyes narrowed. “What happens if your curse comes true?”
“My family line dies off. And yours?”
She looked away. “I die off.”
He flinched. “Bull crap.”
She snorted. “My feelings exactly.”
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
“I appreciate that, particularly from a guy who has some superpowers, but it’s not necessary. I don’t believe in the curse.”
“Good. But why you?”
She shrugged. “Apparently it has something to do with my birthmark. Aunt Ula has the mark of a fish on her shoulder. And Aunt Greta has the mark of a bird—”
“Holy crap,” he whispered. The Guardians of the Sea and Sky? He jumped to his feet and strode to the edge of the creek. It couldn’t be true. Grandfather’s story was a load of bull. This was just a coincidence.
How many coincidences did it take to make a reality? Three women in a family with strange birthmarks. Three guardians.
He turned to look at Elsa. Could she possibly be the third guardian? No, it couldn’t be. He inhaled deeply to calm himself and caught the scent of many animals, all hiding nearby. He scanned the nearby woods and saw the