died trying to protect her.

“Thank you for watching over me,” she told the deer. “But I don’t need your help right now.” An eerie feeling swept over her, and she suddenly knew what to do. She lifted her hands, palms facing the deer. “Go in peace.”

The deer slowly ambled away.

“Wow,” Howard said softly behind her. “They do what you say.”

She swallowed hard. The more time she spent in the forest, the more she became attuned to this strange power within her. It was growing inside her as surely and steadily as the forest grew. It was changing her, calling her home, making her the guardian.

As she watched the deer disappear into the woods, she was struck by their noble bearing. They were beautiful. And they possessed an instinctual wisdom as ancient as the forest. They knew who she was. And they were loyal.

Did they sense something she was refusing to see? They clearly saw Howard as a threat to her. What if they were right? Shouldn’t she respect their instincts with the same respect they gave to her?

She buttoned up her shirt. “I should get back to work now.” She hurried back to the picnic blanket just in time to see two raccoons running off with the rest of the smoked salmon.

“Those damned thieves,” Howard muttered. “See you tomorrow?”

“Maybe.” She stepped toward the house, then paused. “Oh, I almost forgot. I need to see Shanna again. I have a bunch of countertop samples to show her, and I need to know which stain she wants for the cabinets. Stuff like that.”

He nodded. “I’ll tell her. You want her to come by after sunset?”

“Yes.” Elsa wondered briefly why Shanna Draganesti could only come at night, but then she dismissed the thought. She had enough to worry about. After all, she was falling in love with a were-bear who might fulfill a curse and kill her. If she had any sense, she’d heed the warning from the deer. But she didn’t have any sense. She wanted to love him. Dear, sweet Howard.

She shoved back a tendril of hair that had escaped her ponytail. “Good-bye.”

His eyes narrowed as if he suspected something was wrong. She turned to walk toward the house.

“Elsa,” he called after her, and she stopped. Glanced back.

“Whom are you going to believe—a few deer or the man who loves you?”

Her heart lurched. He loved her? Oh God, it was her dream come true. In a normal world, this would be the moment she confessed her love to him and they would run into each other’s arms. Music would come out of nowhere, swelling dramatically as they fell into a long, passionate kiss. And they would live happily ever after.

A pang shot through her chest. The world was no longer normal. And she wasn’t absolutely sure she could trust him. Even though he loved her. Even though she loved him.

Tears gathered in her eyes, blurring her vision of him. She ran into the house.

Dammit, he was losing her again. Howard paced around his office. A new strategy, that was what he needed. Time to call in the troops.

He sat at his desk and wrote a note to Shanna, explaining that Elsa was having trouble adjusting to his being a were-bear, especially when there was a curse that made it seem like he would kill her. So, when Shanna met with Elsa this evening, could she please put in a good word for him? Convince Elsa he was safe?

Howard glared at the note. He hated having to ask for help. His inner bear took it as a sign of weakness.

“Dammit.” He turned to his computer to think about something else for a while. There was an e-mail from Harry, sent late last night.

Howard, I found an old were-bear who lives along the Yukon River. He recalls smelling werewolves in the woods the day the fire started. He remembers because his cabin burned down, and he blames it on the werewolves.

I did some searching on the company that bought the land from our mothers. It’s a front for a company that’s a front for another. Finally found out who actually bought the land. Old man Bleddyn, Rhett’s father.

Howard stiffened. He’d always believed the hatred between him and Rhett had started with them during high school. But did the hatred go back even further? Were the two fathers involved in a battle that had ended with his father’s murder?

He finished reading Harry’s e-mail.

I’ll see what else I can find out. Take it easy, buddy.


Another e-mail popped into his inbox from his cousin Jimmy.


Grandpa asked me to send you this link. And he says you should come home right away. I’m really sorry, dude.

Howard’s chest tightened as he opened the link. It was an online article from a major newspaper in Anchorage.

“Journalist Killed in Car Bombing Incident”

His heart clenched in his chest. His eyes darted around the article, unable to focus. Morning blast. Apparent murder. Victim identified as Harry Yutu. Memorial service.

Harry was dead?

Howard jumped to his feet, knocking over his chair.

Harry was dead?

It was obvious who had killed him.

Howard leaned his head back and roared.

Chapter Nineteen

After the last glow of the sun disappeared over the horizon, Shanna Draganesti came back to life with a powerful jolt to her chest. She sucked in a breath and pressed a hand to her now wildly beating heart. Her vision adjusted to the dark basement bedroom at the Dragon Nest Academy.

Another night. She’d been given another night with her husband and children. A hundred years from now, would she still feel like she was living on borrowed time?

Roman stirred next to her. “Sweetness,” he mumbled as he wrapped an arm around her and snuggled close.

She shivered at the coolness of his long, naked body. She could hardly blame him. Her body was cool, too, after lying around dead all day long. They’d both fallen into their death-sleep a few minutes after making love.

She was always terribly hungry when she first awoke, but with her husband gently caressing her breasts, the last thing she wanted to think about was blood. She wanted to thank God for another night and enjoy Roman’s sweet and loving touch.

He was pressed against her back, nuzzling her neck and exploring her body. Over the centuries, he’d acquired the strength to delay his first meal for about ten minutes. And he was putting that time to good use. Already, they were growing much warmer. He nudged her bottom with his rapidly swelling groin, and she wiggled, rubbing against him.

With a groan, he squeezed her breast. “I can never get enough of you.” His hand slid down her belly.

Anticipation was so sweet. She would be wet before he reached her core. And hot with need.

“Aagh!” Her fangs popped out, and a hunger pain hit her hard in the gut. “Damn!”

Roman patted her on the rump. “Let’s feed you first.”

She scrambled out of bed and rushed toward the small kitchen area of their suite, where she removed two bottles of synthetic blood from the refrigerator. “I really know how to destroy the mood.” She winced. When her fangs were out, her voice sounded lisping and spitty, like Sylvester the cat.

She stuffed the bottles into the microwave and mumbled, “Shouldn’t I be able to control my fangs by now?” Sometimes she felt like she was failing Vampire 101.

Roman joined her in the kitchen and set two glasses on the counter. “I think you look adorable with your

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